Consistently Slow Performance in Local VM Environment

I am experiencing consistently slow performance on both OpenLiteSpeed and Apache2 in my local development environment, even though my virtual machine has sufficient resources. I’m using WordPress and the slowness is more notable in the WordPress environment.


  • VM Details: VM Settings

Hard Disk: HDD 2TB WD Black

  • PHP version: 8.1.28


  • Slow AJAX requests
  • General slow response times
  • RAM usage per request is around 60MB but takes 21 seconds to process

What I’ve Tried:

  • Checked server and PHP configuration

  • Enabled OPcache

  • Optimized database queries

  • Monitored system resources (CPU, RAM, Disk I/O)

  • Ensured proper indexing in the database

  • Checked DNS and network settings

  • OpenLiteSpeed settings: OpenLiteSpeed Settings

Logs and Monitoring:

Despite these efforts, the performance remains slow. Here are images of my VM details and resource usage:

  • Query Monitor Log for Resource Usage: enter image description here

Can anyone provide insights or suggestions on how to further diagnose and resolve this issue?