I am facing an issue with laravel 9.
In my controller, I have created a variable wich contains inside quotes the html code to be returned to the view.
I have a problem to determine where I should use single quotes and double quotes or backticks so that the {{asset()}} in the image src is compiled properly.
for now my image url looks like this in the console :
Here is the error in the console :
GET 404 (Not Found)
Here is the variable I am talking about :
$celebrityDetailsContent = "
<div id='celebrity_text_and_picture_container' class='w-100 p-3'>
<img src='{{ asset(storage/upload/{$celebrityClicked->image}) }}' class='float-start img-border-radius img-thumbnail w-50 m-3' alt='Celebrity photo' title='Celebrity photo'>
<p class='fw-bold'>{$celebrityClicked->firstname} {$celebrityClicked->lastname}</p>
<p class='text-start'>{$celebrityClicked->description}</p>
return $celebrityDetailsContent; ```
Thanks for your Help.