How to make WP customize preview on multiple front page selection?

I have developed a theme with multiple page selection like Homepage1.php, homepage2.php, homepage3.php and more. But I have stuck on WordPress preview as page aren’t change dynamically on preview after selection.

The selection is saved well but doesn’t show up on preview by either refresh or postMessage transports, it only show up after reloaded whole page after being saved, below are codes that I have used for WP customization,

Selection page php fuction

function bansta_home_page() {
    if ( get_theme_mod( 'bansta_front_page') === 'home-default' ) {
        $bansta_home = 'default';
    } elseif ( get_theme_mod( 'bansta_front_page' ) === 'home-grid2') {
        $bansta_home = 'grid_2';
    } elseif ( get_theme_mod( 'bansta_front_page') === 'home-grid3' ) {
        $bansta_home = 'grid_3';
    } elseif ( get_theme_mod( 'bansta_front_page') === 'home-grid4' ) {
        $bansta_home = 'grid_4';
    } else {
        $bansta_home = 'default';
    return $bansta_home;

$wp_customize->add_setting( 'bansta_front_page', array(
    'default'           =>  $bansta_defaults[ 'bansta_front_page' ],
    'capability'        =>  'edit_theme_options',
    'type'              =>  'theme_mod',
    'sanitize_callback' =>  'bansta_sanitize_select',
    'transport'         =>  'refresh'
$wp_customize->add_control( 'bansta_front_page', array(
    'label'             =>  __( 'Front Layout', 'bansta' ),
    'settings'          =>  'bansta_front_page',
    'section'           =>  'bansta_section_frontpage',
    'type'              =>  'select',
    'choices'           =>  array(
        'home-default'      =>  __( 'Default', 'bansta' ),
        'home-grid2'        =>  __( 'Grid-2', 'bansta' ),
    'home-grid3'        =>  __( 'Grid-3', 'bansta' ),
    'home-grid4'        =>  __( 'Grid-4', 'bansta' )

scripts for preview

( function( $ ) {
    wp.customize( 'bansta_front_page', function( newval ) {
        newval.bind( function( to ) {
            $( '.content-wrapper' ).html( to );
}) ( jQuery );

index.php contain these codes for page selection;

$basta_home_layout = get_theme_mod( 'bansta_front_page', '' );
get_template_part( '/libs/front/home-' .$bansta_home );

As you can see I have multiple selection with multiple homepages such as home-defaut.php, home-grid2.php and so on, can someone help me to achieve this issue, what code did I miss????.