Writer Needed 2

Writer Needed 2
I have a writing project that I need done, here is what it consists of:

1 – 500 word review of a clickbank product
5 – 500 word articles
7 – 250 word autoresponders
10 – page report on the same subject.

Please give me your writing skills and a sample of your writings. Please give me the best price you can for this project.

If you need more details please contact me via the message board.


Website For Financial Adviser

Website For Financial Adviser
Need a CMS website for my business. Ability to add new pages, text and pictures is primary concern.

The look can can be based on http://www.financialspectrum.com.au/ http://www.glasgowfinancialadviser.com/ or similar template

Need all the tools as shown on financial spectrum, downloadable docs, contact us form etc.

Site Colours, banner headings will be different and these will be provided later

Previous experience and linksd to prior work is essential to be considered

Cleaning Virus

Cleaning Virus
The Site www.pmjgiftshop is effected with some Malware script.

We have cleaned the script by each page and uploaded the files, but some how the page still not getting displayed in Firefox.

The site can be viewed in IE8 and gain in IE lower versions the images are not getting displayed.

As there is no time to experiment, I would like you to bid only if you have experienced this issue and can resolved it.

Thank You.

A Simple Website

A Simple Website
i need a website that works like this: visitors write their stories/articles and that’s partly displayed on homepage. If people want to read further, there should More button to display them in full. To load stories, there won’t be any registration but the stories will be approved by admin. People will be able to comment on stories. There should be also buttons for Most Read and Most Commented on the homepage.

Well, basically this simple. But my imagination just doesn’t work further and if you have done something similar before, please include your work in PMB. Just showing text stories is a dull and boring, isn’t it?

Editor / Rewriter Required

Editor / Rewriter Required
For Whom:
This project is for those who are interested in a long term commitment.

What Do you Need to have:
Extra ordinary editing skills and perfect English grammar. He must have a good sense of reading and modifing. The editor should be quick in doing his job. Commitment of time is required.

Why high quality? :
All the articles are to be posted to some top-notch magazines. This
means that you will be paid more than the usual ones for editing.

How many? :
Currently I may select upto 3 editors. Still, if I find someone worthy I’ll keep him to my list and very soon call for the job.

Non-Native writers:

THIS IS AN EDITING JOB. I NEED PERFECT GRAMMAR AND SENSE OF WRITING. I can smell from a thousand miles away that you are a native or not. Though its not that you are not welcome, you have to prove me that you really worth this job.

How Will I choose:

If you think its going to be that simple, I am afraid it is not. Siince I am going to put alot of money so you have to really prove me that you actually worth it. I hate spammers who just bid for the sake of it.

Quality is the prime word.
Best of luck

Seo Blog Articles (15)

Seo Blog Articles (15)
15 SEO articles needed for Informational Blogs and Websites…. 550 words each.

Looking For Native Speaking English Authors.

Must have good English and Grammar.

Must know how to write keyword rich seo articles. Looking for 3% keyword density.

Must pass Google and Copyscape test. no plagiarism tolerated.

Could become ongoing work if writing quality is awesome. Would need the ability to write 180 articles a month.

15 articles to start. Needed in 2 days. Paid when completed.

Keywords will be provided for content.

Respond with “rainbows rock” so I know you read this…

A little personal note about yourself, work, experience, credentials for this project is appreciated.

Tags: [New Feature] Writing

Seo Blog Articles

Seo Blog Articles
15 SEO articles needed for Informational Blogs and Websites…. 550 words each.

Looking For Native Speaking English Authors.

Must have good English and Grammar.

Must know how to write keyword rich seo articles. Looking for 3% keyword density.

Must pass Google and Copyscape test. no plagiarism tolerated.

Could become ongoing work if writing quality is awesome. Would need the ability to write 180 articles a month.

15 articles to start. Needed in 2 days. Paid when completed.

Keywords will be provided for content.

Respond with “rainbows rock” so I know you read this…

A little personal note about yourself, work, experience, credentials for this project is appreciated.

Tags: [New Feature] Writing

Dynamic Webpages / Database 2

Dynamic Webpages / Database 2
I require someone / team who can develop good web applications. I will need to see your previously done jobs.

This project is a very simple and straightforward one. I have already sketched out what operations the app will do and the screens in a rough form and programmer may not even need to do much thinking on that aspect.

It is going to a mini school admin web with maybe a total of 30 forms or thereabout. I will tell you how to go about each step. All you need to know to do is how to program well.

There will be a facility to create multiple instances of the app(eg on different subdomain) and they should function seperately and independently.

If you are interested, let me know. Only serious minded persons should contact me.

Automatically replace content in PRE tags by HTML Entities

Automatically replace content in PRE tags by HTML Entities

Just paste the following in your functions.php file. Once saved, all your content with <pre> and </pre> tags will be automatically replaced by html entities.

function pre_entities($matches) {
	return str_replace($matches[1],htmlentities($matches[1]),$matches[0]);
//to html entities;  assume content is in the "content" variable
$content = preg_replace_callback('/<pre.*?>(.*?)<\/pre>/imsu',pre_entities, $content);

Credits goes to David Walsh for this very cool tip!

By the way, I recently reviewed the new “WpSEO” plugin on CatsWhoBlog so you should definitely take a look!

Looking for WordPress hosting? Try WP Web Host. Prices starts at $5/month and you can try it for free!

Automatically replace content in PRE tags by HTML Entities

Pdf Document Online Search

Pdf Document Online Search
We are interestede in having a script (PHP or Cold Fusion, the latter preferred) running on a IIS Web server able to:

1. index and re-index regularly (because of new additions) a relatively large amount of PDF files (PDF/a format)

2. the PDF files are placed (by FTP, no need for the script to do this) in a series of folders and sub-folders on the same server. The script should have an administration part where you select all the folder/subfolders where the PDF files are placed

3. the search algorythm must be very efficient and possibly allow partial match searches (ex: use of wild cards such as “*”). Simple or inefficient search results won’t be considered valid

4. the front-end should have a seach box and display of results. results should be in Google-style and the publishing layout should be attractive.

5. the number of results per page (10 by default) should be easily changed, possibly on the front end by the user. In case of many results, links to more pages should be managed.

6. results should be sorted by relevance

7. the text labels of the front end must be in English, but easily translatable

The script should be of easy maintanance and open to future upgrades.

We also accept customization of existing scripts.

Please use the Message Boards (besides placing a bid) to let us know where you are from and, above all, references of past works like this or similar enough. Links to working applications will be much appreciated.

Contact Form For Website

Contact Form For Website
i have a small one-page html website where all menus are linked to external sites. Now i need a contact form which is linked to an internal site – a second page. The form should be emailed to a email-address. I have attach a screen of the form and how it should look.
The form should be based on php and should check for data entry.
It would be great to integrate also a captcha image.

Regards, Chris