Joomla Virtumart Member Access

Joomla Virtumart Member Access
Seeking a Joomla professional to edit the database and code of a web site being developed. NO EXTENSIONS for this project
There are two products (membership access products) that when ordered will enter info into the databse telling the database that this user bought this product and WHEN, then when they log in, based on what they baught product 1 will give them access to product 1 downloads page and same for product 2. When they log in the log in checks the databse to see if they have 1 or 2 for download page access

This needs to be developed without the use of extensions

The site is using Virtumart, the client needs to be able to edit users and their access to things based on what they baught

product 1 is member ship access 1 with INSTANT access upon successful payment to member ship access 1 download page, and product 2 is is member ship access 2 with INSTANT access upon successful payment to member ship access 2 download page, there are other products in there as well, but these should be left alone

there should also be a time limit that can be edited for both membership access levels so that admin can tell the cms when to turn off the memerbship access (length of time to allow access and should be editable)

seeking professional developers only

Finish Twitter Api Site

Finish Twitter Api Site
we have a site based around the twitter api functionality and are preparing for launch of the site. the site is 95% ready to go, however we have a bug list that needs to be taken care of before we launch. along with addressing our bug list, there are also two PSD’s that need to be sliced/coded and implemented into the site (header/footer/sidebar have already been coded on other templates, so really it will just be coding the main content area).

we are looking for someone who is well experienced with:

-kohanaphp framework
-Twitter API
-coding psd’s and implementing onto site

if you feel you meet the requirements, please post in the PMB and i will send you the bug list as well as the URL.

after the completion of this work, we may offer you the next phase of the project to work on.


Html Site To WordPress Theme

Html Site To WordPress Theme

I need someone who is extremely good and experienced at this procedure and I need it doing very soon so please only bid if you can start in the next few days. I recently had to cancel a similar (Joomla) project due to the client changing his mind about the CMS and theme but this one is 100% definite.

Unfortunately I can’t accept bidders with no feedback for this project as the job is too important to take a risk on unknowns.

I will also delete any ‘canned’ messages/bids as I can’t be expected to trust anybody who doesn’t take the time to at least type a few words 🙂

The HTML template that I’ve purchased and would like converting to WordPress can be seen at themeforest (dot) net/item/elementia-4-in-1-business-and-portfolio-template/93582

There’s a full specification on that page which tells you all the pages that are included etc. as well as a full site demonstration so PLEASE check it it all carefully as it needs to be perfect.

This needs to be ported over to WordPress 2.9.2 and look exactly the same with all of the same features, JavaScript, module positions etc.

I have the PSD file for the homepage only, the rest of the files are the HTML/CSS/JS Documentation etc.

If you know you can do it to an excellent standard for sure, please place your bids. Please DO NOT message me unless you have made a bid.



Long Term Writing Project 2

Long Term Writing Project 2
Looking for a dependable, experienced writer or writers to produce articles for a large number of web sites.

The articles must be unique. No copied, duplicated or existing work will be accepted. All articles must be newly created by you. They must be original. Don’t just copy and paste from other web sites. Don’t use copyrighted material. All work will be checked through Discovery of any duplication or use of copyrighted material will result in automatic disqualification from any further assignments.

This first job will be for 10 articles. However we represent over 500 websites that constantly need new content. So if you are the right person this will be a long term rewarding relationship. If you are chosen and we decide to work together we will send you the topics and guidelines.

If you have particular or specialized knowledge in certain areas and feel that there are areas you would be better suited to writing about let us know and we will try to match you with the site requirements that best suit your skills.

Please include some of your references and three samples of articles you have written. Writers who do not submit samples of their writing for evaluation will not be considered. List the topics are you most comfortable writing about.

Articles must be between 550-600 words. We will supply the topic and keywords. The articles must be free from typographical errors, spelling errors, and grammatically correct for the North American reading audience. The articles should be informative, easy to read, fun and engaging. The web sites will be targeting the US market so fluency in English is a must

We will be paying $3 per article to start. All articles must be original, well researched, and well written without errors. We will not accept regurgitated boilerplate. If this initial batch of articles, depending upon how well they are written, future assignments may be at a higher negotiated rate of pay. I’m not looking for the cheapest writer but the best quality at a reasonable cost.

As you can see by the size of our organization this has the potential for you of being a very profitable relationship. Please send three samples of original articles you have written for evaluation. If we like your writing quality and style and decide to work together we will send you complete writing guidelines and topics. Let us know how many articles you feel you could reliably produce on a daily or weekly basis. Dependability and reliability will be of paramount importance. However deadlines are reasonable and flexible. We understand sometimes things come up. Quality of the articles is what is most important. It is important for you to tell us how many well researched, well written articles you can produce on a consistent basis. You set the schedule – say for instance 10 articles a week or every two weeks and we will keep you supplied with work.

If you bid on my last project which just closed and were not chosen please bid again on this project. We have more than enough work for several writers. Make sure you include a links to three examples of your writing or the samples themselves. Bids without examples of your writing will not be considered

I look forward to hearing from you and working together with you.

All the best,

Jwconsulting Data Website

Jwconsulting Data Website
I am looking to build a website that has the capability to search a MySQL database that can be updated on a regular (probably weekly basis)

Updates will come from csv files with headers

I need the website with an interface to search for data via drop downs, radio buttons, multi selects etc.

In order to use the search on the website, the user must register, which involves answering some general questions as well as address, phone, email, and possibly a few more data elements.

We need an ecommerce element so that people can pay for their orders

We will need to export the query generated from the specific selections made by the user. That query will be sent to our data warehouse to fulfill the data extract (this part is possibly taken care of but a separate cost would help)

We need to flag the data with some sort of indicator so that users can suppress pervious orders or duplicate and old order with updated data.

Htaccess Mod_rewrite For 1and1

Htaccess Mod_rewrite For 1and1
Need a working htaccess file for a domain hosted on I want to change the dynamic links to SE friendly links. Visit our website to see the range of links I need rewriting. Don’t know if this is possible on a hosted site, lots of negative comments found doing a google search. However I have a wordpress blog under the same domain – and that uses friendly URLs OK.

Write Ebook : Attracting Mon 2

Write Ebook : Attracting Mon 2
Need a serious Freelancer that could put a 40 pages eBook on how to let money flow into our lives.

This eBook will be the second part of my already existing eBook focusing on the Inner Game to attract money

Should be written in an easy to read and understand language
It should be energetic, inspiring and motivational and should be focused on the outer game : SOUND techniques about attracting and managing money.

Please serious bids only : I have been already been burnt here at Scriptlance by a user called mdias1

Php Work For

Php Work For
Need good Php guy to work cheap on several Points:

1. When users completes and submits “job proof” the “Done” should add a job to the “total”. Right now it is only added when admin/employer marks the job as “satisfied”. Remove the “satisfied’ setting so it doesn’t add to the list but still pays- and when marked as “not satisfied” should minus one job from the total: Also after job Total Reaches the limit ( Example: 30/30) it should then auto Pause so more jobs then available cannot be submitted.

2. Is there anyway when a users job is marked as not satisfied they get a notice within the “support”/Message page?

3. Within ADMIN managejobapplication.php if a job is “pending” and I mark it as satisfied within ADMIN it doesn’t pay user- Is there anyway we can fix this so I don’t have to login to the site every time to approve new “completed jobs”

4. Within completed jobs have Total # of Jobs just like u did in Total # of users?

5. in “finished tasks” if a job is not marked yet it should have a “ ” symbol sometimes this shows up sometimes it doesn’t. I need it to show up every job that is still pending or hasn’t been rated.

6. Anyway to Add/remove User off the Newsletter list?

7. Add a way to “message” to users not to there email address but to there “support” inbox?

8. signup.php anyway to hide refer?

9. Jobs.php Int and USA Email me new jobs box?

10. Look into why I get multiple emails when someone signs up and why then get 2 emails once there account is activated.

11. Site Speed increase?

12. Userlist.php “auto select” can we remove this within messing up my site and its files?

13. Anyway I can set a job so users could do it after as an example of 48 hours later-? Or would that change the code for the whole site and all jobs?

Add – From My Account referral & Bonuses along with member signed up under you: “7” Is there anyway you can make the “#” of members signed up under as a link or popup link and it would show ALL users registered under you?

Linux Server Administrator

Linux Server Administrator
I am looking for a candidate who can assist me with setting up a Linux server. The task will include installing and setting up a few modules such as GD library, mod re_write function, PHP5, MySql, and Ioncube Loader. After these are install then I will need the script install on the server and correct any errors the configuration might have to run the script. The server will need to have mail server and security setup and configure properly. The server will then need to be optimize to run smoothly. These script has step my step instruction on how to install it. The scripts are written in cakephp and php and is encrypted with IonCube so some knowledge of this will be very help as to troubleshoot if needed. If you know what you are doing then this should not take more than one day turn around.

I will need you to be on messenger so I can follow through these step with you. I will supply the information as we proceed.

The installation of the script will be no more than 30 minute and it does come with a step by step installation PDF.


Thank you for looking.

Im looking to completely redesign my site’s shop. Ideally we need to create something very simular to where people can be emailed usernames and login codes and then access a backend where they can upload and update advertisements and images.

Please pm for details.

Many Thanks

Project finance 500 US

Dynamic Website Development

Dynamic Website Development
We are looking for a professional programmer with very good experience in website construction from zero. That means, the final result will be exactly as the requirements of the project (graphic details, sizings, paddings, margins, behavior of the modules, programming elements) and the deadlines will be HARDLY KEPT( seven working days for demo- three working days for corrections after demo implementation). Before bid on this project please message me to discuss the details of the website and the way you will work on it(programming tools e.t.c ), in order to understand the idea of the whole concept and cover all the requirements…

-The website needs to be dynamic (frontend/backend). That means, the user/administrator will be able to add-edit-delete e.t.c the content of every page through an easy friendly administrator’s environment.

-Full browser compatibility ( ie 6,7,8, safari, firefox, chrome…)

-Well commented markup, search engine optimized coding

-The sound must play in all pages continuously (no stop through website navigation).

-Payment will be sent after full functionality of the demo page (frontend / backend).

-Corrections must be implemented online-realtime if needed through skype.

Check the attached image

Magento Buttons

Magento Buttons
In the inventory section of the items configuration, there would be 3 check boxes available to be checked.

Order On Request

Each one of these has its own button that will appear instead of the “Add to Cart” Button or the “Place Backorder” Button.

The Pre-Order and Order on Request will be able to be added to the cart and purchased. The Discontinued would not be a clickable button. We still want to have the discontinued models on the site, as some of those items drive them to the site.

We may run into issues, but this is the general idea. As far as charging them, we charge in advance on every single order. Authorizing a card and then “attempting” to charge it later just creates issues. We have that in our store policies.

We would like to make the checked boxes superceede all other requirements. For instance we will have 0 qty in stock, but the pre-order button will still be able to purchase the item. Also, we might show 100 of a discontinued item in stock, but if its check discontinued the discontinued button would appear and the order would not be able to be ordered.

Joomla Firefox Ie 6 7 Optimize

Joomla Firefox Ie 6 7 Optimize
Hi there, just quickly ..

this site needs to be optimized for IE 6 7 8 , Chrome etc and firefox to look the same in both without any error ..

Also to replace the rounded corner to a “normal” method as it uses now the ” method ” i need the div div div div made out of images with any images .. i just want to replace the corner/side images with mine after its done .. so you DONT have to design the images .. just use any basic .. that i can replace ..

Thanks in advance .. Good Biddig .. !