Shortcode content not visible

I have this code that creates a dynamic TOC inside single.php at the top of the page. But I would like to use it in a shortcode.

I tried using add_shortcode('toc_content', 'create_toc'); but it does not display anything. Any idea what am I doing wrong?

function create_toc($html) {
  $toc = '';
  if (is_single()) {
      if (!$html) return $html;
      $dom = new DOMDocument();
      $dom->loadHTML(mb_convert_encoding($html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8'));
      $toc = '<div class="toc-bound">
          <div class="toc-ctr">
              table of contents
          <ul class="toc">';
      $h2_status = 0;          
      $i = 1;     

      $xpath = new DOMXpath($dom);
      $expression = '//*[contains(concat(" ", normalize-space(@class), " "), " toc-item ")]';
      foreach ($xpath->evaluate($expression) as $element) {              
            $toc .= '</li>';
            $h2_status = 0;
          $h2_status = 1;
          $toc .= '<li><a href="' . get_the_permalink() . '#toc-' . $i . '">' . $element->textContent . '</a>';
          $element->setAttribute('id', 'toc-' . $i);
          $toc .= '</li>';
      $toc .= '</ul></div>';
      $html = $dom->saveHTML();
  return $toc . $html;
add_filter('the_content', 'create_toc');    
//add_shortcode('toc_content', 'create_toc'); does not work