How to create an exception route inside of a middleware laravel

I have made a working middleware that forces the user to complete onboarding before progressing any further in the web site. See code below –

public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
    $user = $request->user();

    // if the user has completed onboarding - let them go where they need to go!
    if ($user->isOnboarded())
        return $next($request);

    $redirectDictionary = [
        0 => 'employment.index',
        1 => 'qualificationsAndCertifications.index',
        2 => 'extraDocs.index',
        3 => 'additionalInformation.index',

    $intendedRoute = Arr::get($redirectDictionary, $user->onboarded);

    // If the user is where they are meant to be - let them proceed!
    if ($intendedRoute == $request->route()->getName())
        return $next($request);

    return redirect()->route($intendedRoute);

I want to add a new route called resume onboarding. Which will appear if the user logs back in and hasn’t completed the onboarding process. I have implemented this by checking that the user’s onboarded value is <4 on login. However, this implementation is being overwritten by this middleware as it redirects the user off of that page automatically. And therefore I was wondering if there was a way of adding an exception to this middleware to allow the user to access this resume onboarding page ?