Request in destroy Controller

this problem killing me
I have store method and it work well and when create one, table update increase quantity correctly. but when I delete that Item which I’m created the table doesn’t update at all, and it most decrease the quantity

            $products = $request->items;

            for ($i = 0; $i < count($products); $i++) {
                $billProduct              = new BillProduct();
                $billProduct->bill_id     = $bill->id;
                $billProduct->product_id  = $products[$i]['item'];
                $billProduct->quantity    = $products[$i]['quantity'];


and this is destroy controller

             if ($bill->created_by == Auth::user()->creatorId()) {
                if ($bill->vender_id != 0) {
                    Utility::userBalance('vendor', $bill->vender_id, $bill->getTotal(), 'debit');
                BillProduct::where('bill_id', '=', $bill->id)->delete();

and this is model which – or + quantity


how can I fix this problem in destroy??when I put the minus code in destroy methods get server error500.
thank you for help