Getting error in PHP, foreach() argument must be of type array|object, string given

Getting that error, while developing the plugin by following a youtube video series.

$options = get_option('vaishnavi_plugin_cpt');
foreach (  ($options) as $option) {
    $this->custom_post_types[] = array(
    'post_type'             => $option['post_type'],
    'name'                  => $option['plural_name'],
    'singular_name'         => $option['singular_name'],
    'menu_name'             => $option['plural_name']

After looking in on how to solve this issue, I have just added a check if(is_array($options))
above the foreach, the error got resolved but I am not getting the desired o/p.

Also, when I var_dump($options), it gives me string(0) "".

When I checked the get_option wp method, it says the following

When adding options like this: add_option( 'my_option_name', 'value' ) and then retrieving them with get_option( 'my_option_name' ), the returned values will be:

false returns string(0) ""
true returns string(1) "1"
0 returns string(1) "0"
1 returns string(1) "1"
'0' returns string(1) "0"
'1' returns string(1) "1"
null returns string(0) ""

Can any one please explain on why it is not showing me the array, or any possible solution.