Convert animated gif to webp in PHP

Is it possible to convert an animated GIF to WEBP using Imagick?

$im = new Imagick();
$im->pingImage( _INTERNAL_FOLDER_ . $dir . "/" . $id . "/animation.gif" );
$im->readImage( _INTERNAL_FOLDER_ . $dir . "/" . $id . "/animation.gif" );
$im->setImageFormat( "webp" );
$im->setImageCompressionQuality( 80 );
$im->setOption( 'webp:lossless', 'false' );
$im->writeImage( _INTERNAL_FOLDER_ . $dir . "/" . $id . "/animation.webp" );

When I do it this way, I get only first frame from the GIF and not the whole animation. I know that WEBP format supports animation, however I was unable to find if Imagick has this ability too.