German Content Writer: Movies

German Content Writer: Movies
We need a content writer, for short articles, about 300 words each.
– Language: German

We will provide:
– keywords: e.g. Stirb Langsam (Die Hard)
– sometimes category: e.g. Thriller or Action Filme
– sometimes actor: e.g. Bruce Willis

You will:
– write a short article
– use the keywords prepared, 2-3 times each

You must:
– be able to write German fluently, NOT perfect!
– no web translations!
– no copy and paste!

Your bid is:
– for 10 articles
– if they are good, we might hire you for some more (ca. 50-100)

It is helpful, if you have already some reviews or work you can present.

Simple Paypal Ipn Php Script

Simple Paypal Ipn Php Script
We have 4 products available in the form of a digital download and usage of each product is in the form of a renewable licence. Currently the licences are emailed to purchasers personally, resulting in inevitable delivery delays.

We want a simple PayPal IPN listening PHP script which, if a payment is successful, first checks the existing MySQL database to see if the purchase is from a new user or if it is a renewal from an existing user.

If it is from a new user, the PHP should generate a random 32 character hex product key, write this product key together with some other details as a new entry in the database and email the key to the purchaser.

If the purchase is from an existing user, the PHP should extend the days allowed on the licence and email the purchaser.

The script should be able to handle purchases of multiple products through the “Add to cart” button.

Graphical Website Template

Graphical Website Template
I am looking for a one page graphically intensive mini site template. It needs to be ready to impletment, not a .jpg that I would need to slice up, but rather an html, css, or php template complete with very creative header, footer (with possible mirror reflection below) and rather nice background. The header, footer and background images will need to be supplied with all layers available, so I can make subtle changes down the road in photoshop.
This is a GPS / fishing related website. See my site at and to get an overview of my product and a good idea of what I want to convey. Your extensive professional graphics talent and creativity will be needed on this project. Two examples of mini site templates that I like are at: and also

These are very nice examples of professional graphics talent that I am looking for. Please do not bid on this project unless you know you have the talent to take on this project and turn it around in 2-4 days. Additional projects are possible after this one.

WordPress Squeezepage Job

WordPress Squeezepage Job
Seeking a programmer, to install a squeezepage in wordpress similar to: I would like to turn my html squeezepage ( to I would like at the footer, to link to my salespage, and the second link would be to my disclaimer page. Copy and paste for the squeeze page, sales, and disclaimer will be provided. The site that I want to convert to this theme is:

Please bid on this project.

Modify Scparedirector Php

Modify Scparedirector Php
Standalone cpa-redirector is a very small php script that washes the referrer before forwarding traffic out. The code is available here.

There are several versions of this software. I am interested in the Standalone versions, not the WP version.

This program washes the referrer info and passes traffic to a URL that is set as hard variable in the PHP code. I wish to have the code modified so that the forwarding URL is determined by passing a parameter through the incoming URL.

for example, with the current code: index.php?mn=1234 will wash and pass traffic to the URL set in the $cpa_offer_url variable

I wish to change it so that:
index.php?mn=1234&url= will wash and pass traffic to google. Verify that the referrer washing effect works by sending traffic to

I have attached 3 versions of this software. Please modify all three versions to work this way.

Openid Integration (re-post)

Openid Integration (re-post)
I need help integrating OpenID ( with the existing users system on the existing website. You need to help me install and connect with (any working) OpenID class and perform common OpenID actions (register, login, etc.) using simple forms. Specifically, you need to help me integrate the part where the OpenID class sends form to OpenID provider and pickups returning POST form data so that I can process it. So, 1. integrate OpenID class, 2. submit form to OpenID provider, 3. read response. PHP/MySQL. If you have any questions, ask on PMB.

Fix Website Problems

Fix Website Problems
Hello I have a small website that a previous coder/designer left us hanging with after being paid for the job he didn’t complete it like promised and has caused me and my clients a massive amount of problems by not completing the job as promised I really need someone who can start work right now and help me work out numerous small issues on the site and also maybe help me make a WORKING wysiwyg editor to edit the pages with because he gave us one that is so buggy it doesn’t even work like he promised… I don’t have a very big budget as this is for a non profit site. so please if someone out there has a kind heart and can do this for 20.00 and help me knock the few remaining problems out today that would be much appreciated…

I need someone who is good in php/mysql as well as graphic design as far as editing images and correcting image related issues like changing the text on a header for example or re making the header using the proper images if need be to correct the header text..


This project has a few aspects to it:

Add Freight Estimate without having to sign up as a Customer – the customer should only be required to enter a zip code on the shopping_cart.php page in a section called “Calculate Shipping” and click a button that says something like “Go” and then the negotiated rates from UPS should appear (using our settings in the UPS Shipping Module) for the Ground Shipping method – without having to click the checkout button or sign up as a customer. We can be flexible for how this actually works (let’s communicate on this if you have any ideas), but ideally, I would like this to work somewhat similar to how it does on

Fix the error processing credit card page (checkout_payment.php) so it provides more detail when there is a problem. See the attachment or, to replicate the issue, try to check out and enter the wrong exp date on the form. You will see that there is no msg to the customer that describes the problem. The only notification that they receive appears in the address window of the browser, but not on the webpage itself. Customers who enter their info incorrectly probably have no idea that the info is incorrect and they probably end up not completing the transaction.

Fix the error w/the Product Specials – when we click on a Product Special it jumps to the Shop.php page instead of straight to the product we want. It should go straight to the Product we want – and this should continue to function this way after we change the Product Special to another product.

Fix the 2 errors w/the State – When the customer goes to check out and clicks the “continue” button to become a new customer (create_account.php):
1. State needs to be a drop down box (not a free form field)
2. If they fill out the form and click the “continue” button everything is fine if they entered all the info correctly. But if they entered ANY wrong info (for example a Street Address that was too short) it informs them of the mistake that they need to correct – which is good – but the problem is that the State will now default back to “AL” even though they may have initially entered something else. If they do not catch that the State was changed to “AL” then that is how it is saved. So to fix this, if they make a mistake on the form and click “continue” it should not change the State to “AL”, but, rather, it should retain the State selection that they made initially.

Vbulletin Modifications 2

Vbulletin Modifications 2

We are looking to do some custom modifications to vBulletin 4.0.

Please reply with examples to vBulletin ‘Customization’ Jobs that you have worked on.

We will send the project description to chosen freelancers who express their interest and are eligible to be considered.

Please note that all canned responses will be ignored. We are not looking for anything other than vBulletin at the moment. So, please restrict your samples to vBulletin only.

Please post your detailed message on the message board. We are looking for serious freelancers who can deliver as promised.

We will have some ongoing customizations on vBulletin and will be awarded to the selected freelancer based on the quality of work done on the current project.

Best Regards.

Magento Tax Configuration

Magento Tax Configuration
We need to setup a custom tax extension for the US State of California, which calculates taxes based on city and county (NOT zip code).

1. California taxes will be calculated by a custom extension that you will build, that works as follows:

a. If a user selects “California” as state for SHIPPING address, then a new drop down will appear that says, “County.” Based on that selection, taxes will be calculated for that order based on spreadsheet data imported.

b. There will be a backend Magento tool that client can upload a CSV file that contains the latest tax information. That file is attached, and includes a column for county and for tax rate.

Fix WordPress Site For Plugin

Fix WordPress Site For Plugin
Please bid to fix the inner page WordPress template of to work with the WPML plugin.

English about us (template works perfectly but now menu links have extra //)
Non-English versions of about us (all of which have defects):
-Mandarin Simplified (Chinese):


Add Products To Magento

Add Products To Magento
Hello I need a data entry person who knows how to add products to magento. i cant be teaching you unless if you are in Chennai (India).
I have around 400 items to be added.
you work will be to upload images and categorize the products in the right place. each product will take maybe 2mins.
let me know if you can do it and past experience will be a BIG PLUS.

Thank you.

Payment Processor

Payment Processor
payment processor with all the features of Alertpay but with the following extra features:
1. ability to convert amount in account to any of the following currrencies:
Swiss Franc

2. opportunity for merchants to signup and sell units of the e-currency in their country.

3. automatic logout from account within 10mins of inactivity.
4. photo andutility bill validation on accounts – like in Alertpay
5. directory of sites accepting the e-currency
6. IP login check like in Liberty reserve with verification code systems.
7. Transaction code to complete sending out of funds from individuals account.
8.opportunity to open individual and business account like in ALertpay.
9. opportunity to exchange the e-currency to/from the following payment solutions:
Liberty reserve.
Perfect Money

10. Email alerts on all transactions.

I Need A Reliable Programmer

I Need A Reliable Programmer
I have a couple ads posted on here, and people keep starting and have to quit because they don’t know what they are doing…

I need a e-commerce design and setup with some custom php programming to do a multi-search. (Brand: Model: Model Number: (image pop up when they hover over the model number): Search

And I need about 600 images uploaded to a site; the images to be placed in the pages; all images to be linked to it’s own page; and a product page coded in HTML and have the product information added for all products…

If you are RELIABLE and can do the job RIGHT, then please give me a bid in the PMB with prices for both jobs – and a link to 5-10 of your best work… Do not send me a pre-written message; be a little creative and write something original so I know that I can actually SPEAK to someone and not a auto message.

I would prefer if you are in the USA so I can call you.