Data Entry Job

Data Entry Job

Searching for individual/team for data inserts.

Things to do
– Basic copy/paste job
– Need to insert data containg a few lines of text and a embedded video
– Both the source for the text and the videos will be provided
– There are about 10 000 data inserts to be made

Must meet these qualifications:

1. Fluent in English
2. Must be accurate in all work

Please provide following info

1) How many you think you can post a day.
2) Your rates.

Grab Data From

Grab Data From


I need a script that will retrieve past horse racing results from and place it on an Excel spreadsheet. It should be able to identify the 1st and 2nd favourite in both the win and place markets, place their odds in a column and signal if they have either won or placed. It must only capture data from UK and Ireland horse races and only races where there are 5 or more runners and odss of 2.0 or more for the favourite in the win market. I also have to be able to set the start date from which it starts to gather the data (ie March 2008)

Should be easy enough, right?

Web App Flex/php5 Development

Web App Flex/php5 Development
I am seeking an honest and professional development company. Bidders must have a very high feedback score and be able to show appropriate samples of their work.

i have a religious educational website in php/mysql, custom script developed by few individuals since 2004

i would like to convert it to AdobeFlex or any suitable php5 framework with seo, sef url’s,cache,ajax search, social bookmarking integration,faster stable search and script for a faster and better end user experience.

It contains 4 sikh scriptures with combined search and individual searches, exploring them page by page or respective indexes.
6 other db driven books with simple search functions and other sections as in present live website I would like to add mailing lists and daily auto updates of some features on facebook and daily auto retrieval of data from some sites.

its a non for profit free religious educational site. This will be a turnkey project.
Please explore the site to get a feel of existing features, which we need to improve.
More details in PMB

Travel Booking Website Design

Travel Booking Website Design
Need a travel booking website, capable and similar to;,,,,,, . Must have all travel booking functionality and multiple engine connection capability.Please contact only if you have similar project in your portfolio/reference.Thanks

Cubecart 4 Tinymce Bug

Cubecart 4 Tinymce Bug
We have a client who is having great difficulty with cubecart 4.

Cubecart 4 originally comes packaged with fck editor, when the client was adding or editing products and pages the formatting was getting messed up.

We then installed tinymce for him to see if this solved the issue but it remains the same.

The client is using firefox 3.6.2 on a mac with following OS 10.6.2 =snow leopard

Myself and members of my staff have checked the clients site from different pcs running windows and in three browsers. The editor works perfectly for us.

We recently added a test page with the following text

This is a test document.

Test Document Test Document Test Document Test Document Test Document Test Document Test Document Test Document Test Document Test Document Test Document Test Document Test Document Test Document Test Document Test Document Test Document Test Document Test Document

We asked the client using tiny mce to make the first line a H2 and to bolden the first three instances of this is a text document in the paragraph.

After he did this and clicked update document we went back to look at the source code that had been saved and all the formatting was a mess. Please see attached text document to see what was added to the DB

We are at our wits end with this we can not replicate the issues the client is having even though we can seee the results he is getting. I repeat we have tried fck editor as well as tiny with some similarly strange results.

We need someone to come up with a fix so that the client can use his editor as normal.

We would also need clear documentation on how to apply the fix so that we can apply it for him in the future should cubecart release an upgrade.

Talented Writer Wanted

Talented Writer Wanted
I’m looking to hire a talented writer to work on 100 seo articles. The articles will need to contain a keyword and be 500 words long each.
The articles will have to pass copyscape.
I need 5 articles every day.
I’m looking for the best bid, no higher than $3.50 per article.
Payment is weekly, through paypal.
The articles need to be of a good standard.
Kindly leave a sample of your previous work, or a link to where I can see it,

Need Bulk Mailer Script Made

Need Bulk Mailer Script Made
I need a Bulk Email Script Coded, I know I can buy HUNDREDS online, BUT…. There are certain features that I need, which ALL the new Bulk Mailers got rid of. I still need all same basic features as current mailers online for sale.. Will discuss FULL DETAIL in PMB… Should be an easy job, for someone who codes desktop apps. Which, I’d like to be able to save it and use it on any computer now or in the future..

Sql + Db Ranking Website Work

Sql + Db Ranking Website Work
I have a website that receives user images that are going to be ranked. I need someone to make the admin have the capability to select the #1 ranked best of the week submission and bottom #10 submissions based on the date they were submitted (admin picks the dates). Then these ranked submissions should be displayed on existing pages.

There should be an archive of #1 ranked submissions of the week, and should be able to view them in links on the #1 ranked submissions of the week page.

In the existing back office I need to be able to search the database by date submitted and be able to choose the #1 best and the bottom 10 worst of the week. Also, I need to be able to edit the votes/win/loss record in case there are spammers in the voting process.

I need a professional and efficient programmer that has a firm grasp of understanding of databases, sql, and PHP.

Original Articles In Bulk

Original Articles In Bulk

The project we are involved with as of now requires Two Hundred, 100% original quality articles written.

All Articles provided by you will be submitted to Ezine articles so ALL work must be 100% original content and pass the EZA publishing requirements.

Upon Bidding Samples Must Be Provided.

The complete details of the project will be given upon bidding via the PMB.

The author must be capable of writing in simple English in a conversational manner You must be able to write content in fluent English, without spelling or grammar errors.

It would be beneficial if you have some experience in Publishing on Ezine Articles, along with marketing and promotion online, but more important is the ability to follow directions.

I am looking for an individual for this job rather than a team, or company with employees. I prefer to deal exclusively with 1 person.

I will give special consideration to those who are disabled, retired or stay at home moms.

The key to this job is quality first, but equally important is your ability to stay in contact on a daily basis. Communication is essential.

However to help me get a clearer view of the nature of your work, you will need to supply me with article samples on a variety of subjects ranging from rewrites, product reviews, sales letter summaries and information based articles.

You will be required to provide a minimum of 1 article per day and a maximum of 20 articles per week.

You will have to research the topics and write ORIGINAL content…

a minimum of 250 words and a maximum of 400 words will be required for each article.

The specific layout and format of the articles will be supplied in the PMB.

Feel free to ask for any more clarifications.

The maximum we are ready to pay is 2$/article of 400 words.

This project is only stage one, more work will be required but The total requirement for this initial project is to write 200 articles.

Providers who are confident of providing this count should bid for this project.

If you are not able to deliver at least one article every day then please do not bid for this project.

You must be able to respond to all emails from me during the business week quickly.

Each and every article should pass copy scape. Work would be rejected if any flaw is found.

Before escrow payment is made a minimum of five articles must be submitted and approved.

The successful candidate will be decided on in the next two to three days, and for the right candidates more work would be awarded.

If this describes you, and the terms are satisfactory to you, please bid on this job and tell me why you are the right person for the job.

Only apply if you are committed and will provide the minimum amount.

Looking forward for a long term relationship.

Need Help With WordPress Probl

Need Help With WordPress Probl
I have wordpress and have been using it it for a while. I am having some sort of problem and think it has been hacked or something is wrong. Some pages of my website that were great on Google have vanished and Google will not pick them up. When on the admin side I noticed when I make a post, the place to make a post is very slow. The server is a dedicated server, so it shouldn’t be slow. I just need someone to look at the coding and see if anything is wrong or if there is something hidden messing with the performance of the wesbite.

Twitter Api Php Parse Script

Twitter Api Php Parse Script
I require coding for a website I am working on. This will be placed into an existing signup script that already inserts other user information into a MySQL database. Ok to include library.

This project is for coding that will get a Twitter users Avatar (image) URL and return the variable. The Twitter username is submitted via form (field : twitter_name)

$twitterAvatar = “”,
if the script cannot find the url, either because the user doesn’t exist or for error, the function just needs to quietly fail and set variable as follows:

$twitterAvatar = “logos/noavatar.gif

Simple project. I can pay via PayPal ONLY after project completion.