Undefined index: field_name on uploading data on db

I am trying to edit code I found on a github repository of Laravel Daily https://github.com/LaravelDaily/Laravel-8-Import-CSV.

This is a system that matches the fields of the db table and a .csv document before loading the data into the database. I’m trying to add some more fields to the table, but I’m getting an error Undefined index: middle_name because I don’t have middle_name in the csv document.

public function parseImport(CsvImportRequest $request)
    if ($request->has('header')) {
        $headings = (new HeadingRowImport)->toArray($request->file('csv_file'));
        $data = Excel::toArray(new ContactsImport, $request->file('csv_file'))[0];
    } else {
        $data = array_map('str_getcsv', file($request->file('csv_file')->getRealPath()));

    if (count($data) > 0) {
        $csv_data = array_slice($data, 0, 2);

        $csv_data_file = CsvData::create([
            'csv_filename' => $request->file('csv_file')->getClientOriginalName(),
            'csv_header' => $request->has('header'),
            'csv_data' => json_encode($data)
    } else {
        return redirect()->back();

    // I have added this function here to get fields from my table
    $contact = new Contact;
    $table = $contact->getTable();
    $db_field = Schema::getColumnListing($table);

    return view('import_fields', [
        'headings' => $headings ?? null,
        'csv_data' => $csv_data,
        'csv_data_file' => $csv_data_file,
        'db_field' => $db_field

public function processImport(Request $request)
    $data = CsvData::find($request->csv_data_file_id);
    $csv_data = json_decode($data->csv_data, true);
    foreach ($csv_data as $row) {
        $contact = new Contact();
        $table = $contact->getTable();
        $db_field = Schema::getColumnListing($table);
        foreach ($db_field as $index => $field) {
            if ($data->csv_header) {
                $contact->$field = $row[$request->fields[$field]];
            } else {
                $contact->$field = $row[$request->fields[$index]];

    return redirect()->route('contacts.index')->with('success', 'Import finished.');

My migration file is here

 Schema::create('contacts', function (Blueprint $table) {

Also this is the structure of cvs i have

id  first_name  last_name   email   phone