How to exclude certain styling in page2 in pagination

I have followed Jeffery Way in Laravel 8 from scratch amazing series but I’m having a trouble in pagination. In the index page we’re making our latest post to have a specific styling and then first 2 posts comes after with a different styling and then rest of posts in different styling. The problem is that these styles are carrying over with us to page2 and 3 and …etc

I want to make this to only posts in page1 or homepage and when I go to page 2 I should have a default styling for all posts.

This is the index



    @if ($posts->count())
        <x-featuredCard :post="$posts[0]" />

        @if ($posts->count() > 1)

            <div class="lg:grid lg:grid-cols-2">

                <x-postCard :post="$posts[1]" />
                <x-postCard :post="$posts[2]" />


            <div class="lg:grid lg:grid-cols-3">
                @foreach ($posts->skip(3) as $post)
                    <x-postCard :post="$post" />


        {{ $posts->links() }}

        <p class="text-center">No posts matches your search, please check back later</p>


I tried to use if directive to say if route is home or ?/page1 do this if not do that but it doesn’t seem to work.

This is my pagination:

    public function index()
        return view('posts.index', [
            'posts' => Post::latest()->filter(request(['search', 'category', 'author']))->paginate(6)->withQueryString(),
