Laravel Component Do not Pass Variables to Blade

I have a component that I want to pass if button [true] then it shows. However it does not pass to the blade.

Component Usage

Default would be set as false in the component file, so I just pass whenever it sets as false [or to hide it]

<x-invoice.invoice-list :invoice="$item"></x-invoice.invoice-list>

Component File

class InvoiceList extends Component
    public UserInvoice $invoice;
    public $button;
     * Create a new component instance.
    public function __construct($invoice,$button = true)
        $this->invoice = $invoice;
        $this->button = $button;

     * Get the view / contents that represent the component.
    public function render(): View|Closure|string
        return view('components.invoice.invoice-list');

Component blade file

<div class="p-2 border border-gray-200 rounded-xl mb-3 text-center relative col-span-12 lg:col-span-6">
    <div class="p-2 bg-black text-white rounded-xl font-bold text-xl mt-10">{{ format_currency($invoice->total) }}</div>
    <div class="p-2 absolute top-0 right-0 me-2 capitalize">
        <x-shared.listing-invoice-status-box :invoice="$invoice">{{ $invoice->status }}</x-shared.listing-invoice-status-box>
    <div class="p-2 text-center font-bold">{{ __('Order List') }}</div>
    <div class="p-2 border border-orange-100 rounded-xl bg-orange-50">
        @foreach ($invoice->order as $order)
            <x-shared.order-list :$order></x-shared.order-list>
    @if ($button and $invoice->status=='pending')
        < wire:click="$dispatch('openModal',{component:'modal.modal-invoice-do-payment',arguments:{'userInvoice':{{$invoice->id}}}})" class="mt-5 mb-2">{{__('Pay')}} <i
                class="ps-2 fa-solid fa-circle-right"></i></>

Actually, it runs normally in localhost but whenever I deploy to server it causes

Undefined variable $button