Convert 3 Images To Rotating B

Convert 3 Images To Rotating B
Our client wishes to include a banner on our site which consists of three images that they would like to be sequential rotated at 3 second intervals. (Images attached)

Our system only allows for one image to be uploaded for each banner – so I require the three images to be made into one animated gif/jpg file.

My guess is that one of you can do this quickly and simply for me?

Php Page To Edit Info

Php Page To Edit Info
Need a PHP page urgently that we will name: register.php

We will email out a link to this and append an ID to the URL example:


This will then show a simple form which will display the fields that correspond with the ID number in the URL and allow the user to edit the fields then press the “Submit” button.

This will take them to a, “Thank you for registering” page.

We will add in the desin after.

The MYSQL Table structure:

— Table structure for table `data`

`FIRST_NAME` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`LAST_NAME` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`JOB_TITLE` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`COMPANY_NAME` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`EMAIL` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`INDUSTRY_TYPE` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`PHONE` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`GUESTS` varchar(255) NOT NULL,

After Effects Demo Reel – Sd

After Effects Demo Reel – Sd

I need a creative motion graphics designer to create an SD (Standard NTSC Definistion) demo reel for a motion backgrounds collection that I have.

I will supply you with a series of about 20 NTSC standard video files in quicktime .mov format that will be used as the focus of the demo reel. these are the best clips from a large collection of motion backgrounds.

I can give you soem demo After Effects templates that I like and you can consider using them if you want. I will also supply the music, and the animations you make should be synced well to the music.

You will be able to use this or parts of it for your own demo reel and trust me the video clips are awesome, so consider giving me a great price 🙂

The reel should be about 30 seconds to 1 minute in length, whatever works best.

You must deliver the finished project both rendered and with the AEP project.

In order to do this you must have a fast internet connection to download my clips, and be able to upload the finished project to my FTP, or be in the United States so we can mail DVD-R’s.

You must be skilled with Adobe After Effects CS3 or CS4. 3D experience would be great also.

Show me your demo reel if you have one!

Custom Xmoovstream Server

Custom Xmoovstream Server

I am planning to use xmoovstream to publish videos on my site. As of now are videos are playing (streaming) fine. We have a short 10 sec intro clip that we need to have play before each clip. This has to be done at the xmoovstream “server” level. When clip ABC is requested, the intro clip is streamed followed by clip ABC. The client would see this as a single flv request. This is not a playlist functionality. I am looking for someone with xmoovstream and flv experience that can create this intro clip functionality into a custom xmoovstream server.

X100 Review Articles Needed

X100 Review Articles Needed
I’m looking for a good writer to write review articles about wholesale products like apparel, shoes, consumer electronics and cosmetics, etc.

About 400 words per article, which shall be original and written by human as well
as pass copyscape.

These articles shall not be sold, reproduced or reused in any way.

Thanks for your bids in advance.

Php + Theme Design Expert

Php + Theme Design Expert

I need you immediately. I need a TRUSTED expert of Php MVC & theme design now

Simple FIXES are
1) At username – password table in mysql get password encrypted (currently password is shown as plain text)

2) Integrate rpxnow(dot)com widget properly with my website login ie. While you login with widget automatically addup the email in database. so he can login with his email too.(while explain more via PMB)

3) Make a new web 2.0 creative theme & get it coded with the php mvc site. 100% correct css, valid, multi browser support for a social media tool site, fast loading too

Url will be only shared to trusted coders via PMB

Rating Script

Rating Script
I’m looking for someone experienced in JS to create a script with similar functionality to:
Script will work like demo_15, but have 10 positions (half stars) like that in demo_9. (click on the demos to find the demo that i have referenced).
The problem with this script is that it works with a single front end image but scaled background image which gives the appearance of increasing rated stars. This makes it very difficult to change the image. So I’d like a script developed that has the same function, but where the image can be changed.
Script should be around 50k in size. Must be easily integrated into PHP/XHTML
Thanks for your interest in this work.

Pro Fluent Smarty Php Expert

Pro Fluent Smarty Php Expert
Hello and thanks for reviewing my project.

I need an expert php person who knows smarty templates fluently. I am so serious when I say I guarantee that this is harder than it sounds.

I need a person to work with me right now via Yahoo message for the next few hours until job is complete. No multi tasking.

If you are not a total 110% smarty php expert Please do not waste my time. I will pay you and leave bad feedback I don’t care. Experts only. I want this job completed without headaches.

The Project:

after succesful payment paypal returns us to a string etc etc etc ..

you need to grab this info from the string and show it to the user on the registration page and prepopulate 2 or 3 text input fields from the string data

the registration page stopped use to work and was tested out …it needs to be troubleshot and fixed to work …and adjusted as I say..there may be adjustments needed after you get it inserting again …it has some error codes but maybe not enough ..i need your expertise to help me ..

Clone Classisfied Site

Clone Classisfied Site
I am looking for a Classified website like (use all features of this site, as far as the business side of it). Want the coupons to be template based. need banner ads running no need for weather , news, events. I want this to be a clean and fun site. Please ask and tell all ideas you may have for a successfull site. other ideas sned ad to cell phone, ect. And must include support. Please dont bid if you cant finish it. All Demos must be complete before escrow.
I want this site to be in the best updated script. The back end needs to be top of the line

Custom Php Script – Fix

Custom Php Script – Fix
I have a custom script which is set to run automatically.
It uses mysql to store data of results found when run.

I recently updated mysql and php and now it is having a couple problems.

#1 – while the script is running it will disconnect from the database and will not continue. receive error “disconnected from database”

#2 – the script will not run automatically (have to run it manually from a browser.

I am looking for an experienced programmer who can trouble shoot this, correct the errors, and improve on the scripts operations.

Please PMB if you are interested

Only experienced programmers. Must have positive reviews showing custom programming.