Error in laravel component ; Undefined variable $acceptIcon

I use Laravel 11 and my component work perfectly in local, but I have error in production

component class:


namespace AppViewComponentsdashboardcafe;

use Closure;
use IlluminateContractsViewView;
use IlluminateViewComponent;

class VerifyButtons extends Component
    public string $acceptIcon;
    public string $rejectIcon;

    public function __construct(public $status, public string $propertyName)
        $this->acceptIcon = asset('assets/images/default-accept.svg');
        $this->rejectIcon = asset('assets/images/default-reject.svg');
        if ($this->status)
            $this->acceptIcon = asset('assets/images/accept.svg');

        if ($this->status === 0)
            $this->rejectIcon = asset('assets/images/reject.svg');

     * Get the view / contents that represent the component.
    public function render(): View|Closure|string
        return view('');

and in blade:

<div class="flex gap-3">
    <img class="w-[28px] cursor-pointer" wire:click="$set('{{$propertyName}}',1)"
    <img class="w-[28px] cursor-pointer" wire:click="$set('{{$propertyName}}',0)"

Php verison in local and production is 8.3.14


Undefined variable $acceptIcon