I have setup a variable product on woocommerce backend, The below image is one of the product variations
As you can see to come up with a single variation of products needs 2 attributes: Colour (white-cream-neautral and brwon-gold-orange-yellow) and Colourways (whitecreamneautural1,whitecreamneautural2,whitecreamneautural3,whitecreamneautural4,whitecreamneautural5,BrownGoldOrangeYellow1). By the way, there are more than 8 attributes in 1 product but for the variations is only use 2 attributes.
I want to create a filter based on the attributes so when user click one of the attributes in the shop page it will show the parent/variable product. However, I want if user click the colour attributes I want it show the variations product not the parent/variable product. In the product example image above if I click white-cream-neautral filter button it will show 5 products with it’s own link, images, prices, etc. if I click brown-gold-orange-yellow filter button it will show 1 product just as how i setup in the backend. Is that possible in woocommerce?
This is the website that have this filter https://instyle.com.au/products/ try click the colour filter, it will break the variable product into it’s variations.