Modify Php Form Processor

Modify Php Form Processor
I use a PHP form processor… I would like the following additional features added to the script:

1. if ‘mail info’ is checked then make address fields required (i.e. form should fail if address, city, state, zip, are incomplete)
1a. would like an enable/disable ‘reqAddress’ feature to be set in existing ini file.
1b. if mail info was selected and address fields not supplied then redirect user to form error page

2. add a word filter to comment area, where I can designate keywords to be rejected by form processor.
2a. would like an enable/disable word filter feature to be set in existing ini file.
2b. if comment area contains rejected word then redirect user to form error page

3. Clearly define where adjustments to form processor are made by inserting comment(s) before and after edit… example:

### 04-12-10 ADDED FILTER 0/1 Variable – your name
# Set this to 0 or 1 if you would like to enable FILTER
# (0 = disabled/1 = enabled)
$useFilter = 1
### 04-12-10 END FILTER 0/1 VARIABLE – your name

4. Create a txt file called updates: then log and report where each added instance are made. example:

– globals.ini – added reqAddress function begin at line 40
– globals.ini – added wordFilter function begin at line 12
– form_processor.php – added reqAddress variable setting at line 18

5. Provide a working demo of this project… where I can review work.

6. Must be willing to except payment via credit card using PayPal or 2Checkout.

7. Prior to selecting programmer… I require to see work samples. Please PMB samples or add to bid message.

Feel free to offer suggestions.


Grabbing Script Needed

Grabbing Script Needed

we need a scripter who is able to create a script that will grab all events/agenda data and venue/locations data from a website into any database/csv file to make it possible to import it into a mysql DB.

On every page in this agenda you can find the following fields:

-line up

all other fields present and optional.

The source website and the target DB can provided but only on PM base.

We will give you detailed specs after accepting the job.

Estimate: 10000+ records


Joomla: Remove Legacy

Joomla: Remove Legacy

we have a website which is running on Joomla 1.5.14 but still uses the legacy plugin to work. All our components/modules/plugin’s are native Joomla 1.5 but still something is causing us to use the legacy plugin.

We believe the template is causing this but we are not sure.

Your job is to find the cause of this legacy issue and change the website’s code so the legacy plugin is not needed anymore.

Make a good bid and you can start direct!


Need Graphics Redesigned

Need Graphics Redesigned
I have a current graphic you can see at I am looking to have it cleaned up and redesigned. I want the same subjects and texts, I just need it to be OUTSTANDING! you must send a sample of what you would do to my ad prior to me selecting you. To many people say they know what their doing and after you select them they dont.

Project must be completed within 1 day of acceptance or complete refund will be provided.

Commerce And Marketing Site

Commerce And Marketing Site
I am after a FULL Commerce and Marketing site.

I need it to be a mimic of

Here is a complete Feature List:

I want the administration the same as this system. Also this system needs to be able to change the layout.

Bidders must accept the following:
1. Payment once project is completed and approved by client
2. No escrow
3. Must accept payment via Paypal.

All bidders that do not abide the above will be deleted.

Landing & Squeeze Pages X 4 2

Landing & Squeeze Pages X 4 2
I would like you to build me 4 landing pages and 4 thank you/squeeze pages to the same theme.

We are not talking major high end national brand style.
I am looking for a good solid professional TRUSTWORTHY looking pages that CONVERT.

2 for one demographic and 2 for another demographic.

The functionality of each landing page and the functionality of the thank you/squeeze pages are to be the same but each should have a very different look to the others.

The pages are for people to vote/rate five things (1 to 5 stars).

After they have voted/rated the items, by hitting the submit button.
They should be that taken to a thank you/video squeeze page.
That looks like/themed like the page they just left.

The thank you/video squeeze page should have a video of the items they have just rated, that starts automatically and a simple call to action message at the end.
(More details to be shared with the winning bid).

Please come back to me with your questions, fastest delivery and very best price.

O’ Yes Examples Of Your Work Is A Must!!!!

Also you must be very good at keeping in touch and be willing to work with us not against us.
We will not drive you mad I promise (if we do you can tell us – it will not upset up) but will do want and value your input.
We are working together after all…

Thank you for taking the time to read my project.

PS. YES we do this sort of project roughly twice a month (on and would love to find someone or a company we can work with all the time for stuff like this, banners, blog header and so on. So if you want regular work (not loads by regular) that would suite us nicely…

New Mlm Innovation

New Mlm Innovation
Hi, i’m searching a good scripters, good in programmation:
Php + Ajax & Mysql.

All the to do is in the files.

I need it on an average of 45days max.

Script code from scratch, full website design.

Hosting and domain, ssl will be my thinks.

Only installation on that will be needed your hand.

Thank’s in advance for your bids.

Good job to all.

Google Analytics Tracking

Google Analytics Tracking
I need Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking configured for a client who uses PayPal shopping cart. (Site on WordPress / LAMP) Although PayPal does not allow access to the confirmation page for security reasons, a hack is described here:

GA Ecommerce Tracking

Note: Site tracks Affiliate referred sales using iDevAffiliate, so traffic redirected back to site’s confirmation page already registers an affiliate sale. I need it to register the sale with Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking as well.

Php 2shared Download Script

Php 2shared Download Script
I need someone to write a script in php that will convert a download link from
(of the format:

into a format that can be streamed using some kind of embedded flv player


I have been using a script which does this but it has stopped working in IE. The main goal of this project is to get the script to work in ie/chrome/firefox/safari etc.

Also the script must simply output the link from an array based on a variable that is set from an episode selection page (n=1 or n=51 etc)

I attach a version of this script that works in Firefox and Safari but not IE or Chrome – this may make things easier for you.

Custom Php Registration & Po 2

Custom Php Registration & Po 2
I am looking for a custom php script registration/poll script to be built and installed that allows us dynamically add to or edit survery/registration form. This means that we will be able to add new questions to the registration form and choose whether they are text fields, drop downs, check boxes or radio buttons added to the form and whether those options appear in the poll or not as well as thier order in the list..

For example:

In the admin panel we need buttons to “add” and “edit” or “remove” Fields.

We could click an add a new field button. This would then allow us to choose whether we want a text field, text box, drop down, radio button group or a check box group. If we choose dropdown, radio, or check box group a field will come up allowing us to name the field group. Then we can add as many of dropdown, radio or check box variables to the field that we want and give their value and name.

If we add a text field or a text box we would have the option to name the text field or text box. These can be a set size to simplify things.

When we add or edit fields whether they are text boxes, text fields, dropdowns, radio button groups, or check box groups, we also need to be able to organize them in order using a dynamic drop down box that would give us the choice to put them in the order such as “at the top” and “below name field” and “below address field” or whatever fields we have already created.

When we add checkbox, dropdown, or radio button fields in the add or edit field page in the admin panel it will also give us a little check box that will allow this field group to be included in the poll. If we check that box when creating a new field group it would calculate the totals and show the data in poll data output page.

When we have this form the way we want it, via the administration panel, we will make it visible on the site for people to register.

When someone fills out the form it would store the register users information in a database. When someone registers it will use captcha to cut down on spam entries.

As mentioned above, second part of this will be an poll output or data page. This will display the poll calculations. This page will show dynamic bar or pie graphs that show the totals for the “Poll fields”. So not every field is included in the poll just the fields that we select when creating or editing them. Each field will have it’s own pie graph. For example if we create a field that says “how did you hear about us?” The radio buttons or dropdowns we choose to add may be tv, google, a friend, etc.. That will mean on the poll data page it will show a pie graph or bar graph that shows all the options that people have selected for the field. So if no one selects “google” in the poll, then google will not show up in the pie graph or bar graph. The only things that people select in the poll will appear in the bar or pie graph. It will need to give exact percentage totals for each choice for that field group.


Once someone registers it is recorded to a database. We would like a page that displays all the registrations and sort them by the text fields added to the registration form in the order they display on the registration form. Text boxes and the poll fields are not included in this. We need this to show them sorted in a table. If we click a field at the top it will sort in alphebetical order according to that field.. So if we click the last name text field it will sort users by last name. Once someone registers we would also get an email notification. One of the fields we will add in the admin panel for sure is an email field. If someone registers with the same email more than one it will send the email notification to us but it will not add their duplicate entry in the registration database.. Rather it will record how many times they registered. So if someone registers with the same email 10 times they were only added to the database the first time and sent to us in an email. The additional times they register it would only come to us in a email notification. The email notification will mention that this is a repeat entry and how many times that email address has registered.

When someone fills out the form, we may go to a confirmation page or we may have them go to the poll results page. The poll results page will not only show the calculated totals for the poll fields but also give a running total of how many total registrations there are in the database. If we edit the fields in the registration /poll form, it will show the new results on the poll data output page.

I am looking for someone who knows what they are doing–an expert in php and mysql databases. I need someone who speaks english and is willing to use msn messenger to communication as questions arise.

We don’t need a specific design for the site. But I will show you the layout of how we want the form, the admin panel and the poll data output page to appear. In addition, the form and the poll data output pages will have a header and footer include so that I can add my own template design later.

Please do not bid on this if you are a beginner or cannot speak good english. Please be honest about your completion dates. I can’t afford to have someone that doesn’t complete the project. It is already very late because the previous programmer couldn’t complete the project.