Fix Error With Script

Fix Error With Script
Ctpages . com Project

Modify backend pages for creating a listing
Need to change text to read Restaurant / Business
Enclosed screen shots
/restaurants/members/ index.php

Change Payments type page
Add: Paypal / Google


Modify page text from Restaurant to Restaurant / Business – see pciture
Modify Coupon Manager Screen text to say Business Name – See picture

task 3
Correct errors –
We had a problem and need to restore and now are gettng errors. They are probably permissions issues see
More Images >>
Warning: getimagesize(../images/restaurants/0_03262010104949_) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or restaurants/restaurantlisting.php on line 1452 1
Warning: getimagesize(../images/restaurants/1_03262010104949_) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory

We have links to different sites like mapquest that should pass the information so it displays directions and maps correctly this is no longer working. it should use the info from the listing and if avail the user logged in.
Same issue with

Banner Script

I would like this script to show different banners based category of the script on the top level category type from the listing category choices.
The banners being displayed should be different for each top category level. The user paying for campaign should choose category driven from script category list.


Computer /Repair
when on this page of listing it should shows those banners
If Restaurant then restaurant banners etc…….

THe main page should show all banners from any category!

Programming Needed By 31st

Programming Needed By 31st
I need the following for a new E-Commerce site

Shopping cart setup
custom programming where the search is:

Cover: (next category): (next category)

Each item you hover over in the final category will have an image pop up over it.

Need this done immediately.
Give prices. BUDGET IS FIRM

Deadline is APRIL 1st – NO LATER

Info is below:

Colors need to be clean and crisp, but eye catching as well…

Other info is in the folder.

I need this by the 1st, NO LATER…

And leave a spot at the top of the design to add three 200×200 images…

Attached File:
Filename: READY TO
Size: 21.5 MB

Attached File:
Filename: VISATPRINT Cover It Logo Final copy.jpg
Size: 9.1 MB

Experienced Magento Developer

Experienced Magento Developer
I am looking to hire a full time Magento /PHP developer to join our E-Commerce team.

This team handles all our E-Commerce sites (most of them are based on Magento) development and maintenance.

The job candidate should have the following prerequisites:
– Strong knowledge in PHP5 development and OOD (more than 1 year).
– Developed modules/code for Magento and integrated a new Magento design to a clean Magento system.
– Strong MySql knowledge.
– JS

Please send me sites that you worked on in the past and describe your development role in them.

Working days are Monday to Friday (communication is handled via skype).

I will be happy to supply more details if needed.

Rewriter For 20 Articles

Rewriter For 20 Articles
I need a rewriter for 20 articles. The word count varies from 300-600 words. Each article must be written manually. Articles using software and word replacement are not accepted.

The articles must be at least 95% unique. This factor will be checked using software as well as plagiarism checkers.

The winning candidate must be able to begin Monday March 29.

Do not bid if you cannot stay within the budget. Native English speakers preferred.

Complete Upgrade Mambo Xcart

Complete Upgrade Mambo Xcart
Hi everyone,

I am after a complete upgrade of my mambo / x-cart system at:

I would need the following:

1. Creating on Test Server

2. New CSS Version of MagicWorld (I have original psd) but needs to be tweaked, and made wider say 900px. I like the idea of modernizing my template a little like: so the buttons do cool stuff like: but essentially keeping it roughly the same design as is. Of course the css must be created so it works in both joomla and x-cart. (top menu is created in css and just needs tweaking (add smoke or effects etc)

3. At present Mambo is the front page.. but I think I would like x-cart to be the first page they hit, so that it displays the products correctly (instead of having to copy the product layout from x-cart and put into joomla frontpage manually!)

4. 3 column neat layout of featured products

5. I have many modules installed. Everything has to be highly SEO’d so x-cart would be installed in base directory at so products would be at:

6. All existing content and orders imported into new x-cart.. and on day of it going live, must be synced with existing magicworld orders and products, so that I do not lose any data, and must be put live through the night in UK time.

7. certainly need http redirects on all categories, and if possible all existing products to minimize a loss of search engine rankings with google, as I am extremely high.

8. A bridge needs to be created between x-cart login and joomla, so if they are logged in from x-cart, they are logged in with same username and password to joomla, must be seamless and without any bugs. I want people to be able to comment on articles in magicworld joomla with the same username and password, then move back to the shop and purchase without having to re log in.

9. I relize not all modules that are currently installed can be put into new system but I have heard the 1 page checkout for x-cart is the best. But I do have many modules installed that needs to be addressed as closely to existing site as possible.

10. Need as much social media putting into site as possible, ie. tags and social bookmarks on every product page, twitter and facebook logos and as much ajax as possible!

But essentially just an upgrade of existing old mambo to joomla and same with x-cart.

Need someone 100% reliable that is always available and happy to talk on msn and talk about progress.

Although I want doing, there is no mad rush, I need to get this site perfect before even thinking about going live.

Many Thanks

All the best

Issuu Clone.

Issuu Clone.
Hi,after our previous project was timeout ,i”m starting it again.
No time wasters please. Need you detailed project plan, how you move with this project
I want a document management sharing system like or with multilanguage (Hebrew,Arabic,Russian or English)
i already have a system for this that support only pdf file sharing
customization is needed.
You will not use any api from scribd or issuu for this project, you will write your own api so our system will run standalone in any time and not be relayed on any other service.

You can convert just about any major document format , including Word docs, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, OpenOffice documents, and PostScript files. Supported formats include:
• Adobe PDF (.pdf)
• Adobe PostScript (.ps)
• Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx)
• Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt, .pps, .pptx, .ppsx)
• Microsoft Excel (.xls, xlsx)
• OpenOffice Text Document (.odt, .sxw)
• OpenOffice Presentation Document (.odp, .sxi)
• OpenOffice Spreadsheet (.ods, .sxc)
• All OpenDocument formats
• Plain text (.txt)
• Rich text format (.rtf)

ADMIN can create the themes of the flash player and create new themes from the admin panel by a simple wizard. And upload ne BG pictures that will automatically stretch of duplicate by choice of the admin. Admin can fully customize buttons logos colors ETC…

Admin can define which themes are public themes for free users to choose from when the upload a new doc. And which are for pro members.

The Flash viewer Application (like issuu viewer with all of the features,zoom,send to a friend ,download,full screen,print,search will support Hebrew,Russian,Arabic,English. etc)

2 member plans free & pro, the admin panel will have an option to add more “pro” plans and change the quota of the bandwidth of each plan.

i want an advertise system.

you will supply all of the source code.php.fla.psd etc.

Magento Website 1

Magento Website 1
We will provide you site design in PSD format.

The site is for the sale of jewellery online. The business model relies on sales consultants who do jewellery ‘parties’ in peoples homes and in businesses.
Each consultant has a Code. They can provide this code to customers so that customers can purchase direct from the Canix website and enter the code so that the consultant receives a portion of the sale as a commission.

The consultants will be able to login to a Consultant or Member area to view all the details of their sales and customers (point 11 below).
Consultants will also have access to to training files and info within their login area.

The business owners will have access to login and access report on sales, consultants, and view info like top searched products, most sold products (see point 13 below).

There will need to be a blog included – can use open source solution – maybe Magento has a blog module?

Potential Consultants can sign up.
Visitors can use a Contact Form on the Contact Page.
Visitors can use a Feedback Form on a Feedback page.
Links to facebook and twitter will be provided.
Important aspect is to track by consulatant code and assign this code to orders if it has been provided by the customer.
The business owners can login in to their management area and assign customers to a consulant if the customer doesn’t already have a consultant.

Functionality required:
1. Website for Canix (marketing) inc Blog
2. Online Store with shopping cart (Magento)
a. Customer/Member registrations using online form – sign up and can can enter a code that assigns the order to a consultant
b. Feedback form
c. Contact form
3. Online marketing such as newsletters, news and events
4. Links to facebook and other social and business websites like twitter
5. Secure Online presentations – allowing several users to log-in and view a presentation and/or ask questions
6. Manage the database of customers easily
7. It need to track sales by consultant codes. Codes can be assigned to customers that are registered on the system. These codes are placed at time of order to trigger a discount also.
8. Content management system, such as manage sections of the site, new product uploads, files, images and sales
9. Credit card payment via PayPal
10. System needs to manage overseas orders (currencies)
11. Allow special access to consultants so they can manage and report on their sales/customer database – view their customer list (via a consultant ID)
12. Secure consultant section to view files (Training and coaching modules)
13. Need inventory management and reporting:
a. Product ordering by dates
b. Product search by dates
c. Consultants assigned orders by dates
d. Top searched products
e. Standard reports

Articles Of About 350 Words

Articles Of About 350 Words
I have a regular writing job for an American firm and each month need to produce between 50 and 100 articles on certain topics, possibly more. These topics usually require research. This is a test project to see if I can find a good research writer. I will maybe choose a couple of writers. I would like to be able to take on as many articles as possible but doing the research takes time. I have other writing jobs and work to also fit in. I thought this might be a good way of leveraging my time while providing a job to someone else.

For now I am looking for people to research and write around 350 word articles on Clearwater, Florida. I have already covered some topics and will let you know what NOT to write about. For the articles you can use wikipedia, travel review sites etc and general google searches as well as ezine articles etc for ideas. However, content must be original and well researched and all factually correct. You cannot simply find an article on ezine articles and copy and paste it. You can however find facts from various places and put all together in one article. I will re-write.

The articles do NOT need to be perfect English so this job is great for someone wanting a little extra money, who enjoys doing searches and can put together around 350 words on a subject, but it snot a native English speaker. I will then go through each one and correct all english and make the article flow i.e take your research and facts and make into top quality article. What I need from the writer is well researched facts in a word document for each article that I can then easily go through and edit, make the article flow and format correctly.

If done well there will be regular work, paying maybe $50 to $100 a month minimum and we could build this over time.

Please bid for the price of doing 25 such articles in word format.

These need to be completed within 5 days.

Need Markup Calculator Script

Need Markup Calculator Script
Are you able to create a compact sized; price markup calculator or script that can add subtract divide and multiply numbers? The script will be used for retail markup purposes. For example this script calculator would provide a manual option to change any numbers at will (for example options to manually type and change the drop ship total or markup % or merchant fee, shipping fee etc… The final calculation would show three total results rounded up to the nearest cent. (the sub total, gross total and net total)

I had a designer create a similar calculator from php once before and it worked pretty good. the only complicated thing was i couldn’t change the numbers manually when using it in apple terminal when needed. Are you the right person for this task or do you know of anyone who can?

Calculator Formula Pricing Example

cost of goods: 1.00 (changeable)
+ drop ship 3.00 (changeable)
+ c.o.g total : 4.00 (calculated)
+ .20% markup $5.00 (% changeable) (calculated)

hidden cost:

indirect operating expenses & fees (over head)

+ merchant fee .0409% .20 (% changeable) (calculated)
+ gateway fee .35 .35 (% changeable) (calculated)

overhead total: .55 (calculated)

sub total (viewed):** 5.55 (calculated)     

shopping cart:

+ shipping .50 (% changeable) (calculated)

+ tax .08875% .54 (% changeable) (calculated)

gross total: ** 6.59 (calculated)

Net:** $1.04 = .16% Profit (calculated)

Javascript Node Slider

Javascript Node Slider
We need two Javascript/AJAX node sliders similar to the one used on the links below:

Network Solutions Example:;jsessionid=402e9c91470f8f4f60ebe6bb253c:VoWO

Hostgator Example:

Note: These are two different types of sliders with different information/use for each. We need one of each for our use.

The Node Sliders are to be customizable for use on a number of pages and the packages, prices and images/colors should be customizable from a style or config file.

The sliders have to work on HTML and PHP pages.

Rss To Automated Scrip

Rss To Automated Scrip
I need a light weight PHP script that will allow users to enter a website(s) RSS feed URL and their credentials and will post entry updates from the RSS feed to’s posting text box.


1. Allow user to enter multiple RSS feeds URLs into an interface.
2. Store user’s account login info
3. Automatically login to account and send a post when RSS feed is updated.
4. I am not sure if a scheduler is required to “check” the RSS feed on a regular basis. If so, I don’t want to use cron but rather have the ability to run the scheduler check from a URL.

Anyone that can show a rough demo that works will be given preference for this project.