i need to rank student based on their score (Subject Position) and also Overall Position

I have a project on student ranking. The sample school does three terminal exam in a year. I created a table where i stored all student test and exam according to their RegNo, year(session), semester, level and student arm(i.e A,B,C,D…) and all works perfectly.

The problem i’m facing now is the student overall position and subject position. For student subject position, I created a table called subject position where I want to have the position of students based on subject. And for the overall position I created a table that will automatically sum all the student result termly and rank them.

This is my table structure:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `subject_position`;

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `subject_position` (


`regNo` varchar(50) NOT NULL,

`subjectid` varchar(50) NOT NULL,

`armsLevelId` varchar(50) NOT NULL,

`armsId` varchar(50) NOT NULL,

`semesterid` varchar(11) NOT NULL,

`yearid` varchar(50) NOT NULL,

`total` varchar(50) NOT NULL,





-- Dumping data for table `subject_position`



INSERT INTO `subject_position` (`id`, `regNo`, `subjectid`, `armsLevelId`, `armsId`, `semesterid`, `yearid`, `total`) VALUES

(1, '4663', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '72'),

(2, '6073', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '73'),

(3, '4663', '2', '1', '1', '1', '1', '47'),

(4, '6073', '2', '1', '1', '1', '1', '61'),

(5, '4663', '3', '1', '1', '1', '1', '82'),

(6, '6073', '3', '1', '1', '1', '1', '61'),

(7, '4663', '4', '1', '1', '1', '1', '99'),

(8, '6073', '4', '1', '1', '1', '1', '95'),

(9, '4663', '5', '1', '1', '1', '1', '70'),

(10, '6073', '5', '1', '1', '1', '1', '100'),

(11, '4663', '6', '1', '1', '1', '1', '69'),

(12, '6073', '6', '1', '1', '1', '1', '67'),

(13, '4663', '7', '1', '1', '1', '1', '77'),

(14, '6073', '7', '1', '1', '1', '1', '80'),

(15, '4663', '8', '1', '1', '1', '1', '58'),

(16, '6073', '8', '1', '1', '1', '1', '77'),

(17, '4663', '9', '1', '1', '1', '1', '96'),

(18, '6073', '9', '1', '1', '1', '1', '96'),

(19, '4663', '10', '1', '1', '1', '1', '78'),

(20, '6073', '10', '1', '1', '1', '1', '77'),

(21, '4663', '11', '1', '1', '1', '1', '48'),

(22, '6073', '11', '1', '1', '1', '1', '88'),

(23, '4663', '12', '1', '1', '1', '1', '69'),

(24, '6073', '12', '1', '1', '1', '1', '94'),

(25, '4663', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', '28'),

(26, '6073', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', '70'),

(27, '4663', '2', '1', '1', '2', '1', '68'),

(28, '6073', '2', '1', '1', '2', '1', '59'),

(29, '4663', '3', '1', '1', '2', '1', '68'),

(30, '6073', '3', '1', '1', '2', '1', '70'),

(31, '4663', '4', '1', '1', '2', '1', '81'),

(32, '6073', '4', '1', '1', '2', '1', '72'),

(33, '4663', '5', '1', '1', '2', '1', '84'),

(34, '6073', '5', '1', '1', '2', '1', '72'),

(35, '4663', '6', '1', '1', '2', '1', '58'),

(36, '6073', '6', '1', '1', '2', '1', '72'),

(37, '4663', '7', '1', '1', '2', '1', '71'),

(38, '6073', '7', '1', '1', '2', '1', '70'),

(39, '4663', '8', '1', '1', '2', '1', '48'),

(40, '6073', '8', '1', '1', '2', '1', '55'),

(41, '4663', '9', '1', '1', '2', '1', '66'),

(42, '6073', '9', '1', '1', '2', '1', '51'),

(43, '4663', '10', '1', '1', '2', '1', '37'),

(44, '6073', '10', '1', '1', '2', '1', '58'),

(45, '4663', '11', '1', '1', '2', '1', '57'),

(46, '6073', '11', '1', '1', '2', '1', '59'),

(47, '4663', '12', '1', '1', '2', '1', '67'),

(48, '6073', '12', '1', '1', '2', '1', '69'),

(49, '4663', '1', '1', '1', '3', '1', '94'),

(50, '6073', '1', '1', '1', '3', '1', '82'),

(51, '4663', '2', '1', '1', '3', '1', '69'),

(52, '6073', '2', '1', '1', '3', '1', '76'),

(53, '4663', '3', '1', '1', '3', '1', '63'),

(54, '6073', '3', '1', '1', '3', '1', '81'),

(55, '4663', '4', '1', '1', '3', '1', '81'),

(56, '6073', '4', '1', '1', '3', '1', '77'),

(57, '4663', '5', '1', '1', '3', '1', '72'),

(58, '6073', '5', '1', '1', '3', '1', '83'),

(59, '4663', '6', '1', '1', '3', '1', '78'),

(60, '6073', '6', '1', '1', '3', '1', '83'),

(61, '4663', '7', '1', '1', '3', '1', '77'),

(62, '6073', '7', '1', '1', '3', '1', '75'),

(63, '4663', '8', '1', '1', '3', '1', '74'),

(64, '6073', '8', '1', '1', '3', '1', '82'),

(65, '4663', '9', '1', '1', '3', '1', '56'),

(66, '6073', '9', '1', '1', '3', '1', '95'),

(67, '4663', '10', '1', '1', '3', '1', '87'),

(68, '6073', '10', '1', '1', '3', '1', '79'),

(69, '4663', '11', '1', '1', '3', '1', '70'),

(70, '6073', '11', '1', '1', '3', '1', '71'),

(71, '4663', '12', '1', '1', '3', '1', '82'),

(72, '6073', '12', '1', '1', '3', '1', '90');




Table name: dummy (This table stores all students scores depending of RegNo, year(session), semester, level and student arm(i.e A,B,C,D…) respectively)

id regNo subjectid  armsLevelId  armsId  semesterid yearid  firstCA  seconCA  exam   total   grade    comment
1   4663       1                   1               1               1             1          9           8             55       72       B2         V.Good
2   6073       1                   1               1               1             1         10          8             55       73       B2          V.Good
3   4663      2                   1               1               1             1          6           8             33       47       D7          Pass
4   6073       2                  1               1               1             1          11          6             44       61       C4           Credit


Table name: subject_position (This table stores all students total scores termly depending of RegNo, year(session), semester, level and student arm(i.e A,B,C,D…) respectively)

id regNo subjectid  armsLevelId  armsId  semesterid yearid  total
1   4663       1                     1           1               1               1        72   
2   6073       1                     1           1               1               1        73  
3   4663      2                     1           1               1               1        47  
4   6073      2                     1           1               1               1         61  

..    ....          .                      .            .                .                .         ..

..    ....          .                      .            .                .                .         ..

..    ....          .                      .            .                .                .         ..

71  4663     12                   1            1               3               1         82 

72  6073     12                   1            1               3               1         90


Expected Output: for subject_position irrespective of the subject list

Note: Number of student here is two. we can have more than two(2) students

id regNo subjectid  armsLevelId  armsId  semesterid yearid  total  SubjectPos
1   4663       1              1                    1               1             1       72         2
2   6073       1              1                    1               1             1       73         1
3   4663      2              1                    1               1             1       47         2
4   6073      2              1                    1               1             1        61         1

..    ....          .                .                    .                .              .         ..          ..

..    ....          .                .                    .                .              .         ..          ..

..    ....          .                .                    .                .              .         ..          ..

71  4663     12             1                   1               3             1         82        2

72  6073     12             1                   1               3             1         90        1


My query

/Where subject id $sub is coming from/

$sql_subject = "select * from dummy where regid='$_GET[name]' and armsLevelId='$_SESSION[level_id]' and armsId='$_SESSION[arms]' and yearid='$_SESSION[session]' group by subjectid";

$result = mysqli_query($con,$sql_subject);

$datas_subject = array();

         while ($row_query=mysqli_fetch_array($result)){










                $total =$row_query["total"];

                $grade =$row_query["grade"];

                $comment =$row_query["comment"];


$query_sub=mysqli_query($con,"select * from subject where id='".$subject_id."'");

               while ($row_sub=mysqli_fetch_array($query_sub)){

                           $r_sub = $row_sub["subject_name"];


                         $datas_subject[] = $subject_id;



for ($i=0; $i<count($datas_subject); $i++) {


           $sub = $datas_subject[$i];

       echo "Subject ID: ".$sub ."n";  // this printed all the list of subject ids



          //echo "Error Occured";



$sql = "SELECT * FROM `subject_position` where regNo='$RegNo'  and subjectid='$sub' and armsLevelId='$level_id' and armsId='$arms' and semesterid='$_SESSION[semester]' and yearid='$session' ORDER BY `total` DESC";


echo $sql . "n";    // This printed SELECT * FROM `subject_position` where regNo='4663' and subjectid='12' and armsLevelId='1' and armsId='1' and semesterid='1' and yearid='1' ORDER BY `total` DESC

//without looping through the subject Ids


$result = mysqli_query($con,$sql);

if( !$result ){

echo 'SQL Query Failed';


$rank = 0;

$last_score = false;

$rows = 0;

while( $row = mysqli_fetch_array( $result ) ){


     if( $last_score!= $row['total'] ){

           $last_score = $row['total'];

          $rank = $rows;


          echo "rank ".$rank." is ".$row['regNo']." with point ".$row['total'] . "n";
