How to Create an Infinite Scroll Web Gallery

How to Create an Infinite Scroll Web Gallery

When working my way through a web gallery, I find it annoying when I must change pages; so in today’s tutorial, we will learn how to create an auto-generating, one-page, infinite scrolling gallery with PHP and AJAX. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Project Outline

We’ll begin with a normal gallery page that has a container for our images, and we’ll monitor the scroll position by calling a JavaScript function at a quick interval. Each time the scroll bar is near the bottom, we’ll make an AJAX request to an external PHP file, which returns a list of image names. Now, all we’ll need to do is add these images to our container, thus modifying the page height moving the scroll position higher.

Step 2: HTML Markup

We’ll work with a very basic setup: a header and the container for our images. The thumbnails will be grouped in sets of three rows, each will contain a link, referencing the full size image. After each group, we will add some text showing the total number of displayed images, and a link to the top of the page.

	<div id="header">Web Gallery | Infinite Scroll</div>
	<div id="container">
		<a href="img/Achievements.jpg"><img src="thumb/Achievements.jpg" /></a>
		<a href="img/Bw.jpg"><img src="thumb/Bw.jpg" /></a>
		<a href="img/Camera.jpg"><img src="thumb/Camera.jpg" /></a>
		<a href="img/Cat-Dog.jpg"><img src="thumb/Cat-Dog.jpg" /></a>
		<a href="img/CREATIV.jpg"><img src="thumb/CREATIV.jpg" /></a>
		<a href="img/creativ2.jpg"><img src="thumb/creativ2.jpg" /></a>
		<a href="img/Earth.jpg"><img src="thumb/Earth.jpg" /></a>
		<a href="img/Endless.jpg"><img src="thumb/Endless.jpg" /></a>
		<a href="img/EndlesSlights.jpg"><img src="thumb/EndlesSlights.jpg" /></a>    

		<p>9 Images Displayed | <a href="#header">top</a></p>
	    <hr />

Step 3: CSS

The CSS is also quite basic. First, we define the page colors and positioning for the header and paragraphs.

	font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	margin: 0 auto;
	margin: 20px;
	border-top: 1px solid #111;
	border-bottom: 1px solid #333;
	margin-left: 20px;
	margin-bottom: -10px;

Step 4

Then, for the container and images, I used a bit of CSS3 to add round corners and shadows. Don’t forget "-moz-box-shadow" and "-moz-border-radius" for Firefox and "-webkit-box-shadow" and "-webkit-border-radius" for Chrome and Safari.

	margin: 0 auto;
	border:1px solid #333;
	-moz-border-radius: 10px;
	-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
	font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
	border:10px solid #444;
	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
	-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
	margin: 15px;
	-moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px #111;
	-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px #111;

Step 5: PHP Script

This is going to be very short. We need to call the PHP script with the index of the next image we need as a parameter. First of all, we have to retrieve all the available image names from a directory and save them into an array. I organized my images in two folders: "thumb" and "img" which contain the thumbnails and actual images, respectively. Note that the thumbnails must have the exact same name as their corresponding full size images.


$dir = "thumb";
	if($dd = opendir($dir)){
		while (($f = readdir($dd)) !== false)
			if($f != "." && $f != "..")
				$files[] = $f;

We define a variable for the directory we want to get the image names from, test if it exists, and if we can open it, read all the file names from it. When reading an entire folder, we will always get two extra elements we may not want: "." – this stands for the current directory, and ".." – this stands for the parent directory. To compensate, we have to test if the element read is different from these two, then we can safely add it to our array.

$files[] = $f;

As a note, when adding an element to an array and not specifying the position to be placed in, it will always push the element to the end of the array.

Step 6

Now we have to build our response text. We are going to send back to the JavaScript a single string containing all the necessary file names separated by a semi-colon.

	$n = $_GET["n"];
	$response = "";

We get the URL parameter for the index of the next image we need, and we initialize our response text.

	for($i = $n; $i<$n+9; $i++)
		$response = $response.$files[$i%count($files)].';';
	echo $response;

As I said before, the images will be grouped in sets of three rows, each containing three images, so we only need nine images to return the file names for a group. We start at the index we got as parameter, $n, and go until $n+9. At each increment, we add our image name followed by ";" to the response text. Here is a little tricky part. We won’t have an infinite number of images; so in order to create the effect of an "infinite" gallery which never ends, each time the index of the next image is greater that the total number of images, we must start over from the beginning. This is done by applying the "modulo" or "%" function between the index and the total number of images.


As a result, we get the remainder of the division between these two elements. For example, if the index "$i" is "50" and the number of images "count($files)" is "45" the result will be "5". As well, if "$i" is "50" and "count($files)" is "65", the result will be "50". Finally, we have to send back our response text.

Step 7

Here is the complete PHP script. Just place your completed code within a new .php file.


	$dir = "thumb";
		if($dd = opendir($dir)){
			while (($f = readdir($dd)) !== false)
				if($f != "." && $f != "..")
					$files[] = $f;

	$n = $_GET["n"];
	$response = "";
		for($i = $n; $i<$n+9; $i++){
			$response = $response.$files[$i%count($files)].';';
		echo $response;

Step 8: JavaScript

As usual, first we define some variables we will need later on.

var contentHeight = 800;
var pageHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
var scrollPosition;
var n = 10;
var xmlhttp;

In order to determine weather the scroll bar is near the bottom of the page, we need three variables:

  • "contentHeight" – the height of the initial gallery
  • "pageHeight" – the height of the visible page in the browser
  • "scrollPosition" – the position of the scroll bar measured from the top

Lastly, we need a variable for the next image index (which we are going to send to the PHP script), and a variable for the Ajax request object.

Step 9

We need to define a function that will add the images to our HTML container.

function putImages(){
	if (xmlhttp.readyState==4){

A request object goes through different states as the request is made, each of which has a numerical value associated. The one we are interested in is the final state, when the request is complete and the value is "4". We first test if the request is in this state, and then check to see if we received a response.

Step 10

If both conditions are fulfilled, we have to tokenize the response text. This means we have to separate the file names into an array. Remember that in the PHP script we returned a single string with the names separated by semi-colons. Here is an example: Achievements.jpg;Bw.jpg;Camera.jpg;Cat-Dog.jpg;CREATIV.jpg;creativ2.jpg;Earth.jpg;Endless.jpg;EndlesSlights.jpg;

var resp = xmlhttp.responseText.replace("\r\n", "");
var files = resp.split(";");

There is a bit of a problem we have to deal with first; the response text may have at the beginning a new line character which we do not want. This is easily fixed with the "replace" function, that takes two parameters: "\r\n" – the new line character, and "" – empty string that will replace all occurrences of the first parameter. Now all we have to do is to split the string by our delimiter ";".

Step 11

Next, we have to add the images to our container.

            var j = 0;
            for(i=0; i<files.length; i++){
                if(files[i] != ""){
                    document.getElementById("container").innerHTML += '<a href="img/'+files[i]+'"><img src="thumb/'+files[i]+'" /></a>';

                    if(j == 3 || j == 6)
                        document.getElementById("container").innerHTML += '';
                    else if(j == 9){
                        document.getElementById("container").innerHTML += '<p>'+(n-1)+" Images Displayed | <a href='#header'>top</a></p><hr />";
                        j = 0;

For every element in our array, we check if it isn’t an empty string, and add the thumbnail with the link on it. We have to keep a counter "j" in order to separate the images in rows. After every third and sixth thumbnail added, we create a new line, and after nine thumbnails added we put the text showing the total number of displayed images and a link to the top of the page.

Step 12

Here is the complete function.

function putImages(){
	if (xmlhttp.readyState==4){
			var resp = xmlhttp.responseText.replace("\r\n", "");
			var files = resp.split(";");

            var j = 0;
            for(i=0; i<files.length; i++){
                if(files[i] != ""){
                    document.getElementById("container").innerHTML += '<a href="img/'+files[i]+'"><img src="thumb/'+files[i]+'" /></a>';

                    if(j == 3 || j == 6)
                        document.getElementById("container").innerHTML += '';
                    else if(j == 9){
                        document.getElementById("container").innerHTML += '<p>'+(n-1)+" Images Displayed | <a href='#header'>top</a></p><hr />";
                        j = 0;

Step 13

Now we are going to define the function that will check if the scroll position is getting near the bottom, and makes the request to the server.

function scroll(){

	if(navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
		scrollPosition = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
		scrollPosition = window.pageYOffset;

First, we have to find the position of the scroll bar. Internet Explorer does this a bit differently, so we have to determine what browser the client is using, then just store the value in the variable we defined earlier.

Step 14

	if((contentHeight - pageHeight - scrollPosition) < 500){

Now we check to see if we are about to reach the end of our gallery – if the part of the page visible in the browser is below the bottom 500px of the entire page. This isn’t an exact value, you may use a different one if you find it suitable. If this condition is true, we can continue on and add new images.

Step 15: Creating the XMLHttpRequest Object

We are ready to make the XMLHttpRequest object and send it. Again, for Internet Explorer the definition is a bit different, so we must compensate for this as well.

			//Firefox, Opera, Safari
			xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
            	//Internet Explorer
				xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
				alert ("Bummer! Your browser does not support XMLHTTP!");

Step 16

Before sending the request, we have to specify the PHP script name on the server and insert the parameters we want to give it.

	var url="getImages.php?n="+n;

This is a simple text variable representing the URL of the page.

Step 17

It’s time to send the request."GET",url,true);

The URL is set by calling the "open" method. The second parameter is the important one, this being the script’s URL. After doing so, all we need is to send it. This will run the PHP script and put in "xmlhttp.responseText" the return value of it.

Step 18

The final step is to place the new content on the page by calling the function we defined earlier "putImages" and to prepare our variables for the next request.

		n += 9;
		contentHeight += 800;
		xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = putImages;

We have nine new images in the gallery, so we increment "n" with 9, and we need to change the page height; so increment "contentHeight" with 800.

Step 19

Here is the entire JavaScript we’ve used.

var contentHeight = 800;
var pageHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
var scrollPosition;
var n = 10;
var xmlhttp;

function putImages(){

	if (xmlhttp.readyState==4)
			 var resp = xmlhttp.responseText.replace("\r\n", "");
			 var files = resp.split(";");
			  var j = 0;
			  for(i=0; i<files.length; i++){
				  if(files[i] != ""){
					 document.getElementById("container").innerHTML += '<a href="img/'+files[i]+'"><img src="thumb/'+files[i]+'" /></a>';

					 if(j == 3 || j == 6)
						  document.getElementById("container").innerHTML += '';
					  else if(j == 9){
						  document.getElementById("container").innerHTML += '<p>'+(n-1)+" Images Displayed | <a href='#header'>top</a></p><hr />";
						  j = 0;

function scroll(){

	if(navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
		scrollPosition = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
		scrollPosition = window.pageYOffset;		

	if((contentHeight - pageHeight - scrollPosition) < 500){

			xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
				xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
				alert ("Bummer! Your browser does not support XMLHTTP!");		  

		var url="getImages.php?n="+n;"GET",url,true);

		n += 9;
		contentHeight += 800;

Step 20

The final thing that we must do is run the JavaScript at a specified interval.

<body onload="setInterval('scroll();', 250);">

Just set up the "onload" property of the "body" tag, and set its value to the "setInterval" function. This will run the "scroll" function every quarter of a second. Again, you may change this time value, but I found that it’s optimal for what we need.


We are done! I hope you found this tutorial to be of help and useful. Please leave a message in the comment section below, should you need further assistance or advice.

Adult Site Seo/link Building

Adult Site Seo/link Building
Post to adult forums or blogs with a link back to one of our 20 sites.

Post 20 relevant posts in adult forums or blogs with a linkback to one of our sites. This needs to be repeted for each of our 20 sites. So in total you will be doing 400 posts.

– Each post must be unique and not posted together with another post;
– Comments must be relevant to blog or forum subject and demonstrate that you read the ongoing discussion;
– Each posting must be from a different Username and must have different content;
– Minimum 35-40 words of original and quality writing per posting
– URL Link to our website must be inserted in each posting and be active.
– Your posts have to be with SEO in mind.
– No nofollow links.
– Links must be permanent for at least 3 months after posting, final payment will be made after 3 month.

We will provide you with a list of the sites and 5 different anchors for each site to be used.

Once you post 400 posts, you will provide us with a report.

Need Great Coder For Clone

Need Great Coder For Clone
I’m looking for coder to clone one website.

* Full OO-PHP
* Optimized MySQL
* Fast delivery
* CodeIgniter or KohanaPHP framework used

Important notes:
* You’re required to provide reallty GOOD quality, commented code
* Poor code = no payment, great code=long term cooperation possible
* You MUST use MVC design pattern

Front end can be cloned “as it is”, without any changes. For interested programmers link will be given within PMB.

Any questions? PM me.

Webform For Flash Video

Webform For Flash Video
This should be a really easy project for a flash developer.

We’re looking to create an optin webform that appears when
the user plays a video. See example here: (top right video)

When the user presses play an opt-in form appears over the video.

We need the flash video to do the same as above. The opt-in
webform appears when the user plays the video.

Because we will be using our Aweber webforms, we need to embed
a query from the url into the flash webform.

Embed into webform:
<input type=”hidden” value=”10393″ />

That should do it.

We’re looking for an easy solution to create these often without
having to use a flash person each and every time.


Php/html Template Modification

Php/html Template Modification
I have installed a PHP Banner Exchange script on my server. It runs perfectly and there is no need to modify or otherwise alter the script itself.

What I do need to change is the default template the script came with. You can see it here:

I need it to look like this:

Please note that ALL files need to modify this template reside in the same directory, on the same server. Also, the ‘login.html’ page above is the ONLT HTML page that I have personally modified to show how I want the rest of the site to look once it’s convertd to PHP.

Of course, I need the script to function just like it is once the template is modified.

If possible, I need this to be completed within 24 hours.

Please PM me with ANY questions you may have.

Thank you!

Site Design And Coding

Site Design And Coding
I need a design template for an existing site.

The site is located at

The existing design is the default coded design that comes with the script. All elements and coding of the design is located in one folder.

It is my desire to have several design templates that I can market.

For now I just need one design completed as soon as possible and depending on the quality, delivery time and price I will contract you for many more.

I do not need a high end design for this site, just something better than the default that comes with the script.

The following is an example of a typical 3 column layout used by many site owners. Designs like these are low budget and serve as an introductory design for new site owners.

It’s not uncommon for this design to sell around $15

I can provide more information, just ask.

Programming Needed Asap

Programming Needed Asap
I need the following for a new E-Commerce site

Shopping cart setup
custom programming where the search is:

Cover: (next category): (next category)

Each item you hover over in the final category will have an image pop up over it.

Need this done immediately.
Give prices. BUDGET IS FIRM


Info is below:

Colors need to be clean and crisp, but eye catching as well…

Other info is in the folder.

I need this by the 1st, NO LATER…

And leave a spot at the top of the design to add three 200×200 images…

Attached File:
Filename: READY TO
Size: 21.5 MB

Attached File:
Filename: VISATPRINT Cover It Logo Final copy.jpg
Size: 9.1 MB

Flash Interactive 3d Panoramas

Flash Interactive 3d Panoramas

Looking for Flash, XML, Panoramic Photography Editor to take original panoramic images and to generate Flash interactive 3D panoramas virtual tours similar to the ones below:
Mainly using XML scripting and using this software:
So that VR is interactive.
I will supply original jpeg images ( like low res sample attached) are Equirectangular. If I can find the right person for the job more work will be available.
Fee $100.00

Social Script Customisation

Social Script Customisation

I am looking for a super talented and dedicated developer to work on my simple project.

You must know PHP and Java script inside out and must also be a great problem solver but overall and allround experienced knowlegable developer/programmer.

The script is a social network script that needs a few simple parts deleted and also some parts customised into it.

Please show samples of this kind of work that you have done personally.

I estimate the its 2-3 days work or less if your really good.

The response with the best overall experience, price and time wins


Download Counter For Deb Files

Download Counter For Deb Files
I need to have a simple PHP download counter created ASAP. We have a Cydia source that is being updated everyday
with new applications/debian files. We need the script to scan for new files once they are uploaded and keep
track of how many times it was downloaded. We also need to have the ability to display each package download count.

Please note that the debian files path cannot be changed.

Mobile/wap Sites Builder 2

Mobile/wap Sites Builder 2
We need to a WAP / Mobile site builder script, something like,,, etc.

it also should be the following functions:

Site creators, could insert html, css, wml, xhtml tags for their sites, all these formats should be available.
Also line editor option for site owners to use to edit their their sites
Advertising columns where I could enter up to 50 ads that will be randomly displayed on all the sites created from the wap builder
All created sites should be a subdomain of my site
Security of the site from hackers and hacking should be taken care of
Other features like Owner CP, Admin CP Mod Cp, should also be included as options
Users should be able to create their own avaters and similies
Shout box, that allows html tags
Guestbook, feedback form, News room, RSS feeds should also be added.