Multiple select using select2 in Livewire 3

I want to create multiple selects using the select2 plugin in the livewire component, but the first time I do select “onchange”, my select2 disappears into a regular select option. I’ve used wire:ignore to keep my select element from re-rendering, but it still doesn’t work.

Here is my blade component.

    <div wire:ignore>
      <select class="select2" name="named[]" wire:model="named" multiple="multiple">
               @foreach ($jobs as $job)
                    <option value="{{ $job->id }}">{{ $job->name }}</option>

loadContactDeviceSelect2 = () => {
        $('.select2').select2().on('change',function () {
            var value = $(this).val();
            @this.dispatchTo('ticket', 'selectedItemChange',value);
        console.log('Event loadContactDeviceSelect2 triggered');

##and here is my livewire component##

class Ticket extends Component
public $named = [];
public $listeners = [

public function save()
if (is_string($this->named)) {
                $this->named = explode(',', $this->named);

            foreach ($this->named as $userId) {
                    'user_id' => $userId,
                    'job_id' => 2, // Assuming job_id is fixed as 2 in your case
                    'created_at' => Carbon::now(),

public function hydrate()
public function selectedItemChange($value)
$this->named = explode(',', $value);

public function render()
$jobs = User::all();

        return view('livewire.ticket', ['jobs' => $jobs]);
