Web Page Redesign

Web Page Redesign
Hello –

We need a redesign on our capture page & Sales Page.

We have our own header / above the fold template. It will
be a very clean site w/white background. We have the copy

You will need to make the page and upload it to our server
when finished so the links work and video players play
our videos.

The sales page is roughly 2 pages long and the capture page
will just be our video, a couple bullet points, and
opt in box. We have references to what we are trying to

Please have good feedback, good portfolio, and available
to begin within a day.

Communication is important. You must be on skype.

E-commerce Site And Php Asap

E-commerce Site And Php Asap

I need the following for a new E-Commerce site

Shopping cart setup
custom programming where the search is:

Cover: (next category): (next category)

Each item you hover over in the final category will have an image pop up over it.

Need this done immediately.
Give prices. BUDGET IS FIRM

Deadline is APRIL 1st – NO LATER

Info is below:

Colors need to be clean and crisp, but eye catching as well…

Other info is in the folder.

I need this by the 1st, NO LATER…

And leave a spot at the top of the design to add three 200×200 images…

LOGO File: https://www.scriptlance.com/f/?12697218443304636
INFORMATION File: https://www.scriptlance.com/f/?126972137619659227

The biggest thing is the design needs to be different…
Here are some different designs I like… The only thing I like is how they are different than regular e-commerce designs

http://www.templatemonster.com/magento-themes/27813.html ((I like the photo look… There are three images also to go on this page; can you put them in a photo frame? — AND CAN YOU MAKE IT SO ALL PRODUCTS I UPLOAD HAVE THE SAME PHOTO FRAME AROUND THE IMAGES?))

http://www.templatemonster.com/zencart-templates/27955.html ((this has a different design to it, but need some products on the home page… Need to be able to set ‘Featured Products’ – 6 products))

http://www.templatemonster.com/magento-themes/27243.html ((I like how they have the banners for each of the categories… I want something like this for the Amp Model’s page…))



http://www.templatemonster.com/oscommerce-templates/25917.html ((I LOVE HOW THE LOGO BLENDS INTO THE CATEGORY BAR HERE — TRY TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT WITH OUR LOGO))

LOGO IS ATTACHED: https://www.scriptlance.com/f/?12697218443304636
Will send the three images that need to be blended into the design at the top…

Programming Needed By 31st 2

Programming Needed By 31st 2
I need the following for a new E-Commerce site

Shopping cart setup
custom programming where the search is:

Cover: (next category): (next category)

Each item you hover over in the final category will have an image pop up over it.

Need this done immediately.
Give prices. BUDGET IS FIRM

Deadline is APRIL 1st – NO LATER

Info is below:

Colors need to be clean and crisp, but eye catching as well…

Other info is in the folder.

I need this by the 1st, NO LATER…

And leave a spot at the top of the design to add three 200×200 images…

Attached File: https://www.scriptlance.com/f/?126961199435108256
Filename: READY TO GO.zip
Size: 21.5 MB

Attached File: https://www.scriptlance.com/f/?12697218443304636
Filename: VISATPRINT Cover It Logo Final copy.jpg
Size: 9.1 MB

Website Cleanup & Minor Fixing

Website Cleanup & Minor Fixing
I have a website at npb-tweetback.com which I would like to have the following items done:

1. Have the new user page re-done:
– remove javascript
– replace js validation w/ php validation & quotmeta type functions
– ensure that this is inserted to db correctly
2. profile.php page re-do/fixes:
– correctly shows the correct data in the db in the correct column
– remove javascript & move validation to php

pages should retain functionality and continue to work. I’m not a javascript person so I don’t want to deal with this myself, but if this was perl->php or c->c# or some equivalent, it would probably take me four or five hours (being generous) to buffer that time and for reasonable expectations, lets multiply that by 2.5, so about 10 hours worth of work.

Please contact me with any questions or comments. You can see the current site at:

and the previous project description at:


Psd To Xhtml And Includes

Psd To Xhtml And Includes

On the homepage – look at waldio.jpg you will see a big

I need all the fonts to be exact to the PSD.

Stretch the header bg like all my other sites, same with the footer and center site

Instructions: Home Page

I want the waldio logo to be a link back to the index.php page.
I want login going to login.php (which i need you to do)
I want join to go to join.php (which i need to to do)
I need search to look like it is. (look at jpgs)

– in the psd there is folder called “header” in the psd
if you expand that you will see “On rollover” folder, click the ‘eye’ on it to turn it on, you will now see what ALL the roll overs for the top should look like including the search field.

Middle Area:
“hello there. meet waldio” should be able to change
the big picture of the show, that should rotate to different pictures that I put in there, I want to be able to change it out and add a flash movie if I want to.

Right Side Bar: (INCLUDES FOLDER!)
[example: waldio.com/includes/right_services.php)
“whats going on here?”
all that should be able to edit.
I want to be able to expand.

“learn more” and “theme shop” should all link and have a hover.

Ad by Waldio:
I want to be able to manage those ads so i need them to be
able to add like 50 and they all rotate.

“Recent Work | Currrent Work”

I want to be able to edit those images, if you look at the top
middle you will see one with a brown border that will be the hover
for these. When you click on one of these pictures it should go to that page i made for it, I will need u to do a dummy one.

Also I want the footer to come up if there is not enough room on the pageso its not just a bunch of white below the content so it needs
to be able to move up and down.

Example: waldio_join.jpg see all the white under sign up box? the footer could move up a little so there isnt so much white between content and footer.

[example: waldio.com/includes/bottom.php)
You will see “advertise your site here” I need that to be a link
with a white rollover similar to the link on the right side that says “about”.

I need all those links to hover on the left, and the bottom of nav.

There is a little “W” circle at the bottom that links to the homepage on click.

The advertisement I need to do what I do above wheer I can have
50 ads and they just rotate.

you should have an idea for the rest of the pages

all pages Should have their OWN side bar where I can change them.


Login/ Join Pages

When they sign up, give them the option to enroll on the newsletter
all this is saved somewhere and they use the “login’ field to login
to the site. When they are logged in I need the top where it usually says “who are you?” to say “Welcome” and where it says “login join” to saytheir name they used.

I NEED ALL THIS INFORMATION SAVED!! that they fill out. I need to know if they selected the “Yes i want to sign up for the newsletter” part as well.

if you read this reply back and write “gowaldio!” as the top of your post..

I need this in 24/48 hours!

Do good work I will have more jobs for just xhtml/css.

Article Writer For 8 Articles

Article Writer For 8 Articles
I have a small project for a native English speaking writer. I need 8 articles written for the Do It Yourself niche. The articles are specific to two different niches. I will provide the keywords to the successful bidder. There will be one keyword phrase for each article. The articles must be unique and pass copyscape for you to be paid. Articles must be spell checked and use proper grammar.

8 Articles Total

Articles must be between 300-350 words.

The keywords must be in the title, first sentence and once more in the body.

Payment will be through Scriptlance Escrow.

The articles must be delivered within 5 days of the job being awarded.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sql / Php Coder Needed

Sql / Php Coder Needed
Hi i have just had some work done on my script.

However i want to see if someone can intergrate a license into it.

What i want is when someone buys the script, the enter a license code and it goes to my server to validate, once vaildated they get to use the script.

This needs to be database backed up so i can monitor who uses it.
Also i need to be able to de-activate the license from my either adding code into the script, to stop it working.

I also want to receive an email when someone registers it via license.

Can this be done.

If so i can add the script if someone wants to look at it.

I have a tight budget, and time scale for completion can be upto 3 weeks, as im still in the middle of tweaking the pages.

The script it self is complete, but the html files are still being done.

Serious bidders only.


Need Stuff Done

Need Stuff Done

I need the following done and need it done today, this should be quick for anyone that knows joomla.



At the footer there are 9 links in a row, I need those lined to pages already built, if there not built
yet, I need those ones created, on the pages just put the name of the link on the page so if its “Firm News”
just put “firm news” in the content body.

I also need a plugin put on for “site map” and linked to it. I also need the Disclaimer page made.


Top Navigation: I need pages made for all these, if pages are already on these then go to the next one.

* Home
* Firm Profile
o Clients
o Careers
o Firm News
* Attorneys
o Brian C. Kunzler
o Bruce R. Needham
o Bryan J. Massey
o Scott D. Thorpe
o Tyler R. Goucher
o Alec J. McGinn
o Tyler S. Nield
o Richard B. Nordgren
o Scott Hilton
o David J. McKenzie
o Alan L. Edwards
* Practice Areas
o Litigation
o Trademarks
* Patents
* Contact us


I need the pages under attorneys I need all the formating to be perfect and fixed so the paragraphs
are even and its looking good like the homepage.


Under Practice areas I need the following added to the drop down menu and pages made: (without the *’s)

* Patents
* Trademarks
* Start-up Services
* China Practice
* Copyrights
* Services in Chinese
* Intellectual Property Litigation
* Confidentiality & Non-compete Agreements
* Internet Domain Name Disputes
* IP Law & Counterfeit Products
* Deceptive Trade Practices
* Intellectual Asset Management & Licensing


Up Top:

Under search there is Resources and Site Map, I need those two linking and working as well.

I may have more but thats it for now.

Fast job = Small Budget = more jobs in future.

Joomla/comp Copy A Site

Joomla/comp Copy A Site
I’m looking for someone to create a component/modules/plugins for joomla that allows me to have all the features of the site www.worldgaming.com plus some small additions.

The site basically runs videogames online tournaments for a fee.

I need this:

– Users will be able to purchase credits from the site paying via paypal or credit card. For example (10 credits / $ 10)
– Across the claims users can subscribe to various tournaments.
– Each tournament will have a variable jackpot to be shared among the winners.
– At the end of the tournament site administrator will close the tournament, at that point will be automatically allocated credits to the winners.
– A tournament, in addition to credits, even assign scores updating various rankings (rankings for the game, overall rankings, etc..)
– Each tournament will have its own dedicated board.
– Of course the administrator will manage everything with ease from the backend
For the rest just look at the site www.worldgaming.com

I can provide:

1) A joomla component that allows manage credits (Jvodes)
2) A joomla component that allows to subscribe tournaments ( Dtregister)
3) A php software that manages videogames online torunaments via payment fees with paypal.

These software are disconnected from each other but could perhaps be useful


Refrain wasters, I have recently been fraud, I do not want it repeated.
I need a serious person to update me every day and has the highest willingness to follow my directions.

I also need someone to 90% will help me in the future for updates and maintenance.

Editing Articles

Editing Articles
I have a health magazine and I am looking for an editor that can edit my articles. They will need to be edited down (around 1500 characters) to character or increased, and make the article easy to read. I provide all the details and a rough draft. There will be a 4-5 articles per month.

Proficient in English
Able to edit in easy to read (conversation type)
Price per article needs to be quoted

Hotel Web Site Design

Hotel Web Site Design

I will need a web designer to do a very simple project and that is divided into three phases:

1st Phase – Provide mockup layouts (2 or 3 different) for an hotel web site,
which content isn’t defined yet. I do know that it will have 4 to 8 pages of info and be multilanguage.
The site is to be very similiar to this one:

2nd Phase – I will choose the layout, and define the menus and content to insert into the HTML/CSS website.

3rd Phase – Add or make any changes to the previous phase.

I will have these requirements:

– Must be fast (2 days maximum for each phase. Between phases it may take more time depending on the feedback time i’ll give, may take up to 2 weeks);
– Must be professional;
– At the end I will require all the source files you worked on.
– If you bid above the maximum, your bid will be removed!

I will divide the payment into 3 parts (using escrow), one for each phase well succeded.

If you provide a good service, bonus will be applied.