My website is a small business listing website. People can register with their email id and post their business in my website. I gave a customer id to people at the time of registration which is an auto AUTO INCREMENT key in my “user table”. The same key is given to userId column of “business” table at the time for business posting for knowing which customer upload data and for future editing of business listing of that registered person. Now I am trying to implement “Login with Google” feature in my website for easy customer registration. But I have no idea to manage user who coming from “Login with Google” feature.
I have an idea but which is good or Not , i am not knowing. Keeping separate SQL table “user_google”, where also an AUTO INCREMENT key starting from 10000000 to manage multiple customer id problem. When I saw userId>10000000, I can understand which is coming from “Login with Google”.
In my old table “user” there is also a column for “password”. But i think there is no such column in “user_google” table as I think.
Also one doubt is there, if already one customer login with google feature , and uploaded his business, in future if he trying to register through registration form in my website, how can I handle this?. How many customers can use login with google feature in my website per day? My website is PHP and SQL website.