Good / Original Writers Want 2

Good / Original Writers Want 2
I have 4 articles which need to be about 350 words each. These articles will go on the home pages of websites.
Your job will be to write original articles ( I just fired somebody for plagiarism). If you dont have what it takes to write original articles do not apply. I will not release a single cent or place any money on escrow until I check all the articles and make sure each one of those articles is free of plagiarism.

These are the requirements which you will meet or exceed:

1) Come up with a killer heading

2) Keep the reader engaged and not talk about anything technical

3) Make good use of keywords

4) Talk to the customer and not in neutral sense.

5) Instill confidence in the mind of the consumer

6) Sell the product!!!!!

Look forward to hearing from you.


Articles About Taiwan

Articles About Taiwan
I need this content completed promptly. The best writer that can complete this project the fastest and the cheapest…gets our business.

I need at least 800-1000 words of content per page with 23 pages

You MUST use my keywords I have within each of my titles in your content. I do not want to have to edit these articles, they must be grammatically correct. These articles must be PROFESSIONALLY written.

Same goes as always¡KI will send your work through CopyScape and will give negative feedback to anyone that¡¦s content is not original. Sorry I have to even say that ƒº

Here are the titles: Content must be written in English

1) Taiwan entertainment & Things to do in Taiwan
2) Places to stay in Taiwan Best Taiwan Hotels
3) Places to visit in Taiwan
4) Best time of year to visit Taiwan
5) Headline news in Taiwan
6) Best Attractions in Taiwan
7) Taiwan to soon make several Apple iPad like devices
8) Non-stop Taipei to London flights launched
9) What kind of food do Taiwanese people like?
10) Taiwan Weather and climates, what is the weather like in Taiwan?
11) Living conditions in Taiwan
12) Taiwan events and celebrations
13) Taiwan airlines and airports
14) Taiwan bullet train high speed rail
15) The best Taiwan Cities to visit
16) The worst Taiwan cities to visit
17) Taiwan currency and Us dollar exchange rate
18) Taiwan holidays and Festivals
19) Taiwan new year
20) What is Taiwan¡¦s population
21) What are the best Taiwan Recipes
22) Taiwan Tourist and Travel guide ideas
23) Best way to learn Taiwan Chinese language Translation

. Total about 18,400 – 23,000 words total.

Display Errors Joomla Website

Display Errors Joomla Website
Hello, I have some problems on this website when use IE to navigate it, most of this doesn’t happen when using Firefox. The site is based on joomla

1-As you position the cursor in the main menu an error mark in the status bar, seems to be a problem with the menu module, you can change the module keeping the appearance.
2-On IE 8 search box is misplaced, and modules are mixed up
3- some of errors on 2. doesn´t happen in compatibility mode, but
but the gallery fails (error on page)
4- after password change process, It messes up the user entry form and other modules positions (both in mozilla as in explorer).
5-when entering the wrong password there is no apearance change, do it more friendly.
6-When registering a new user we need to display a message please check your e-mail to continue the registration process (nothing comes out so people can not activate the account.)
7-Add an option to logout visible so users can exit safely.

It should display the same way both on IE and Firefox

thanks, please check

http://www. c n p-c o l o m b i

Famous Site Within 25 000 Usd

Famous Site Within 25 000 Usd
We need exact famous site whose detail available on request with certain additional features from another site integrated and all within a maximum budget of 25 Thousand 25,000 USD
The whole job requires atleast 16 to 20 people since it needs to be completed within 35 days strictly without any lapse whtsoever.
So good team with strong background either in php mysql or dot net respond ASAP
This is urgent.
Only professional company or teams with top quality resource who are punctual about their timely delivery contact immediately.
People who already contacted on Freelancer or Elance or Odesk. please dont open new channel here and create logistical discrepancies.


Codeigniter/ajax/php5 Web Dev

Codeigniter/ajax/php5 Web Dev
I am seeking an honest and professional PHP/codeigniter Developer. Bidders must have a very high feedback score and be able to show appropriate samples of their work.

Please PMB me a description of TWO projects you have completed in codeigniter. Don’t just link to the projects, give me a description of what you did with them. What was the project about and what did you do for it?

i have a religious educational website in php/mysql, custom script developed by few individuals since 2004

i would like to convert it using codeigniter framework with seo, sef url’s,cache,ajax search, social bookmarking integration,faster stable search and script for a faster and better end user experience.

its a non for profit free religious educational site. This will be a turnkey project.
Please explore the site to get a feel of existing features, which we need to improve.
More details in attached pdf file

Quick Flash Changes

Quick Flash Changes
Hi Guys,

I have a flash file on all of my pages within a wordpress site.

I need an expert flash person to:

1. Replace the images with another 4 pics that I have chosen.

2. Link each pic to the page that it says. eg. link the ‘about us’ image to the about us page.

This needs to be done today and will be paid by Escrow. If you have any questions feel free to message me and I will get back to you with the site details.


Flash Template Web Design

Flash Template Web Design
I would like the following template changed and my information added ( I will supply customer information):

I also want the between pages transitions changed. I would like the on page transitions to be more like the following template:

Last I want a live chat added to the website.

Xhtml/css Tableless Template

Xhtml/css Tableless Template
I need a one page CSS/XHTML tableless template based upon the website
The template must be CSS/XHTML tableless framework, XHTML and CSS files must pass W3C validation. Bidder must rewrite current stylesheet in English rather than reusing the current one, which is written in Spanish. Design must include a div for breadcrumbs, which will be located directly beneath the vertical menu. (See attached image) Currently both the vertical and horizontal menus use Dreamweaver Spry Assets to achieve drop down and fly out effects, however Spry has been depreciated and Adobe no longer supports it, so the fly outs and drop downs must be updated as well. Willing to pay a little extra if someone can complete the task on or before the 3rd.

Add Text To 1000 Pages Today

Add Text To 1000 Pages Today

I need someone to add text to pages (1,000)

Want to pay $10-$20 total

All you have to do is copy and paste from a PDF into the pages…

I need someone immediately, and so I am doing this little competition


To all bidders:

Here are the requirements; whoever does the best example will get the job with the pay requirements and a bonus if done by midnight tonight (Eastern Standard Time)

Take this PDF:

Go to page: 116

Take the first item: Unloader, MV540 — go by the PART #’s only — this one is Part# 85.300.003

find the page:

Copy the code using VIEW SOURCE

Take and edit the HTML and code it the best way you decide…

I have not done any PARTS versions, so come up with a good style.

—BEST ONE BY 5PM (45 minutes from now) GETS THE JOB


Thanks everyone!

Moderators And Processing

Moderators And Processing

We are a small SME, due to the increase of our website, we are searching for companies that can monitor our video site, to view the videos that the users upload and filter, adul content, spam, or copyright infringing content. We would also need to have the customer relationship management done, answering emails, performing adminsitrative tasks, activating accounts, … This service would need to be provided 24h/day.

We are searching for a SME in Bangalore that would be glad to provide
the service and we would need to visit the company, sign the Service
Level Agreement on site between the 19th-22nd April 2010.

Adut Script And Hosting & More

Adut Script And Hosting & More
To all you master Programmers.
I am looking for a script just like the one below if you cannot clone or build and install with the entire plug ins don’t bother contacting me. Obviously it can’t be an exact copy but something i can call my own, and use without any copyright problems! I need this done ASAP.I need a pro programmer I don’t want something put together using snippets of buggy code get my drift! I certainly don’t mean to be rude I am very honorable and just require honesty. I will pay using script lances escrow we will be able to discus every detail of the project! I in no way want to mess about with script lances terms and conditions TO ALL PRO, and i mean PRO programmers I just want things to go smooth like butter that’s all That’s it no stress you will find me a pleasure to work with I know my way around most simple to midway programming so I find it easy to explain what I need done. And once someone is ready i will write it all down every peace and put it up on my server so you can cross of each section as its done? Below is the front end and the admin of the site that i want cloned. I am also looking for a hosting script and a few other scripts. I look forward to speaking with you all.
please look at my other project

Kind Regards Nick

Ip World

Ip World
Hi guys,

I’m looking to design an fmylife/textsfromlastnight style website with soft features and easy for users to post sorta website. I don’t have any experience with programming so this would require a back-end interface for me to maintain the site. I just got burned by some other programmer and I’m back to square one after four weeks. So i’m looking for a person/company that follows guidelines set by me, communicates effectively and brings some sort of creative mind into the process. I don’t think I can wait another four weeks to put up this site so the quicker and cheaper the quotes, the better. Some examples would be nice.


Cms 1

Cms 1
I need a Custom made PHP/MySQL CMS for my computer repair business.

Here’s what I need:

Front end:
I will provide a Template that will be coded into the CMS (Might need to be updated to be Web2.0)
Graphic Text Added to already made Logo text will include “PC Repair”
Home Page
Contact Page
About Page
Function that will allow customers to follow their computer repair status online. By Clicking the tracking number, they can see a detailed report. (see admin end)
Online Payments
Pricing/Service Type Page
Testimonial Page

Admin end:
Home Page content editor
Contact Page content editor
About Page content editor
Function that will allow the admin to make a new repair status, options include; Tracking number, Date/Time started, Client name, Computer type, Status (Pending, In Progress, Delayed, Canceled, Completed), Date/Time completed/canceled. Once Completed or Canceled, the admin can input a detailed work log on what was done to fix the computer.
Add/Edit Testimonial

I will like this to be a custom build. I will need two (2) more sites created using this custom CMS.

Any questions, please ask.