how to proccess some tags in xml?

I’m trying to read an xml and its nodes with simplexml, I can open and display it in the browser with print_r for example, but I dont get take the nodes I need , can someone help me?
I need to get the value of the following tags, on tag Descritor I need everthing is inside it, then I´ve tag ContasCorrentes that is the main array, and inside it, I´ve many others tags on the same level, as DisponibilidadeFinanceira, DomicilioBancario, CredorFornecedor and etc…
So I´ve already gotten some values from those tags but some tags has the following format →

So looks like that simplexml dont understant this part on that tag → gen: and on this way I dont get the data that I need :/

follows the LINK of the example file

the other parts of the xml I´m taking like this for tests, probably isnt the best way to do it but this is what i got ↓

$xml = simplexml_load_file("C:UsersThiagoDownloadsxml-teste.xml");

foreach ($xml->ContasCorrentes->DisponibilidadeFinanceira as $key) {
    echo $key->ContaContabil . " controle = " . $cont . "</br>";    

$cont = 0;

foreach ($xml->ContasCorrentes->DomicilioBancario as $key) {
    echo $key->CodigoAplicacao . " aplicacao cod = " . $cont . "</br>";    

So since then thanks for any help guys !