Seo Person Needed – Monthly

Seo Person Needed – Monthly
Looking for experienced SEO person who can handle 4 SEO projects at a time.
All 4 will be for 6 months – and if your work produces the results, you will get the next 6 months.

4 websites are as follows :

Website #1 has page rank 4 and been online since 2002
Website #2 is page rank #3 and online since 1998
Website #3 is page rank 0 and online since 4 months
Website #4 is page rank 0 and online since few days.

Organic SEO needed will be both ON SITE & OFF SITE. All 4 need traffic increase so a Social Media Optimization/Social bookmarking plan will be appreciated.
I will provide all the content for PR, Blog and Article Submission.
NO Copy writing needed.
ALl the usual SEO is needed like –
– Top 10 Google Optimization- Onsite Optimization- Keyword Research
– Link Building Services- Directory Submission Services- Social Bookmarking- Rss Feed Submission- Local Business Listing
– Squidoo Lens Creation- ORGANIC Search Engine Submissions
– Article Development and Submission- Press Release distribution

Total budget is $400 per month. I am a SEO expert myself so I need someone who can work with me and save me time and take over these 4 projects. I will help in web design/CSS/XHTML etc

If you are reliable and can show me results, I will send you 4-5 projects a month on regular basis.

Add Content To Joomla Template

Add Content To Joomla Template
I have a joomla template uploaded ( but I need my content and menus to work properly. I have attached an outline of what I need the site to look like and say and I have also attached the original template.

The outline is basic text to show where everything needs to be, I obviously want it designed so it flows with the site and it looks good. I am also new to Joomla and will need some help with the admin.

Each page on the menu needs to be created as well and I will fill in the content as needed.

Please only bid if you have worked with joomla and please ask any questions prior to bidding.

Php Mysql Jquery Ajax

Php Mysql Jquery Ajax
I have an event planner that is in php and jquery and I would like to have it integrated with a mysql database, probably with ajax.

this should be very easy to do as there are only a few tables needed to make this work properly.

I could do this myself but I don’t have the time right now

I have all the scripts functioning to provide and would like to have all the php coding input correctly as well as create table script…plug and play if you will….

One thing requires is an id table that I can use to duplicate planner across a membership site

I need working example prior to payment as well as debugging if needed

I also have a couple of other little thing like this that I would like to get done so if it works out on this planner then there possibly more for you!

Codeignite Live Broadcast/onde

Codeignite Live Broadcast/onde
Don’t just send me a list of websites. All bids that do this will be automatically rejected.

SITE: Live Broadcasting with recording and Ondemand Streaming

BUDGET: $1,500
$100 BONUS if you keep to deadlines and finish on time.

Payment is broken down into modules, as each is completed uploaded to my server, tested and approved, money is released.

All applicants must provide websites showing streaming experience – live broadcasting and/or ondemand. Reference checks will be done on websites given as reference.

Provider is required to set up a streaming server on buyer’s website using RED5 0.8 and latest FFMPEG for encoding video files for dynamic delivery (creating 5 .flv files for different internet connection).

Provider must have Code Igniter because the site is in CodeIgniter, RED5 and FFMPEG experience. These modules are building on existing structure. All modules are interconnected with each other and intensive ecommerce viewable on Window IE and Mozilla and Macintosh. Detailed document for each module and jpgs of page layouts will be shared with the provider chosen.

1. Install and optimal configuration of FFMPEG and RED5 (streaming server) on a linux dedicated server for streaming on the website which includes live broadcasting and OnDemand movie/video and audio streaming.

2. Producer/Presenter (PP) Membership feeds all OnDemand content and 30% of Live Broadcasting shows. PP is heavy with file uploads, two-way payments, reports, tracking, reviews, ratings and DVD sales. All done in codeigniter 1.7, Web 2.0

3. Ondemand – a codeigniter interface has been built for approved members to upload 700M – 1.5G movie/video files. These files need to be encoded for dynamic delivery (5 formats which is automatically selected dependent on visitor’s internet connection.) H264 and VP6 quality. Member can pay for a movie with reward points, gift certificates, etc. Admin payment to producers for content sales need to be setup, as well as, producer payment to buyer for copyright registration and piracy protection. Reporting of content payments, viewing statistics needs to be setup.

4. Live Broadcasting- Streaming from over 30 locations around the world with 10+ broadcasting at the same time. Save streaming content every 5 minutes so all of broadcast is not lost should there be interruption in connection. These saved live broadcasts in turn become ondemand offerings for those who missed the live broadcast. The streaming files should also be done with dynamic delivery, H264 and VP6 quality. I need education here as to how the live broadcasting should be so it is efficient. Members can schedule, pay for public and private broadcast. Those who miss the live broadcast can pay and watch the recording as ondemand.

5. Provide a way for providers developing other modules to pass their video uploads to red5/ffmpeg for encoding and transcoding, then files back.

Thanks for your attention.

Web Researcher

Web Researcher
I am looking for someone who can quickly and professional research and update my spreadsheet on a monthly term via paypal. I will make the first transaction here to test your professionalism.

Here are the task,

I need you to research and update
1. 5 new sites that accept guest post per month

2. 15 new pay per click management companies per month ( there are many ppc management directories on the net)
3. 15 sites that contains lots of content and have lot of search engine traffic. ( i will provide you with how to determine how much search engine traffic it has)

4. 5-10 sites that accept sponsored post or reviews ( you can put in certain phrases to find out who is doing sponsored reviews on their blog)

5. 25 new keywords with low competition per month. ( I will provide you with simple tool and explanation on where to get them from. You just have to update the list based on my guidelines.

6. using the keywords provide a article topic to write a article on (2 topics per month)

7. Research 10 new marketing terms to write glossary definition from. (10 words per month, can come from research keyword list or I can show you how to find more, very simple)

I will provide you with simple details on how and where to start. Your experience is also welcome to help improve the list.

The spread sheet is already setup and all you will be doing is search google to find these things.

The task are also very simple. The researcher needs to be able to provide all of these task between before the last day of each month and start no later than the 20th.

Content And Article Writers

Content And Article Writers
The site I have developed is in relation to the cooking related genre, and in particular the Herbs and Spices segment. I am looking for writers that can produce quality articles and also original content that I will be using for my site, the submitted content must pass copyscape. In addition the content must be SEO friendly.

I will only accept bids from people with excellent writing skills, and who have a proven background in article and content submission with excellent reviews.

The project will be broken into two segments; this will include the content and article component that I require for each of the Herbs and Spices part of the website.

1 -Content Submission for Herbs website-
For the content submission I will need the following content for the Herbs section. This will require a list of Herbs from A-Z, with the following required for each listing.
Name (English and botanical name, Description (50 – 150 words), Origin, Cultivation (50 words), Constituents, Vitamins, Minerals, Medicinal uses (100 words), Culinary uses (50 words) and other uses for the herb.
The above will act as the main source of information regarding the listings of the herbs, I will also need content relating to the History of herbs and a definition, this will be general information that will appear on the landing page of the site. (250 – 300 words)

-Article Submission for Herbs-
I will require original articles to be written; they must pass copyscape, and must be of a high standard. The following headings will form the basis or reference point for the articles to be written about. Each article must be between 350 – 500 words.

– Choosing Herbs (How to select the right ones for you)
– Planting and growing herbs (Information guide)
– How to care for your Herbs (both Indoor and outdoor)
– Soil (Potting mix, fertilizer, how to make your own potting mix etc)
– Watering (General and specific info)
– Drying herbs (General and specific info)
– Environmental and health information regarding herbs, such as why you should grow your own herbs etc.

2 -Content Submission for Spices Website
List of spices from A-Z, included in this list will be the name, a brief history of that particular spice (200 – 350) words, description including flavour etc (100-200 words), Cultivation, Medicinal uses and properties, culinary uses (100 words), Other names for the spice (including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Indian, Arabic), and also preparation and storage (50 words).

The above will be the main source of information regarding the list of spices, I will also need a general history of spices and definition of spices (250 – 300 words), and this will appear on the landing page of my site.

– Article submission for spices –
I will require some original articles on this topic, they must be well written and pass copyscape; the following headings will act as a guide or reference point for the articles. Each article must be between 350 – 500 words.

– How spices can improve your health, in terms of their ability to fight disease. Also include one other topic that relates to health and how spices can help
– Harvesting and drying herbs (An information guide on the do’s and dont’s for this topic, basically a how to guide)
– An article about Saffron, Focusing on the trend in its cost, why is it so expensive, brief history, from its humble beginnings to being one of the most sought after spices in the world etc)
– Tips about spices (including storage, how to organize your kitchen cupboard with the best spices, the main ones you should have and what benefits this will bring to your household)
– Why you need a mortar and pestle for your spices?
– What’s the difference between herbs and spices?

For those who want to apply for this project, please understand that I will require a sample of previous work, or at least a sample for one of the topics I have provided. This will ensure that I get the highest quality and standard of writing I am looking for.

Thank you

Mobile Mms Service Through Web

Mobile Mms Service Through Web
ALL BIDS WITHOUT MOBILE WEBSITE REFERENCES WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY REJECTED. Please don’t send me a list of sites, make sure it is relevant.


Site example is “text4free dot net” or clickatell. Project is not as complicated as it may seem it a simple send text to a mobile phone from a website and receiving a response back to the website email that it came from.

We will not be buying a mobile subscription service. There is no API to provide you, this is what we are hiring you to develop with opensource.

You need to integrate this application with a codeigniter membership site.

We are offering a free service to selected members that will allow them to receive text with attachments on their mobile phone. File size less than 1MB. Should they reply to the message, it returns to the Inbox of sending member. Website is done in CodeIgniter and provider needs to interface with and/or build on existing membership programming and Inbox or create an Inbox specifically for the mobile messaging – all text sent and replies received. Phone Type: Third Generation and Non-Third Generation.

1. From an email, send MMS with up to 5 attachments (.doc, jpgs, pdfs, etc.) to any mobile in any country
I have a list of provider send codes, over time members will supply provider send codes

2. Permission is needed from recipient prior to receiving text to mobile from any member.
If the mobile recipient accepts permission, the message goes to sender’s email addresses.

3. Recipient can report abuse on sender.

4. Admin can block sender from any future text to any mobile if a number of abuse report is received.

5. Admin can send mass text to mobile to all members or selected member groups or an individual.

6. If sender is from Admin, reply with attachment which most likely is a contract returns to admin inbox

7. Comprehensive Admin Control Panel to view members’ mobile details.

WordPress Blog Modfications

WordPress Blog Modfications
need someone to do a few things to my wordpress blog… move a few things around… for

– get my mp3 player on the site working
– add a poll
– change some categories around
– change a few fonts

minor stuff… but for the right person this will be an ongoing thing and ill be needing help doing more and adding on to the site.

Intergrate Image Script 2

Intergrate Image Script 2
Hi There,
I had a guy on scriptlance awhile back write a script for me that he was suppose to intregrate into my x-cart shopping cart. He finished the image editing script but was unable to integrate it into the cart. The site is It is a script that allows customers to make thier own license plates and order them directly off the site. It should be implemented into the cart to work with the cart. It is a image editing script. it is suppose to allow the customer to take a template and edit the text and add thier own images. They can then add it to the cart and it is uploaded to the server. There should be a thumbnail image in the order summary and a link to the image in the customer and order department emails and in the order summary. He is suppose to have finished the script, but it may still take a little modifying and debugging. I prefer someone who really know how to do this. Please only bid if you are serious and have the knowledge to do it. The site should kind of work like Please email with any questions. Would like it done within 30 days.

Data Entry For Website

Data Entry For Website

hi, I need data entry person to populate my new website. You’ll need to create a large number of accounts (atleast 300) to post messages and reply to messages to create atleast 600 posts. The posts MUST be fully understandable and intelligent. Every post should have atleast 3-4 replies which must also be intelligent and related to the post. The maximum time frame for this project is 7 days.

WordPress Membership Project

WordPress Membership Project
I need a web developer/programmer familiar WordPress, Wishlist member and online credit card processing. The person should also have a great sense of style and user interfaces. I have CM word-press website that is up and running and I am launching a membership section within the site, I have Wishlist member set up and the layout of the membership site is currently done but needs to be completed before the launch. To complete this we need someone that is excellent with web design, great at finalizing designs and someone that is quick.

Need work done ASAP. Please don’t connect us if you don’t have time to complete this work over the next two days.