CakePHP 3.3.9 Rest API with File not working

File uploads work when I am using postman but when I am using CAKEPHP project (Http Client) for only data it’s work but with file not working

Cakephp Client : Only Data without File ( it’s working )

Cakephp Client : Data with File ( does not work )

Postman : Data with File ( it’s working )

in /config/routes.php


Code :

 use CakeHttpClient;
 use CakeHttpClientFormData;
   public function add()
        $client = $this->Clients->newEntity();
        if ($this->request->is('post')) {
            $client = $this->Clients->patchEntity($client, $this->request->data);
            if ($this->Clients->save($client)) {

                    $formData = new FormData();
                      $file = $formData->addFile('header_file',fopen($this->request->data['header_file']['tmp_name'], 'r'));
                    $options = [
                         'headers' => ['Content-Type' => $formData->contentType()]                   
                    $http = new Client(); 
                    $url = '';
                    $result = $http->post($url,(string)$formData,$options);

Thanks, I use cakephp 3.3.9 sorry for bad English.