Mytune Site Admin Login Detail

Mytune Site Admin Login Detail
I need a bug fixed on my php web site.

For some reason I am unable to log into my sites administration with the old login details.

The site allows for new login details to be generated and send to you via email, if you follow the forgot Password link, but the new generated passwords don’t work either.

I need a php programmer to fix this problem.

Php Mysql Expert

Php Mysql Expert
I need a PHP Mysql Expert for the modifications. Site is made in PHP (PHP MVC) + MYSQL

Works are quite simple

1) Newsletter System – Add up a newsletter system in site, so i can send email to subscribers

2) Mysql database password table encryption + Optimization

3) Login Modification –
Allowing to login with both email & username
In register page add email as well as username
Forgot Password method (by email)
Change error login message to”Either Username Or Password is Incorrect”
Make minimum password length to 8 characters
Add a tick button – Subscribe to Newsletter which in turn adds to our email database of newsletter

4) (social login widget) CORRECT Integration between standard email & social networks

Link by PMB. Plus point for a developer who knows to make a new theme

Big Bids wont be considered, Job is quite simple for the right PHP programmer

Certified Programmers are welcomed 🙂

My Programmer is on Vacation. So need this done quick & you will have more projects like my other programmer gets

Turn Into Rss Feeds 50 Urls

Turn Into Rss Feeds 50 Urls
I have a list with 50 eshop section urls . Those eshops have a section with “products with discount” . I want someone to make rss feeds of these sections WITH IMAGES and price included in order to add them to my joomla site. Those rss feeds must be able to catch all section updates in the future.
To give you an example of how those eshops are here are 3 links:
I can be in constant contact with the developer to help him in what he needs since the sites are in Greek

WordPress Website/blog Design

WordPress Website/blog Design
Need a WordPress website (built on Thesis or StudioPress, ideally) and custom header designed.

a) The look of the site should be clean, corporate, simple (no flash)
b) Full width header designed with attached graphic OR create a logo
c) Full width nav bar with my 10 digit phone right justified
d) Homepage sidebar sized to 185 pix

I have several WordPress blogs in place so I don’t need to be taught any back-end/admin activities. I just need a design.

You must have 9 star rating and 8 completed projects, minimum, to bid.

You must provide samples of similar projects completed by YOU.

Need Template Fixed/coded

Need Template Fixed/coded
I have a new template that needs to be moved the index and become fully functioning. My site is and the new template is

When users enter their email we need to set up a CPA (which I have already) and set up post back to ensure users have completed CPA before their name is entered into the database. The site is custom scripted already but has some bugs that need to be fixed, including the countdown clock which can not be seen on firefox.

WordPress Website Layout 2

WordPress Website Layout 2
Wordpress website layout and design and programming.

Job Scope: I’m launching the first of four related and linked businesses and need the first website created. The category is Professional Services.

My Target Clients are High-end international corporations. Which means my site MUST look high-end and professional (easy to read with lots of “white space”).

Background info: I have a great deal of respect for programmers and a long term appreciation for designers. If you’re good at your job you’ll love to have me as a client. I pay well and fast and I’m respectful of your work.

Job Overview

I want the homepage to look like a website, not a blog. So Let’s blow out the Homepage Width from the “standard” bloggy 960 pixel and move to 1024 pixel minimum or “full-width” if you advise.

Header Height: I like this header height and also the size of the Navigation

Header Content: I like for how they skew the tagline off-center from under the name. And I like the social media icons in the otherwise-vacant-space to the right

Homepage Layout Suggestion(s):

Homepage Elements: From top of page to bottom—I prefer (a) header with name of website ( and tagline (content marketing that ignites your sales) and icons (email, rss, twitter, phone).

Then the navigation bar appearing horizontally with Home, Blog, Services, About, Connect and then my 10-digit phone number

Then I hope to have a slideshow box like this: that reads in large type: “More Leads, Bigger Sales, Greater Revenues.” Then in smaller type: “To discover more click here.”

Then a text box (again like this:

Under all that we move to a two-column layout with side-by-side content boxes: “Latest Post” and a “Featured Article” similar to

The sidebar will include (1) an “ezine sign-up form” (2) a “Twitter Updates” box, (3) a categories ‘tag cloud’ box, (4) Archive

I’m also interested in learning if (and how) you can incorporate my past-clients’ logos on to the homepage. Clients include: Progress Energy, Prudential WCI Realty, Staples, American Funds, Centex Homes, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Fuji Film, BizJournals, ABC News, Gannett, Carbite Golf, YUM Brands.

Footer: Once again, look at for inspiration. I want to include my address, phone, fax, email, and copyright. And then columns for: Services, Portfolio, About, FAQs, Blog, Connect, Diabetes Research Institute

Reference Sites: My industry, and potential partner, sites include:,,,,

I also have a small photoshop job. Please let me know if you’re capable in photo manipulation, too.

To bid on this project you:

Must have 20 or more Scriptlance reviews to be considered.

Must read the job requirements completely and submit a proposal that addresses ALL elements.

Must submit samples of similar projects completed to be considered.

If you can design in HeadwayThemes or Thesis or StudioPress please let me know.

Paypal Subscription Fix In Php

Paypal Subscription Fix In Php
1)Currently we have fixed amount of price for subscription. Now what we want is…we are fixing some big prices for as upfront .. lets say, $100. and for the same the subscription that is auto renewal has to be $10.00

2)And some cases, the data stored is not sent properly like the customer’s paypal email id not being stored in database… we need to check this …


Website Design.

Website Design.
Looking to get a website setup for a Pharmacy.

Looking to add the ability for patients to enter refills, callback number, email verification, and possibly patient login and retention of history of past requests for refills.

Currently i’m NOT looking to have patient view their med profile…

just keep it simple….i have a logo designed already…

the website needs to be contemporary and modern looking. clean.


I’m looking for a drupal developer:

– backend-templating for different user groups (redirect users after login to “edit own content”)
– setup of the workflow module
– setup of other modules (CCK, Views, FileField,..)
– json templates (“” or “” module). i want to load the nodes into a unity3d project via json. i need several json outputs.

180 student accounts
–> each student account is assigned to one school
–> each student has one page (with CCK fields) attributed
–> the student can always login and edit his content. even once the content is published.
–> depending on the school the page template differs

8 Schools
–> each school has one page
–> 3 workflow steps (student/school-manager/director)
–> 3 groups (student/school-manager/director)

–> see attached “screens.pdf” or

*school manager* (screen_3 – screen_5)
the school manager logs in and gets a dashboard where all students of its own institute are listed and the workflow stage. click on a student name shows the according student page in edit mode.

*director* (screen_6 – screen_8)
the director logs in and gets a dashboard where all schools and students with the workflow stage are listed. there is an additional pulldown to set the workflow stage.

Script Needed For Weekly Grab

Script Needed For Weekly Grab

We need a procedure/script which will copy EVERY week content from a website to a new article into our Joomla website.

The website is publishing every week a dance chart and we want this chart grabbed every week into a new Joomla article.

We need the following fields for every entry (please check source website):

1st ranking
2nd ranking last week
3rd Week in chart
4rd Name and title

Footer: Charts © GfK Benelux Marketing Services – Media Control / GfK International – Official website:

Also a header and a extra footer which both needs to be editable (maybe as moduleposition so we can enter any data we want?).

This need to be done thru a automatic script every week and sent a email when the chart is placed on the target website.

Car Comparison System

Car Comparison System
Full custom build or using joomla and building a component for the comparison (which ever is faster)

Back end :
Load car images, specs and prices
Add articles and news
Normal joomla features

Front end:
clean design and interface.
Easy to access drag and drop car comparison system (maybe drag an images into place and which opens comparison)
Ability to load dealer books.

We need the comparison system to work similar to without the dealer deals etc.

I will need to see a demo before i assign the project to a programmer, and the approximate time i need to approve the whole thing is two to three weeks.