Joomla Experts Needed

Joomla Experts Needed

We are looking for following upgrades to our Joomla site ASAP:

1. Access control component allows users to see content based on their username.
2. User registration screen
A user registration and access control module needs to be added for 1 and 2

For now let the user categories be:
Customer- only customer sees previous client references page
partner- only partner sees partner page
Associate/Job seeker- only associate seeks careers page

3. Shopping cart

Shopping cart with visa , master card and ICICI net banking payment gateway.

Please present deadline for requirement 1 and 2 and Shopping cart separately.

NOTE: Post 5 best of your Joomla websites ONLY else your profile will be ignored.

We are a 10 year old company and we always pay. Payment thru Scriptlance Escrow only.

Happy Bidding


Psd To Xhtml/css

Psd To Xhtml/css

On the homepage – look at waldio.jpg you will see a big

I need all the fonts to be exact to the PSD.

Stretch the header bg like all my other sites, same with the footer and center site

Instructions: Home Page

I want the waldio logo to be a link back to the index.php page.
I want login going to login.php (which i need you to do)
I want join to go to join.php (which i need to to do)
I need search to look like it is. (look at jpgs)

– in the psd there is folder called “header” in the psd
if you expand that you will see “On rollover” folder, click the ‘eye’ on it to turn it on, you will now see what ALL the roll overs for the top should look like including the search field.

Middle Area:
“hello there. meet waldio” should be able to change
the big picture of the show, that should rotate to different pictures that I put in there, I want to be able to change it out and add a flash movie if I want to.

Right Side Bar: (INCLUDES FOLDER!)
“whats going on here?”
all that should be able to edit.
I want to be able to expand.

“learn more” and “theme shop” should all link and have a hover.

Ad by Waldio:
I want to be able to manage those ads so i need them to be
able to add like 50 and they all rotate.

“Recent Work | Currrent Work”

I want to be able to edit those images, if you look at the top
middle you will see one with a brown border that will be the hover
for these. When you click on one of these pictures it should go to that page i made for it, I will need u to do a dummy one.

Also I want the footer to come up if there is not enough room on the pageso its not just a bunch of white below the content so it needs
to be able to move up and down.

Example: waldio_join.jpg see all the white under sign up box? the footer could move up a little so there isnt so much white between content and footer.

You will see “advertise your site here” I need that to be a link
with a white rollover similar to the link on the right side that says “about”.

I need all those links to hover on the left, and the bottom of nav.

There is a little “W” circle at the bottom that links to the homepage on click.

The advertisement I need to do what I do above wheer I can have
50 ads and they just rotate.

you should have an idea for the rest of the pages

all pages Should have their OWN side bar where I can change them.


Login/ Join Pages

When they sign up, give them the option to enroll on the newsletter
all this is saved somewhere and they use the “login’ field to login
to the site. When they are logged in I need the top where it usually says “who are you?” to say “Welcome” and where it says “login join” to saytheir name they used.

I NEED ALL THIS INFORMATION SAVED!! that they fill out. I need to know if they selected the “Yes i want to sign up for the newsletter” part as well.

if you read this reply back and write “gowaldio!” as the top of your post..

I need this in 24/48 hours!

Do good work I will have more jobs for just xhtml/css.

Social Network Meetup Clone

Social Network Meetup Clone
I want a social site like

If anyone has already done the project, I would like to buy the product for $150

It does not matter if it’s on Joomla, BuddyPress, ELGG or whatever

It does not have to look like Meetup

I need to have one site with different cities, interests and groups

New York Language Groups (Italian, German etc…)
Chicago Sports Groups (baseball fans, football fans etc…)

Only group creators can create events and dinner parties on a calendar that REPEATS (every other Monday etc…)
Member’s photos appear when they rsvp for events

Copy Writing Work

Copy Writing Work

I’m listing the project specifics below. Have a look over them thoroughly please before bidding, to ensure that you can handle the turnaround, etc.

60 keyword articles needed.
500 words each.
5 a day delivery minimum.
$3.50 per article. Payment weekly by paypal.
100% original articles needed. Passing copyscape.
English level must be high.
Immediate start needed.

Only serious bidders please. And kindly leave a sample of your work. Or a link showing published work you’ve completed.


Copy Of Moneybookers

Copy Of Moneybookers
I need to build site like moneybookers-com a payment processor script that works like PayPal, StormPay, IntGold, MoneyBookers, etc. This script should be PHP and should be easily configurable…i.e. admin area, config.php file, install.php file, and README file, etc. I have seen people with scripts like this before on here. I do not want the one that looks like PayPal (epay)…anything but that one. Make sure it’s bug free and tested because I will leave bad feedback if it is a terrible, buggy script that you give me.
and my Base in Work Will Be copy Of moneybookers-com and i will add more of some functional
like prepaid card servers but who can serve me with this work
and Language add-on and extension change (.pyb)
and language must have fully language control Like oscommerce Script can i add any language i like it Arabic.Fran , etc.
and will be more serves but start the base work this is and will add what we like it with more more more more secure work and just thinking in haking this script i want it impossible

can i know cost and time please to start work soon is possible

Thanks all

Joomla Website/ Virtuemart

Joomla Website/ Virtuemart
Would like to update to the most recent version of Joomla and also make a few changes within the Virtuemart shopping cart
-add a CART button to the main menu
-errors on some products- on every BODY WASH, SPRITZ and SOAP it says under product description:
testLavender Body Wash. It should read lavender Body Wash
testlavender Soap- It should read Lavender soap etc etc
There is the word test in front of all these products which needs to be removed

Quick Job In Joomla

Quick Job In Joomla
JOB: Job is images convert into joomla 1.5 Incl. Joomfish

Two template website, PSDs are not available but i have jpg that is attached.
Projects needs to be finished within -7 ours, so please bid only if you can meet deadline, no compromise in time. Please place bid only if you have minimum 10 reviews and can meet deadline,
Aply only if you will available at all major IM after completing job for fixing and will available till 12:00 CET.

E Learning Membership Site

E Learning Membership Site
We require an E Learning membership site
1. The site need to be designed to in a CMS such as Drupal or any other CMS or script that secure, easy to update & easy to use ( prefer php, mysql )
2. The design is shown in attachment. Graphical design will be provided upon project start
3. Membership levels shown in the attachment
4. The Courses will be in swf
5. The content folders need to be restricted to their level of membership only even when pass around links..(all contents such as swf, flv, html, jpg etc need to be protected)
6. Need to integration with Paypal & credit card system (API will be provided) for membership payment
7. Need the site to be completed in 2- 3 weeks time

Website Clone + Configurator

Website Clone + Configurator
I basically need a clone of this real estate website http:// (remove space!) with the following changes including the programing of the configurator:

– remove all Flash content!
– replace all navigation images with text & CSS
– change all popups to lightbox popups

– port the configurator to a php/mySQL solution !

– backend administration for:
– FAQ, References, pictures (gallery), News, Media, Press (PDF-Download)
– administration for the configurator items:
* manager for sites: add new sites and activate them later,
* manager for house types: add new house types,edit descriptions, prices and images
* manger for interior: add more items, picture manager
* manager for furniture: add more furniture options, picture manager
* manager for kitchens: add and remove items, picture manager
* PDF creation on the configurator results

– ‘one click’ to mark single object sold or reserved or available
– setup of new items in the configurator
– additional video page for showing their films
– SEO optmization of the page

Please have a close look to the configurator / house builder of the website. The different house types have different options and different interior, kitchens e.g. This is not easy!

I’d like to see some AJAX on this page and a tablefree CSS design and i need excellent graphics of course.

An experienced and good programmer is needed for this project who can start immediately. My customer expects to see a demo in 7 days. Payment is Escrow as soon as i have a running and bugfree website/script on my server. A follow up project to this one is most likely.

If you have read and understood my requirements for this project, please put the word ‘hausbau’ in your reply. Include some examples of your work, especially configurator sites, if not i will not pick you. Any questions? Go see the PMB.
Thank you!