Php Script Required 2

Php Script Required 2
1 – website 1 have databse of people and peopple search the data of birth manualy

step – 0 – submit first and last name and post code on website 1
step 1 – age found
step 2 – make year of birth with age found
step 3 – make manual search from 01 to 12 to find month
step 4 – make manual search from 01 to 31 to find days

all this human effort

so what i need is

linkage of a script that wil host on website 2 [coder created site] with website 1 and search all the steps i mentions above to reduce human effort .

more detail when scriptor contact me

Need Myspace Layout

Need Myspace Layout
I need a professional web designer/coder who can design and code 100% original MYSPACE layouts from scratch to create a layout for me as a demonstration of how to create myspace layouts. we will need you to document and record your screen as you build a myspace layout from start to finish explaning every step of the way so someone who is new to myspace layout design can learn to make their own myspace layouts from start to finish just by watching the tutorial video…

I need someone who can start TODAY and help me get this project started and finished as soon as possible!

Pro Website Developer Wanted

Pro Website Developer Wanted

We are a company based in UK. We are in search of a website designer & developer. With unique skills on how to make a website from start to finish. Projects will be coming from around the world so experience and skills are needed. Prjoects include E-commerce, static,dynamic and all kind of various websites. We have contracts with various blue chip companies in UK, Australia, America & Pakistan. Please email me on for more info.

Ebay Download Items

Ebay Download Items
PHP script that will download items from eBay for a single seller to a database table. Given an eBay user ID, the script will insert records for items that are active for the seller. Item information would include: item ID, item title, description, buyitnow price, current price, image URL, link to the eBay item.

The eBay PHP toolkit could be used as part of this project – but not required:

Codeigniter And Php Developers

Codeigniter And Php Developers
Looking for a PHP/CodeIgniter Developer with experience in Javascript who can get started on something today and tomorrow. Must have good English skills.

Please PMB me a description of TWO projects you have completed in codeigniter. Don’t just link to the projects, give me a description of what you did with them. What was the project about and what did you do for it?

Also looking for developers with general PHP knowledge, but maybe not for immediate placement. The emphasis here is on specific human replies. COPY PASTE BIDS WILL BE DELETED.

Logo Tweaks 2

Logo Tweaks 2
My website is called

I want to tweak my logo. You can see it on the site, or look at the attachments.

I want the The Color Curve to Come in Different Colors

The = Black
Color = Red
Curve = Green

One C = Red
Other C = Black

I want it to come in on a light gray background. It’s that simple.

I am a serious project person who knows exactly what they want. I will deliver cash in escrow as soon as project is accepted and release once its complete.

I am also open to those who have other logo ideas than my current. If you do have it, let me see, I will consider.

This is a quick project, so I will choose within the next two hours.


Nathan Wilson

Creloaded Zone Shipping Mod

Creloaded Zone Shipping Mod
I am looking for a seasoned programmer VERY familiar with CRE Loaded. I have a few mods I need done, but will start with one, and if everything works out, we will proceed with the others.

I have a zone rate shipping module that currently only has 1 definable zone. I need it to be modified so that it has 3 zones, and I need to be able to specify which US States are in each of the 3 zones in admin. Then in product_info in admin, I should be able to specify a different shipping price for each zone and for each product so depending on which state the customer is in, they will be charged the respective shipping price for their zone.

I am looking to have these mods done asap, but for a fair price. I have a long working relationship with a programmer on scriptlance, but he is unable to work right now because of a family emergency. Serious and fair bidders only please, and i will not reply to an automated response. Please reference my project details in your reply so I know you have really gone over my project.

Thank You.

Effective Communication

Effective Communication
Effective communication is one vital functions of the Field Sales Manager as a developer of Medical Representative’s communications and it is absolutely crucial to good management. You can’t get the best out of people unless you can communicate effectively with them, and they with you. It seems easy enough. You have to tell your subordinates what you want him to do, and he gets on with you. A few words of encouragement or criticism may be needed, but that’s all there is to it. Top management cannot function effectively without knowing what is happening in the market place. The Field Sales Manager is the man who can best communicate this vital information to his superiors (communicating upwards). Communicating vital information downwards to the Medical Representative’s and their customers, which is the very foundation of the entire marketing operation.

Downward communication:

The President instructs the Vice-President-Sales Manager-Zonal Manager-Regional Manager-Field Sales Manager-Medical Representative. Any message FSM is getting from top management, he should know, how much he has to peculate down and how much he has to absorb. The FSM must transmit and gain acceptance of the objectives, which each MR must achieve. FSM must do all these things in a manner, which will hold the attention.

Most effective communication is:

1. Face to face in the field instruction, criticism and counseling.
2. Over telephone only for primary talk no instruction or criticism.
3. Mail-very effective to command a MR, confirm a conversation, direction, and record an agreement.
4. It is information to be preserved.
5. Sales people are not students by nature hence letters should be short and to the point

Upward Communication

The people in top management must know how their products are being received, how well strategies are being accepted. What competition is doing and what is being done to correct them? These can be answered by the Field Sales Manager, if he is alert to this responsibilities, he will allot specific time in the field for this. Sometimes the manager feels his communication is not being heard. This is mostly because of very poor communication. FSM may be transmitting his views in a difficult form to understand or is of inadequate preparation. If his reports are presented with resentment or anger its effectiveness is diluted.

The Field Sales Manager must realize that his superiors are as busy as he is. They want concise and clear communication. Field Sales Manager should realize people above would recent being total they are wrong, softer approach is required. Where the MR is not effective, the FSM can report to his superiors what steps he is taking to correct the situation. This communication helps the superior to assist FSM with suggestions. Most of the cases FSM are not communicating to the superior regarding problems of his MR’s and they wanted to put under the carpet. When water is flowing above the head of FSM then they brought the issues to superiors, that time it was too late. Again this type of situation is occurring because of poor communication skills of FSM.

Barriers to good communication

1. Time: the timing should be right-not too early or too late. A presentation acceptable one time may be unacceptable at another time.

2. Communication over load: he the sender attempts to present too much information at one time.

3. Short-circuiting: peers and subordinates may not always be pleased with your success and a short circuit results

4. Knowledge of what you are saying: are you convening what you want, is it being understood in the someway.

5. Filtering: sometimes information received by FSM, he is filtering, because MR knows this information is for (1) controlling and directing (2) to evaluate their performance. Hence filtration, alteration and colorings of information take place. Hence one incorrect impression is created.

6. Lack of trust/openness: MR has lost trust because in past wrong information provided by FSM.

7. We hear what we expect to hear: an employee who has been reprimanded, quite a few times by FSM may interpret a compliment by the manager as a negative statement.

8. Un-parliamentary language uses in the open meeting

9. The wrong tone of voice

10. An interruption during discussion

Perception Sets: The way we perceive the same word will not the exact same meaning for everyone.

Suggestions for effective presentation and speech communication

Effectiveness in presentation and speech communication requires skill and the experience in the performing art the presentation.

To develop the skill and the self-confidence in this art those who are called upon to represent the organization or conducting seminars/workshop on the subject.

These notes have been prepared for the colleagues who may be called upon to make a presentation.

If the above notes are used as a checklist for preparing for the presentation, I feel sure these will help avoid many pitfalls in the performing art of pitfalls in the performing art of presentation.

Preparing for the presentation

1) Determine the purpose.

 What is the purpose of presentation?
 Impart knowledge or information?
 Is it Sales promotion presentation?
 Stimulate action?

2) Ascertain the time.

 How much time do I have to make the presentation?
 Can I make the presentation in the given time?

3) Analyze the audience.

 The size, age group and sex etc,
 The knowledge of the subject to be presented and the audience whom you will present

4) Analyze the occasion.

 What is the purpose of this gathering?
 What rules or customs will prevail?
 What will precede or follow my presentation?
 What physical condition shall prevail?

5) Determine the message.

 What is the primary objective of my presentation?
 Is there a secondary objective?
 Is there a message I have to convey?

6) Identify the main theme, the supplementary or supportive points, and the points for discussion.

 What is the main theme for the presentation?
 What supportive material can I use?
 Am I ready with answers to the questions that audience may ask?
 Do I have supportive material for the discussion that may arise during the presentation?

7) Collect or prepare the material for the preparation

 OHP sheets, flipchart, slides, floppy disc, pen drive, compact disc etc. are the aids for the presentation; they are not presentation; evolve these aids for your presentation; do not weave the presentation around some OHP sheets, flipchart, slides, floppy disc, pen drive, compact disc, which you may have seen, but not used before successfully, that is.

8) Prepare a time structure of your presentation.

 The most successful presentation is the one, which ends at allotted time.
 You can play every minute of your presentation in advance; we can do it with the help simple timetable.
 In the planning the time structure of the presentation, calculate the time you need.

To present your ideas
For audience participation
For discussion

For answering question from the audience,

 Do not reserve the time for discussion only at the end of the presentation; this may lead to extension of your time or no discussion at all.

9) Practice.

 Practice or rehearse your presentation to ensure proper flow and proper timing.
 Make sure you have planned the opening, the main message and the conclusion properly “my presentation ends here” is the not a successful conclusion.

9) Arrange your aids.

 The OHP sheets, flipchart, slides, floppy disc, CD, pen drive etc. that you plan to use in the presentation should be arranging proper sequence. Your time structure helps you to do this.
 Carry with you, in a convenience binder.

The supportive materials

The supportive materials give the speech warmth and personality.

1. Explain the subject in the clear manner. It may be clear in the mind of a speaker; but what about audience? They should be told in a manner that creates understanding.

2. Use graphic related comparison.

3. Use specific illustrations-a detailed example of the idea or statement to be supported.

4. Use specific instances. -Condensed form of factual illustration.

5. Use statistics, cleverly: statistics in most cases may be figures, but all figures are not statistics. They are condensed forms of information and can be used to cover a great deal of territory in a short time. If you used properly, without forgetting about the listener, it can be effective tool.

6. Use unprejudiced testimony: quote people who are qualified to speak on the subject.

7. Restate your idea: restating a message prolongs its influence.

8. Use visual aids: use of charts, graphs, diagrams, slides, and cinema etc. to clarify the point.

Methods for opening a speech

The opening of a talk is very important and difficult too. The minds of our hearers are fresh then and comparatively easy to impress. There are some suggestive points to open you speech. The points are as follows.

1. Arouse curiosity: put a little suspense right at the start, look the methods of any good storywriter you will find a judicious amount of curiosity injected at the beginning.

2. Relate a human-interest story: who does not like story? Anyone employ the story technique without much effort and gain the attention of the audience.

3. Ask question: ask a question which the audience will be impelled to answer in their own minds, thus beginning the active thought on the subject.

4. Show how the topic affects your audience’s vital interest: begin on some notes that go straight to the selfish interests of the audience. That is the one of the best possible to start.

5. Start with shocking facts: give them some mild shocks right at the start; it would take them some time before they will turn their attention away.

6. Casual opening: start as if you casually thought of something; but carefully prepared well in advance.

7. Begin on common ground: find out the area of agreement with the audience and begin mentioning them.

8. Use humor cleverly: very effective but needs careful preparation.

9. Open with striking quotation: libraries are full of books of quotations. A good quotation from an unprejudiced source is a very effective method of opening.

10. Talk something of momentary interest: like the company’s President Statement or previous speaker’s remarks etc.

Important points to be remember in your mind for opening speech.

 Avoid using time worn out clinches.

 Do not circulate text of the speech in advance to the audience.

 Do not apologize.

 Begin in a friendly way.

Concluding a speech

The conclusion is the most strategic point in a speech. What one says last, the final ringing in the ears when one ceases, is likely to be remembered longest.
There are many methods available for effective conclusion in the speech. Some of them are as follow.

1. Summarize your points –even in a short talk a speaker ought to cover a lot of ground, that at the close the listeners are a little hazy about,

2. Use good quotation-we have seen the effectiveness already in opening a talk.

3. Appeal for action-if you want action from them, and then appeal for it

4. Humorous close-leave them laughing

5. Use good illustration-say all that you want to say and the give a fine story. The audience will remember the story if it is good and they will carry the meaning along with it.

6. Use climax ending-climax is very difficult but effective way of ending. It works up to a crest, a peak, getting stronger sentence by sentence and stops.

The key component in all communication is the trust and understanding which is built up through face-to-face conversation. Telephonic conversations are necessary but less effective, and written communication have many pitfalls for unwary. The FSM needs to use all the three forms with skill, which may not come naturally to him. Training in interviewing, charring meeting, effective speaking and effective writing is readily available. Even in the smallest organization; an investment in the branch of training is always soundly made.

Decision Making

Decision Making
Decision-making is an essential function of management. Decision-making is the method or process by which we evaluate alternative and make a choice among them. The choice of alternative is called decision. The decision may be routine these are made by Field Sales Manager and are governed by the policies, procedures and rules of the organization as well as personal habits of the manager’s. In reality actual moment of decision cannot be studied and some time you are not even conscious about it. Decision-making implies choice from several or many possibilities. Decision-making implies action and change. Approaches to decision-making: there are two basic approaches to make a decision a) By intuition, b) By research (scientific method)

By intuition: The individual who relies on intuition makes his decision based on accumulated experience. Intuition is acquired through experience and accomplishment rather than through a formal decision mankind process. Experience tends to be a good teacher. Decision-making who realizes only intuition bases a judgment on his feelings of the situations. If the decision maker confront a situation to which he has not been previously exposed a wrong decision often results. It has a lot of short coming;

 Learning from experience is random.

 Condition changes and an experience may no longer be good.

 Do you have twenty years of experience or one year of experience twenty times?

 There is no grantee that we learn from experience.

 What we learn from experience is not necessarily circumscribed by the limits of our experience.

By research: This is a systematic formal approach to decision-making. It stresses that the scientific method should be used in problem solving. It has:

1) Observation events
2) Hypothesis
3) Formulation
4) Experimentation and verification

Observer an occurrence and ask why it happened. Hypothesis is an explanation of the cause that brought about the observed effect. Experimentation, this is subjecting the hypothesis to one or series of tests to determine whether or not the tentatively stated relationship does in fact exist i.e. test confirm or support of hypothesis or prove it to be unfounded. Verification confirms the findings obtained from the experiment.

Making any decision you can identify the following steps.

1. Identify the problem, which you need to solve.
2. Find out the facts.
3. Try to find out some solution.
4. Narrow the choice of alternative.
5. Take the decision,
6. Implement the decision.

The process of arriving at any decision is usually referred to problem solving. Before solve any problem you can go after the following steps.

1. Recognize that there is a problem
2. Analyze the cause or state the problem
3. Evaluate the alternative
4. Choose the best decision
5. Implementation

“You can’t solve a problem until you recognize that a problem exists”.

1) Recognize a problem.

If want to take any decision then you have to recognize or identify the nature of the problem first and also verify that the problem is genuine or not. Some time it may happen that MR’s are highlighting some problems to convert your attention from the main cause.

Also some time FSM spending lot time to solve the problem, which is someone else’s responsibility at the same time FSM refers a problem upwards to his boss, in spite of having full authority to take decision.

2) Analyze the cause or state the problem.

Analyze the causes of the problem is very important, as getting it wrong can easily lead to a wrong decision. Instant diagnosis is to be avoided: be sure to find out the basic cause of the problem.

The whole process of analysis is best appreciated by considering the example of a doctor. What doctor is doing before writing any medicine he is writing case history of the patient to come to a solution to give relief to his patient? Without a doubt, a good explanation of a problem is often a sufficient diagnosis in any situation.

How to get a good clarification of a problem;

o Write down the problem
o Turn into language you can understand
o Get a good information system
o Avoid classifying the problem too soon (e.g. as a team or group related problem or marketing problem, this are risky assessment to make early decision)
o Ask questions such as what cause such and such to happen? Why did it happen? Etc.

3) Evaluate the alternative.

This particular step you have to use your brain, you have to do lot of thinking, which you may or may not enjoy depending on the nature of the problem. Unfortunately FSM’s have no choice they have to solve the problem they are set, whether they like them or not. So the first thing to be sure about is that, to be an effective manager you will have to do some difficult thinking from time to time. Develop a solution for any problem you have to generate some ideas. When you have generated some ideas then you have to find out the best idea for any particular situation to solve the problem. In looking for possible solutions to problems, remember two other things. First, someone else may well have faced the problem and can remember how he solved it. Second, people are often willing to give advice. The role of adviser is well established and still common in pharmacy industry. As a FSM you can rely on your own skill, knowledge and experience or you can ask for advice. Furthermore you are still responsible for the decision in the end.

4) Choose the best decision.

Choose and implement the best decision, fear of making the wrong decision sometimes causes the FSM to make no decision at all. It is in this stage that weak managers sometimes fail. It is no wonder high salaries are afforded to managers who have gained a reputation for not only having the internal strength to make decision but also for making the correct ones, the majority of the time. Some managers because they are action oriented believe that once the decision has been making it will automatically be implied. A good manager monitors the situation to ensure that decision is accomplished.

5) Implementation

No decision making process to complete until the decision has been exposed to the realities of the actual business environment. Implementation requires an objective assessment of how the decision has solved the problem. It is the process by which the FSM learns and develops useful experience.

All of us making decision all the time, without consciously doing so because we do not need to evaluate the alternatives each time

Implementation turns the decision in to action; it is the step that makes something actually happens. In the same way a managerial decision either has to be acted on by the manager him-self or he has to communicate others for action. A decision often means a change and need handle with care. Whenever you make a managerial decision implement it immediately otherwise it has got no meaning. Late implementation of decision may cause problem only. An essential ingredient in the planning process is the allowance of adequate time between the decision and the event itself.

Decisions are made every single second of the day by many different people all over the world. But of all those decisions, how many of them are actually ‘good’ decisions? This is a question that most of us hardly ever think about because we have been faced with many problems/situations and making decisions to most of them without much thought all of our lives. A lot of times we don’t question our decisions unless the outcome is unfavorable, but even when it is favorable; it does not always mean the best decision was made. Unfortunately, this is exactly why most of our decisions are not really ‘good’ decisions. When an individual is in a situation where a decision must be made, how does that person go about deciding what their decision is going to be? Do they know what the real problem is? Have they determined the true objective of their decision problem? Are they aware of the consequences of each choice they have to decide from? These are only a handful of questions that need to be addressed when faced with a situation or predicament where a decision must be made. Some of them may be addressed during the decision making process, but for the most part, there are so many more that are not. Decision-making is a long detailed process that requires a lot of thought and analysis before a decision can be made.