Search Query To Token

Search Query To Token
I need a WordPress plug-in, which will capture the searched keywords that the person used to find the site.

The exact search query can then be used anywhere inside a WordPress blog.

By using a attributes such as %%searchedWords%% or anything similar

Much like Premium ads use.

the plug-in should also have a place where negative keywords can be added so that not every search string would appear.


if you have a WordPress blog on calculator’s and someone finds your web site by searching with the word “Texas Instruments PX 115 calculator”. I would like to put in the sidebar or in the header or in the poste page. Find the latest Texas Instruments PX 115 calculator. Click here

if someone searches the word calculator and finds the site. I can predefine calculator as a negative word, as I do not want to post Find the latest calculator click here. This term would be too general and would simply display the entire site.

if you are able to program something like this. The money will be placed in escrow till the project is completed.

Virtuemart Mfg. Logo Scroller

Virtuemart Mfg. Logo Scroller

I am in need of a Virtemart manufacture logo scroller for my e commerce site.

One that scrolls all of the logos of the brands I offer across the top of my website and links through to the brands products once the logo is clicked. I would like it to count the number of times it is clicked, like the ad banners do. – This site does exactly what I am lookign for. They have hacked the mod_rokvirtuemart_scroller. I would like this exact same scroller, but to add the click counter each time a logo is clicked. I can provide the original mod_rokvirtuemart_scroller module if it helps.

Example of the original mod_rokvirtuemart_scroller:

To give some other examples of manufacturer scrollers(not on virtuemart):


Quick Simple Osc Tasks

Quick Simple Osc Tasks

Just a couple quick jobs –

1. Need to change the entry of “post code” to “zip code” on the account registration page, the guest check out page, and the edit address book page
2. Need to show a drop down of US states instead of having a text box on the account registration page, the guest check out page, and the edit address book page
3. Need to only show the USA and no other countries on the above pages again

for website
Thank you!

Need 15 Review Style Articles

Need 15 Review Style Articles

I need 15 review style articles.. Some of them will be posted on my website and the rest will be submitted to article directories. Please make sure they are 100% original. They will be checked with copyscape. I am reviewing a product from clickbank in the weight loss niche, so the style of writing needs to be a review of the product that I’m selling. I am optimizing every article for 1 or 2 main keywords but I will provide you with a list of LSI keywords (related keywords) that need to be included in each article. Each article should be around 500 words.

The articles need to talk about the product, how it works, advantages and a few disadvantages of it. Try to write objectively, but keep in mind I’m selling the product so don’t say anything too negative about it.

Please include past work you’ve done with your bid.


Copywriter For Landing Page

Copywriter For Landing Page
Write Copy On Simple Landing Page

I require between 250 – 500 words of copy to be written for a landing page of a membership site.

I will highlight the main features the rest is up to you.

I need someone who has proven experience with landing pages and knows how to present information to gain high conversion rates.

I’m not interested in standardised responses and will only consider native English speakers (UK & US) based in Europe or North America.

New Registration Moderation

New Registration Moderation
Hi: The issue of spam has gotten us into trouble and so we are looking to add “New Registration Moderation” plugin for our site running WordPress MU (latest version) and Buddypress (latest version).

The idea is very simply:

(1) anyone can register, including upload their avatar just as it is right now.
(2) Their registration will remain in a place where only Admin can see, after receiving an alert.
(3) Admin clicks a button to authorize the legitimate registrants and may send the IP address of unwanted into a pool of BAN.

We saw a few plugins that sought to address that, including a buddypress version (, but all of them are old, substandard and not working.

We’d like to pay for your development time to improve that plugin or create a new one, if your cost is reasonable. Would you please help? Please contact us.

Article Writing (22 Articles)

Article Writing (22 Articles)
We need 22 new unique articles for our “Yeast Infection” niche website. The articles are to be used for article marketing.

We are looking for a professional writer, or group of writers. With strong English language, basic experience of SEO and who can write interesting articles about the subject.

The articles must be unique. No copied, duplicated or existing work will be accepted. All articles must be freshly created by you. They must be original. Don’t copy and paste from other web sites. Don’t use copyrighted material. All work will be checked through:
Discovery of any duplication or use of copyrighted material will result in automatic disqualification.

Required Skills:

The articles must be written using excellent English.

Detail Requirements:

A list of keywords will be provided to the winning bidder.

Each 500-600 word article should use the keyword 10-20 times in the article = 2-4% keyword density.
Have the keywords in the opening and closing paragraph and the rest naturally “sprinkled” in the body. We will check the correct keyword density using:

This Job is “work for hire” based on copyright laws and guidelines. copyrights will be fully transferred to me after you receive the payment. you will NOT be permitted to reproduce, reprint, resell, or lease the articles to other clients.

Articles should be plain text (*.txt). One article per text file. Use the respective keyword as the file title.




My company would like a programmer to make an application thats captures video clips from an internal or external camera (web cam) and presents them in say a 6×6 grid on an external screen.

We would like to be able to configure the grid size and the way in which the clips are moved around the grid, would like a few slick animations.

I would also love it if something like this could be done as an option as well using clips captured in realtime from the webcam.

We would prefer this app to be written for Mac OS X 10.6 and Use Cocoa / C and Quartz Composer , Core Animation, But may consider other options if you can prove you are up to the job.

Do no reply to the job if you are a Web Programmer, We only want an experienced application programmer with a proven track record.