Designer Needed For A Wp Sit 2

Designer Needed For A Wp Sit 2
I am loking for a superb designer who would make me a great logo/header & favicon for I need the site to look very professional, yet beautiful for beauty market. The pages/blog posts are in a full page mode but would like some framing done to make them more attractive. PSD & CSS will be provided if needed. It’s a WP site. I need quick work without compromising quality.

Horizontal Dropdown – Magento

Horizontal Dropdown – Magento
I am currently trying to develop a magento store that allows registered customers to post simple products (with no clearing of payment, no sale of goods booked, just like classified ads). The codes will be based on ebizmart’s Customer Profile and Customer Partner, I have my first trouble (actually I don’t want to dig deep into magento’s messy system after evaluating it for a month in terms of development) in coding during retrieval of categories, sub-categories and all sub-sub…categories (at most 5 levels from top) so that registered customers can select where to post the product details (based on ebizmart’s Customer Partner). I need that particular segment of codes (using horizontal dropdown boxes, select a category at the first box and then the next box will display sub-categories of selected category…for 5 levels from top, i.e. a total of six boxes displayed at most) to be included in app/design/frontend/default/default/template/customer/products.phtml.

Horizontal Dropdown Boxes

Horizontal Dropdown Boxes
I am currently trying to develop a magento store that allows registered customers to post simple products (with no clearing of payment, no sale of goods booked, just like classified ads). The codes will be based on ebizmart’s Customer Profile and Customer Partner, I have my first trouble (actually I don’t want to dig deep into magento’s messy system after evaluating it for a month in terms of development) in coding during retrieval of categories, sub-categories and all sub-sub…categories (at most 5 levels from top) so that registered customers can select where to post the product details (based on ebizmart’s Customer Partner). I need that particular segment of codes (using horizontal dropdown boxes, select a category at the first box and then the next box will display sub-categories of selected category…for 5 levels from top, i.e. a total of six boxes displayed at most) to be included in app/design/frontend/default/default/template/customer/products.phtml.

Build Joomla From Php

Build Joomla From Php
I need a Joomla site developed based on an existing PHP site. It needs to be closely matched in features or even improved upon.

Also there is a WordPress template required again similar to the existing layout.

Please read the attached full project brief carefully. The selection will be made on previous work done and knowing the programmer is capable of this task. Thankyou

Quick Edit WordPress Theme

Quick Edit WordPress Theme
Hi Guys,

I require someone to do the following:

– I require someone to work with my wordpress theme to change my logo.

– I would also like you to change the names on the tabs (I will show you what I mean).

– I would like you to change the font of the categories for me.

– I would like you to explain to me how you did these things.

This is a job that I require to be done very quickly.


Change Details In Email

Change Details In Email

I will give list of 150 Hotmail ids in CSV

1.Login and change email forwarding to an email id(i will provide)

2. When you login, if there is a craigslist reset password link in the inbox then I need you to click it and reset the craigslist password for me

New password will be random (Maintain it in csv.)

3.If the inbox does not have craigslist post in the past month flag it (note it in CSV)

Note:While changing Craigslist Password you would always need to have a unique IP,and if the craigslist password link is expired then just go to craigslist account page and enter the email to get a new link

Need to get it done in next 3 hours

Escrow 35%

Uk Post Codes And Areas

Uk Post Codes And Areas

I have a list of all UK postcodes with postal town, latitude and longitude.

I want to extend this in 2 ways – drilling up one level and down one level
I want to link the postal town to the county it comes from and add the county number ( all counties already established with ID numbers.

I want a table of all the names of towns which fall within each postal code with one field for the name, and other fields to merge in all the other data to add postal town, postcode, latitude, longitude.

As an example.
I have all postcodes in this format

Using available online resources I have found
M28 Boothstown Greater Manchester
M28 Walkden Greater Manchester
M28 Worsley Greater Manchester

Where Greater Manchester is the county and there are 3 towns associated with M28
The resource I used is
But this produced ‘No results” for some postcodes such as AB1 – there may be better resources available. You must source these

For reference, this is the type of use I want the data for

I prefer the Results to be supplied as a functioning sql file

Site Modifications

Site Modifications
I need some modifications done to my site. The url is I need the site to have a proper working Search function like has Just location by city, state and/or zip code which ever visitor preffer. Also get to select a date that they are searching. This include importing the zip codes and all. When a search is completed it must show results with a distance from zipcode or the city and state. Last programmer said there will be some DB and php script modifications. I also need the theme modified to a nicer looking theme.

I do have SQL file of the US zip codes. It was not made for this script but has all zip codes, city, states, Long/lat

Payment will be Escrowed Payment Only. This is not a rush project. This is also for a future programmer job opening for upcoming projects.

Website Clone & Xtra

Website Clone & Xtra
good morning,

we have relisted this as its been changed the project.

Okay… so here is what we need.

Our clinet sells the identical product as this site here:

My client loves the look and feel.. the maine reason is its kidiot proof. anyone from a 18 year old to a 80 year old can understand without reading what it is…

he wants the same feel for his site, the same amount of images and of course not to be 100% cloned as it will be confusing..

But it has to be this feel where its a flayer style design and looks more like a magazine advert… easier to get hooked and do the free sample.

please dont send us 100´s of links to websites which are obviously templates.. my client re advertised due to this reason as many keep sending lots of pages of websites that they have just re coded from templates.

this is more of a graphic design job in my opinion.

this job will be if successful be then made in 14 languages so bid to get the initial design approved.

i am online now.

Text Censor C Program

Text Censor C Program
To give students practice at writing a program using strings.

The Problem
Many people, after a late night, for whatever reason, tend to send emails or text messages that they shouldn’t. Google has experimented with a feature that “blocks” these emails from being sent immediately. (What they do is ask the user some simple math questions before the send operation can execute. Their philosophy is that if someone can’t answer some simple math questions, then maybe the messages they are sending out aren’t the ones they would typically want to send out, under normal conditions.) You don’t want to get in trouble for stealing Google’s idea, but you’ve noticed that the same principle can be applied to text messages. In general, here is what you have noticed:

All text messages sent in between 7:00am and 12:59am (the next day) are reasonably sound messages. But, some messages in between 1:00am and 6:59am tend to be suspect. To reduce your workload, (since censoring requires reading through the whole message), you will ONLY censor messages sent in between 1:00am and 6:59am. All other messages are automatically sent without inspection.

When you inspect the messages sent in between 1:00am and 6:59am, you will censor (block) any message with the following characteristics:

1) The strings “I”, “love”, and “you” appear consecutively, in that order, in any capitalization

2) Three or more misspelled words (you will be given a dictionary of valid “text” words)

3) Has a forbidden word (you will be given a list of these as well)

All comparisons should be done case-insensitive.

Input File Format (textmsg.txt)
The first line of the input file will have a single positive integer, n (n ≤ 30000), representing the number of words in the dictionary. The next n lines will contain one word from the dictionary each, all in lowercase letters, listed in alphabetical order. (No word will be longer than 29 letters.)

The next line in the input file will have a single positive integer, m (m ≤ 100), representing the number of forbidden words. These will NOT be in the dictionary. The next m lines will have each of the forbidden words listed, all in lowercase, one word per line, in alphabetical order.

The following line of the input file will have a single positive integer, t, representing the number of text messages to examine. The rest of the file will contain 2t lines. The relevant information for each text message will be contained in 2 lines. The first line for each text message will contain a time listed in the following format:

hh:mm AM (or)
hh:mm PM

Note: two digits will be used to represent the hour, only when necessary, otherwise 1 digit will be used. There will always be a space after the time and either AM or PM, and the latter will always be capitalized as shown. This time represents when the user wants to send the text message.

The next line will contain a positive integer, w (w < 50), representing the number of words in the message, followed by the text message itself and is guaranteed just to contain strings with letters only separated by space.

The Output
For each message, output a header as follows:

Message #x:

where x (1 ≤ x ≤ t) is number of the text message. (Note: Always leave a space after the colon.)

If the message should be censored, then finish the line with the following string:


Otherwise, simply put the original text of the message (in its original capitalization) to follow.

Separate the output for each case with a blank line.

Sample Input File
4:21 AM
4 Jason I LOVE you
3:34 PM
4 Jason I love you
2:00 AM
4 Jsoan I lve you
4:00 AM
3 Jason you ahole
7:00 AM
3 Jason you jerk

Sample Output
Message #1: FAILED TO SEND.

Message #2: Jason I love you

Message #3: Jsoan I lve you

Message #4: FAILED TO SEND.

Message #5: Jason you jerk

You must submit your solution to the problem, textcensor.c, over WebCourses.

Although you may use other compilers, your program must compile and run using DevC++. Please use DevC++ to develop your program. Your program should include a header comment with the following information: your name, course number, section number, assignment title, and date. Also, make sure you include ample comments throughout your code describing the major steps in solving the problem.

Grading Details
Your program will be graded upon the following criteria:

1) Your correctness
2) Your programming style and use of white space. (Even if you have a plan and your program works perfectly, if your programming style is poor or your use of white space is poor you could get 10% or 15% deducted from your grade.)
3) Compatibility to DevC++. (If your program does not compile in this environment, you will get a sizable deduction from your grade, likely to be over 50%)