Is it possible to pass props from non ReactApp template (when using CDN import of React) to a ReactJS component?

I am importing ReactJS via CDN links into a huge existing PHP project (latte templates). So it is not a classic ReactApp. And I would like to play with it and see the options of React when used this way.

So far pretty good. But I would like to know if it is possible to pass props/data to a component generated this way? Have anybody here had some experience with it?

My latte code:

<div id="react_container"></div>

My js code:

'use strict'

const e = React.createElement
const { useState } = React

const ReactFun = () => {
  const [color, setColor] = useState('')

  const changeColor = () => {
    const newColor = color == 'black' ? '#1E88E5' : 'black'

  return (
    <div className='pb-5 d-flex gap-regular'>
      <h4 className='mb-3' style={{ color: `${color}` }}>
      <div className='btn btn-outline-primary' onClick={changeColor}>
        <span>Click to change color</span>

const domContainer = document.querySelector('#react_container')
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(domContainer)

I found old solutions for class components here: How to pass server data into React component, so I guess there is a way, but I am trying now for hours and I can’t figure out how to pass anything into my component written this way.. has anyone any idea?

I would like to achieve something like this with a color for example:

<div id="react_container" data-defaultColor="red"></div>

const e = React.createElement
const { useState } = React

const ReactFun = ({defaultColor}) => {
  const [color, setColor] = useState(defaultColor)

  const changeColor = () => {
    const newColor = color == 'black' ? '#1E88E5' : 'black'

  return (
    <div className='pb-5 d-flex gap-regular'>
      <h4 className='mb-3' style={{ color: `${color}` }}>
      <div className='btn btn-outline-primary' onClick={changeColor}>
        <span>Click to change color</span>

const domContainer = document.querySelector('#react_container')
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(domContainer)

here are the cdn links I am using now:

<script src="" crossorigin></script>
<script src="" crossorigin></script>
<script src=""></script>