Joomla And Forum Integration

Joomla And Forum Integration

I need to move a forum to another site and have it integrated into a Joomla site.

I want to preserve the forum and make all the members of the forum (that are approved) members of the new Joomla site as well.

You will also need to be able to use an extension that can incorporate the forum into the sites theme, and move the link on the home page to the new forum location.

The forum is

The new site with Joomla installed is

The existing forum is phpBB2

You may need to upgrade to phpBB3

All post, threads, section and forums must be maintained.

Bidder must have experience in Joomla, and forums.

We are ready to start immediately. Please bid fast.

Bill McRea

Forum Posts 500

Forum Posts 500
I need my article posted in 500 forums and message boards.

Each of the 500 message boards/forums will be unique and will be of a topic that is related to my article.

Example: My article is related to cars. You will post my article to 500 different car forums.

You will use my gmail email address for each posting.

You will provide a list of all postings and the URL, email, username, and password for each message posted.

This will be at test of your reliability and communication skills and performance. If you do well there will be more of the same proejcts.

Twenty Articles 250-300 Words

Twenty Articles 250-300 Words

I need a writer to deliver 20 articles. 250-300 words each, ready to be posted to ezine articles.

I’ll give you a set of main keywords and secondary keywords which will have to be used throughout the article.

I need this done in 5 days tops, so this means 4 articles per day. I expect you to work weekends and deliver on time. I also expect you to be online and to answer to emails quickly.

All work will be checked with copyscape for duplicate content, so I require original articles.

Needless to say, your English needs to be flawless.

Payment is 20$, so don’t bid if you’re not happy with this amount. I can pay via Paypal or Escrow, your choice.

Start your message with ” I agree” so I know that you read the project description.


More Xzero Script Help

More Xzero Script Help
I would like this script modified to be able to allow the poster to Share the ad with other cities. Meaning poster are able post it in multiple cities not just one. (up to 25 cities, instead of doing it one-by-one? in additions As an Administrator you can take an individual classified ad, select the Cities that you want to share it with and with the click of a button, ad gets duplicated in all those Cities immediately. (Unlimited or all). And it also must have the capleability to delete all posting that were created if the poster decides to delete his ad.

Please provide a quote and a time frame for completion. Thanks

Xzero Script Modifications

Xzero Script Modifications
I would like a label and input section called “Feature Ads” moved from the center of the page to the right pane under the cities. This section will host up to 25-featured ads place in a scrollable formats generated by individuals placing paid featured ads. In addition, the featured events will be stationed along the bottom portion of the site above the ads in a horizontal scrollable format with up to 15 events with the same as the featured ads. Featured ads and events are specific to the area it is being posted.

Please provide a quote for this project and a doable time frame. Private message me to review the site. If you do not provide a quote you will not get a responds

Add Text To 1000 Pages 1

Add Text To 1000 Pages 1

I need someone to add text to pages (1,000)

Want to pay $10-$20 total

All you have to do is copy and paste from a PDF into the pages…

Pages will go from item pages like this:

To item pages like this: ((only text will come from the PDF’s))

Add Text To 1000 Pages

Add Text To 1000 Pages

I need someone to add text to pages (1,000)

Want to pay $10-$20 total

All you have to do is copy and paste from a PDF into the pages…

I need someone immediately, and so I am doing this little competition


To all bidders:

Here are the requirements; whoever does the best example will get the job with the pay requirements and a bonus if done by midnight tonight (Eastern Standard Time)

Take this PDF:

Go to page: 116

Take the first item: Unloader, MV540 — go by the PART #’s only — this one is Part# 85.300.003

find the page:

Copy the code using VIEW SOURCE

Take and edit the HTML and code it the best way you decide…

I have not done any PARTS versions, so come up with a good style.

—BEST ONE BY 5PM (45 minutes from now) GETS THE JOB


Thanks everyone!

Fix A Few WordPress Issues…

Fix A Few WordPress Issues…
I Have a wordpress theme/site that needs a few fixes…

#1. I need a “Blog” PAGE template to show the most recent post, followed by excerpts of the previous 3 posts. (all with links to full post) followed by the normal navigation of previous/next. The issue is we have a custom home page using a template and our normal ‘posts’ page for the blog is modified as well. Also for this blog template as well as normal blog posts want the “categories” to show up in sidebar, but no where else in site.

#2. Using “Contact Form 7” plug in, and when it notifies admin of form submission, the notification email subject line says, “From WordPress” – want to get rid of that. Just want the tokens to show up when email goes out.

#3. Also using a testimonial manager plugin that has an image renaming issue. It is supposed to allow uploading of pic and autosize to display gravatar. Which it’s doing, you can upload an image and see it resized on the server. However, when the plugin trys to call it to be displayed, it’s calling for the file but with a “.filename” added to the name causing it not to appear. Need to get this fixed. Tried both fixes found here in the comments section and neither fixed it:

Also, need documentation on code/work that was done so we can fix same issues on another install.

Need this done very quickly, if you can’t complete this project with in a couple of days from acceptance, please don’t bid.

Thanks 🙂

Changes To Oscommerce Site

Changes To Oscommerce Site
Please take a look at the attached word document for the changes that I need. Please note the following.

1. You must send me some samples of oscommerce that you have worked on.

2. YOU MUST STICK TO DEADLINES. IF YOU SAY 3 DAYS THEN IT NEEDS TO BE 3 DAYS. I need to get this completed that is why it is so important.

3. Messages with no bids will be ignored.

4. You can look at the site and give feedback. Site is poolnation

Flash Application + Php

Flash Application + Php
1) user uploads face pic ( resized to 100×100 )
2) user uploads mp3 file ( 20 secs. of it will only play)
3) user satisfied with outcome? OK

* finished flash will show the users uploaded pic/linked to profile url
* Play button
* when played audio (20 sec) is heard with
users pic in background of flash.

For example imagine the guy in the pic here >>

when you click on the play button it plays his audio/message.
the pic stays just as it is,, but audio is heard for 20 seconds.