Laravel Twilio Store User Reply Input to Database in Response to Send SMS Order ID

I need help in Twilio getting reply responses and storing them in the database in response to sending SMS after user input in response to the message. I am sending an SMS to the user about his/her order schedule and asking him/her to confirm delivery by inputting Ok and when he/she confirm, I am getting his response successfully.

The question or the issue I am facing is that I want to know that when he/she confirm the delivery, I want to update the database record in response to the delivery SMS we sent to him/her earlier. My issue will be resolved if I am able to get order_id from the first message and send it in replytoSMS function.

My Code to send SMS and webhook (replytoSMS) are given below.


 public function initiateSMS(Request $request) {
  try {
  foreach ( $request->get('items') as $item ) {
    $order_id = $item['order_id'];
    $phone    = $item['phone_number'];
    $order     = Orders::where('id', $order_id)->first();

    $phone_number = $this->client->lookups->v1->phoneNumbers($phone)->fetch();

  if($phone_number) {
      $template_value = $order->message; 

      $sms = $this->client->messages->create($phone, [
        'from' => $this->from, 
        'body' => $template_value,
        "method" => 'POST',
        "statusCallbackMethod" => 'POST',
        "statusCallback" => ''.$order_id.'',

       // print($sms->sid);
} // foreach loop end
    return Response::json(['success' => 'sms initiated successfully!']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
  return Response::json(['Error' => $e->getMessage()]);
} catch (RestException $rest) {
  return Response::json(['Error' => $rest->getMessage()]);

function statusMessageBack(){
 header('Content-type: text/xml');
 header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
 $response = new MessagingResponse();
 $order_id = $_REQUEST['order_id'];
 $user_phone = $_REQUEST['To'];
 $MessageSid = (!empty($_REQUEST['MessageSid'])) ? $_REQUEST['MessageSid'] : '';
 $MessageStatus = (!empty($_REQUEST['MessageStatus'])) ? $_REQUEST['MessageStatus'] :              '';
  if($MessageStatus && $MessageStatus == "delivered"){

  $notification = Notification::create([                            
  "response_code" => $MessageSid,
  "type" => $category,
  "table_ref"  => "orders",
  "table_ref_pk"  => $order_id, 
  "response_status" => "",
  "medium" => $user_phone,
  "status" => $MessageStatus,
  "sender_id" => $sender_id
 print $response; exit;

 public function replyToSMS(){
 header('Content-type: text/xml');
 header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
 $response = new MessagingResponse();
 $MessageSid = (!empty($_REQUEST['MessageSid'])) ? $_REQUEST['MessageSid'] : '';
 $MessageStatus = (!empty($_REQUEST['MessageStatus'])) ? $_REQUEST['MessageStatus'] : '';

$body = $_REQUEST['Body'];
$order_id = $_REQUEST['order_id'];
$from_phone = $_REQUEST['From'];

if (strtolower($body) == 'ok' || strtolower($body) == 'yes' || strtolower($body) == 'confirm') {
  $response->message('Your delivery has been confirmed. Thank you', [
    'callbackUrl' => "'.$order_id.'",
    'callbackMethod' => "POST"
    $notification = Notification::where('order_id', $order_id)->update(array("response_status" => "confirmed"));
 } else {
   $notification = Notification::where('order_id', $order_id)->update(array("response_status" => "call store"));
  print $response;


function reply_status(){
header('Content-type: text/xml');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
$response = new MessagingResponse();
echo $order_id = $_REQUEST['order_id'];
$user_phone = $_REQUEST['To'];
$MessageSid = (!empty($_REQUEST['MessageSid'])) ? $_REQUEST['MessageSid'] : '';
$MessageStatus = (!empty($_REQUEST['MessageStatus'])) ? $_REQUEST['MessageStatus'] : '';
if($MessageStatus && $MessageStatus == "delivered"){

  print $response; exit;