php cli not recognize function inside file

I am trying to check what will be the result of MySQL query inside Laravel FW. I develop a file for this:


namespace AppHttpControllers;
use AppHttpControllersController;
use IlluminateSupportFacadesDB;
use IllumunateHttpRequest;

        function DBTest(){
                echo "test1 n";

                $DBTickers [] = DB::table('stocks')->select('id')->get();

                echo "test2 n";
                echo $DBTickers;



my problem is that I can’t call DBTest from CLI. I try:

php -f ./dbTest.php DBTest -> nothing prints

php –run “require ‘./dbTest.php’; DBTest();” ->
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function DBTest() in Command line code on line 1

php -r ‘include (“./dbTest.php”); DBTest();’
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function DBTest() in Command line code on line 1

If I comment the “namespace” and “use” directives and I can call DBTest().

So, My question is is there a way (syntax) that can call the DBTest function from CLI while the “namespace” and “use” are presented?