WordPress Plugin Guest List

WordPress Plugin Guest List
I need a wordpress plugin that allows visitors to submit their names to a guestlist. The guestlist plugin must have an administration section and must be database driven (wordpress-database linked)

The guestlist plug-In needs a font- and a backend.
First, the Front-End:
Users would login and add their name to the guestlist by clicking on a button. It is possible to see (just Username) who has join the guest list / Event.

If a limit has been added to the guest list, then the plugin would inform the applicant if the guest list is closed. There must be a page, where all “open”-guest lists will be shown and how many free places are at the guest lists.

The total number for the guest list should include the actual applicant and his/her guests. A limit should also exist for how many guests an applicant can bring (the administrator could set)


The guest list should be printable an I need a possibility to send the guest list by mail to the administrator and other people.
All entries should be editable.
The guest lists should to be categorized.
The administrator should add new guestlists, and he should be able to add names to the guest list manually too. The administrator should set how many additional guests one Person wuold bringing (“Name +1” or “Name +2” … )

The plugin should be expandable to include future features that would integrate Customer Loyalty programs and marketing.

Adult Cam Site Manager

Adult Cam Site Manager
Hi, I need someone with PHP, MySQL, and JSP (Java Server Pages) skills. JSP is yet another wrench in Sun’s toolbox which is on top of basic Java
Knowledge in Linux is a plus.
PM me if you posses these skills, and I will show you an adult cam site that I need help with.
Don’t bid for a position without seeing the site first.
Bid for monthly salary.

Captcha Fix

Captcha Fix
I need a programmer to take a look at a captcha function on a website that is not keeping the spammers out.

See http://www.findadoula.com.au/doula.php?doula=89&p=feedback

The feedback function at the bottom of the page has a simple captcha mechanism but the profiles are still receiving spam postings.

Please give me your rates so that I may consider you for ongoing work including MySQL work.

English must be a first language and availablility must be good.

Writing & Research

Writing & Research
I need a computer research writing immediate for university assignment purpose. I want to within 5 hours. If u cant do on that time period pls dont bid and waste my time. Yesterday also I put an add but few people bid and PM me but aft I reply them they didnt contact me.

If U cant continue pls dont bid. U r free to select a topic on computer science field. for example how to do a safe browsing on net or how to protect spam mail in future…

Plz respond soon.. I m running out of time..when u bid fill this pdf and send me. then we can start the work right now. I am online now.

Quick Tip: How to Target IE6, IE7, and IE8 Uniquely with 4 Characters

Quick Tip: How to Target IE6, IE7, and IE8 Uniquely with 4 Characters

Two months ago, I, in a video quick tip, demonstrated how to use the underscore and star hacks to target Internet Explorer 6 and 7 in your stylesheets. In today’s quick tip, we’ll take things one step further, as we introduce a new hack that targets IE8 and below as well. It should be noted that this is not a best practice, and conditional comments should be used instead 98% of the time. With that said, it’s always important to know what you can do – plus it’s fun, right?

IE8 and Below

The key to targeting Internet Explorer 8 and below, with a hack, is to append “\9″ to the end of your style. For example:

body {
 color: red; /* all browsers, of course */
 color : green\9; /* IE8 and below */

It’s important to note that it must be “\9″. Unfortunately you can’t replace this with something along the lines of “\IE”, like I attempted to do so. Even “\8″ won’t work; it must be “\9″.

IE7 and Below

As we learned in the quick tip from January, we can use the * symbol to target IE7 and below, like so:

body {
 color: red; /* all browsers, of course */
 color : green\9; /* IE8 and below */
 *color : yellow; /* IE7 and below */


Lastly, we have the underscore hack, which most designers are familiar with by now. Rather than the * symbol, we use the underscore. This will target only Internet Explorer 6.

body {
 color: red; /* all browsers, of course */
 color : green\9; /* IE8 and below */
 *color : yellow; /* IE7 and below */
 _color : orange; /* IE6 */

A Note About CSS Hacks

It’s worth noting that I’m not advocating the use of hacks in your stylesheets in any way. On the contrary, you should almost always use conditional comments. However, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t helpful to know what you can technically get away with, whether it be for debugging, or showing off to your friends!

The biggest concern is that hacks aren’t future proof, at least not really. For example, what if, with the release of Firefox 4, they, too, recognized properties prepended with the * hack. They probably never would for compatibility reasons, however, if they did, that could potentially ruin a portion of your layout. Ultimately, just be wise when using hacks. If you only need to change one or two properties to make IE6 happy, then I don’t see any harm in using the underscore hack directly in your stylesheet. The world won’t end. However, if there are a handful of changes, be sure to use conditional comments!

<!--[if lte IE 7]>
Make IE7 happy.

Thanks for reading and watching!

Gift& Loyalty Card Application

Gift& Loyalty Card Application
Dear Service Providers,

Please check our Complete Project Requirements and propose your biddings.

Project Description:

Gift Card Program:

A typical gift card program includes a supply of cards, software, and a display for your cards at the point of sale. These systems include gift card software to track issued gift cards that is installed on your existing desktop PC.

Once a customer selects a gift card with a fixed amount value or decides how much the card will be worth at the time of purchase, you activate the card by swiping it through a MSR (Magnetic Swipe Card Reader). The card recipient can then return to the store at any time to use the value on the card with the buyer’s purchases tracked by a central database.

Reporting is an optional but valuable component of any gift card program. It will help Retailer to find out exactly who their customers are and what they are buying. The gift card software generates monthly reports detailing buyer demographics, purchasing statistics and total transactions for all the active cards.

Core Technologies:

– Stand alone Client Server Technology
– .Net

Interface with:

– Magnetic Strip Reader
– Drivers are located at the following website…www.idtechproducts.com (Download Section)
– MiniMag Magnetic Swipe Card Reader

Note: For the complete project details please check once the attached “Gift and Loyalty Card Application – UI Req Doc v1 (Basic Version)” document.

Thanks & Regards,

Php Programming

Php Programming
Design and program an interactive web application that is like the interactive wheel of life in the link below.

It must be done in one or more of the following html, php,javascript, and mysql.
It also must be savable so that members can come back and change or view what they have entered before.

It will be put up behind a php membership script that we provide.
We will upload and make user changes so that it works with script ourselves.

I need wheel in Php,Mysql,

Phpprolance Script Updates

Phpprolance Script Updates
I need someone to update a few functions on this script. I would like someone that has worked with these types of scripts before if possible.

1. Add a contact us form

2. Need the portfolio area updated as you can see here http://www.phpprolance.com/prolance-software-demo/pro/31219 the bottom part where the portfolio images belong is not good so I need something better. Something that pops up to show the image hosted, maybe a rollover effect or something but it has to be better than what is there.

3. Add the ability to add additional fields to the provider and buyer profiles this functionality is currently there but it is just for the listing page and registration page.

4. Add the ability for buyers to pay bonuses to providers this option should be set from the admin area based on the package set up.

5. Upon registration of buyers and providers I would like the user name and email address to be checked for availability.

You can see the admin area for yourself here: http://www.phpprolance.com/prolance-software-demo.html

Main Page Redesign

Main Page Redesign
We are looking for professional web designer to redesign main page of our website.

The website address is http://www.c-raftsmen-net-work.com/ (remove -)

There are 3 main parts in the website:

1) Remodeling Articles
2) Home Improvement Products (RTA Kitchen Cabinets link)
3) Contractor Referral Service (most part of the main page)

What needs to be done:

– The main part of the main page must be redesigned. Header, footer and sidebar will not be changed.
– It should look modern and neutral.
– Information about all 3 parts must be present on the main page. You can probably create some boxes for these parts.
– All work must be in CSS.
– All text in About us frame will be unchanged.
– Be prepared to create some custom graphics
– Be prepared for revisions

Basically the project is for redesigning only 1 page but it must be done in very professional manner.

Send your work examples, mention some ideas and I will reply.

Auto bids will not be accepted.

I Need A Link Directory Script

I Need A Link Directory Script
I have an old Links 2.0 directory, I’m sure you can find a copy online, with about 700 links in flatfile. I need to upgrade to something better. I really want something open-source with PHP using mod_rewrite.

This does not need to be complicated. It needs
* categories
* easily templateable
* ability to accept PayPal (one-time fee)
* most recent links
* most popular (by vote)
* ability to email members

If you know of one that is open-source that would meet my needs, then bid for the cost of converting the database from the old flatfile MySQL.

If you have examples, all the better.

Ten Womens Articles Us Writers

Ten Womens Articles Us Writers
I need 10 ORIGINAL articles written on women’s interest topics. Each article should be at least 500 words and SEO Optimized to the titles that we will assign you.

I am looking writers who grew up in the US with excellent knowledge of US culture, customs, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

THE PROCESS: We will assign you 5-10 articles at a time. At first, pick just one topic and complete it in ONE DAY. We will edit it and publish it, and before you continue writing more, you should read the edited version and any notes sent to you by the editor. Any future articles should take into consideration the edits made on your previous articles.


1. Visit our website to learn about formatting (subtitle, bolding of keyphrases, keyphrase variations, intro paragraph, etc). Register for the site and we will also provide you access to our private writer’s forum.

2. We will assign SEO keyphrases as article titles, and you are to write an article which is SEO optimized to that keyphrase (and occassionally one or two more phrases).

3. Search the internet on the target keywords AND related keywords for content ideas. Your writing must include CREDIBLE information (not your opinion), but do NOT copy or simply paraphrase other people’s work.

4. Write a cohesive organized article using a regular essay format (ie. intro paragraph, 3-5 body paragraphs, conclusion). Write in an informal, upbeat, informative journalistic style and may include creative, descriptive phrasing and appropriate examples.

5. Add some basic SEO formatting:
—Bold the keyphrase in the opening paragraph and 1-3 other times (about half of the occurances) and italicize it once in the article
—Find 4-7 keyphrase variants or derivatives in the article and bold them each once (plurals, possessive, change the order of the words, add words before or after, etc)
—Add bulleting or breaks if needed for lists to maintain graphic flow, etc. of article
—DO NOT alter margins, fonts or colors, etc. The ONLY formatting should be bold, italics, bullets, and paragraph returns.

6. Use CopyScape to verify that your content is 500 words or more in length and 100% original (we will give you access to our copyscape account if you need it)

7. Submit the article via email as a Word or RTF file format.

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This is an article contract writing position. All publication AND COPYRIGHTS are retained by us upon payment. When you write for us, you transfer all copyrights to us, and we can use and resell this content as we see fit, including publishing it under any name we choose.

WARNING – If you fail to follow the instructions or your article requires significant grammatical, cultural or factual modifications, we may either reject the work completely and give you no payment and a NEGATIVE review, or pay only 50% of your bid to pay for the editor’s time. We will NOT send it back to you for edits. If there are problems and you want to continue to write for us, you are to examine the final edited work and compare it to your draft, and learn from the changes made by the editor.