Extract Database From Site 2

Extract Database From Site 2

Extract database from the following site: http://www.unimedpaulistana.com.br/site/client/#
click Below “Guia Médico” there is a link “Clique aqui e confira”
it can be seen in the attached file
window “não sou cliente”
option cidade “São Paulo”

save data in Excel / CVS format
with the following columns:
Name (in green)
Address (below the name)
Fone (is always after “(11)”)
Specialty (sometimes there is more than one, so it is needed 2 or more columns for that)

I need everyone in this database
please send a small sample of the resulting excel file, to see if I agree and if you understood the job

Simple Company Website

Simple Company Website

I have a requirement for a 4-5 page simple website for a small food and flavor company.

The pages they need are as follows:

Home page
About Page
Services Page
Product Line Page
Contact Page

I have a paper brochure from them that we can use as a guideline, but no official logo or pictures are needed.

Looking to get this completed in 2-3 weeks or less. Need this to look professional and outstanding. I have the domain already, its registered with GoDaddy.

Thank you!

Configure Chat Program

Configure Chat Program
I have a site currently using php free chat (http://www.phpfreechat.net). It stores it’s data in flat files and I want it to store the chat in mysql tables. I will provide ftp access and mysql database information … you will have to do the rest.

I’ll place the money into escrow and release it upon completion of the project. This should be easy feedback for someone.

Magento Price Display Change 2

Magento Price Display Change 2
What I’m looking is for the following:

I have a custom computer magento shop, my computers are bundle products. In my front page I have a category showing to start with but it will be later featured products.

In the products page it shows Example: Price As Low as: $500
and below that it shows the price As Configured: $700

All depending on which parts are selected.

I want to put in the featured products or the current category that I’m showing now for it to SHOW the PRICE AS CONFIGURED as the price it shows below the product. Because right now it just only displays Price As low As and Price From – To.

Qr Code Generator Php

Qr Code Generator Php
I have a clone script of www dot mobile-barcodes dot com/qr-code-generator/ . I need another instance of this code installed on another one of my sites that creates a qr code automaticly at the time a member creates a listing in my php script so it will require some editing of a current script. The script should also save all created codes to that members database for access later and viewing. The database should not just be a dump like file1111 it should be very specific with folders and specific attributes.

After the listing has been created a page should load that shows them their newly created code for sharing or saving to their PC.

I need this done fast and quick please do not pm me with your copied and paste description of your company.. ITS A WAST OF BOTH OUR TIMES. Only pm valid questions and examples pertaining to THIS PROJECT

Original 40 Articles Needed

Original 40 Articles Needed
I need 40 original articles( I will check with copyscape) written for my weight loss websites with a minimum of 350-400 words per article.(topics will be send on PMB) lower bid will be selected!

The right person…:

• Writes FLUENT English – this is very important, native writers preferred, non natives don’t waste your time, don’t try to lie me your are a native because I can tell if your are not from your writing style from miles.

If the successful bidder performs an excellent job with this
I will likely employ them for similar projects in the future.

From Psd Layout To Joomla

From Psd Layout To Joomla
You must create a template for Joomla from a layout made with PSD, (if you prefer I have the version in Illustrator CS4). We have to make two pages: the homepage and an internal page.
The template must be table-less, and possibly SEO Friendly.
I’ll provide dedicated FTP space where Joomla 1.5xxx is installed.
Apart from the template I need also the skeleton of navigation: the creation of sections, categories and menus. And the activation and positioning of some modules: login and latest news.
The site is in Italian, so it would be useful a minimal knowledge of Italian.

Ecommerce Template Customize

Ecommerce Template Customize
Need a programmer/designer familiar with cubecart (version 4.3.8) to do modifications to the URL below:


Most of the revisions can be done through the admin backend but I do not know ecommerce at all – I think most of the revisions will be fairly simple

Please look at MS Word doc attached.

I have all images resized correctly andready to go – will email to winning programmer immediately. I’m looking to have this work compeleted ASAP

Overview of Work: (Instructions are in much more detail on MS Word Doc Attached)

1) Left toolbar – delete the following:

2) Left toolbar – Add the 3 following images (will send images – already sized correctly)

3) Right Toolbar
Insert 4 images (all images already finished and resized – will send over)

4) Category Pages – Want format changed similar to allysonsmith.com – (look at MS Word Doc)

5) Product Description Pages – Need better format – (look at MS Word Doc)

This project is for a client and I’m not picky on exactly how things are done – I’ve provided detailed instructions but they don’t need to be exact.

Happy Bidding 🙂

Two Scripts Needed

Two Scripts Needed
1) The user will see a button (image 1) that when clicked will update table ‘one’ field ‘bpo_ack’ to a value ‘1’ and field ‘bpo_ack_date’ to the current date where home_exit_id=87 and then display a button in its place (image 2). When the new button is clicked, table ‘one’ field ‘bpo_complete’ will be updated to a value of ‘1’ and field ‘bpo_complete_date’ to todays date where home_exit_id=87 and a new image will display (image 3). This last image is not active or clickable. All of this should happen without a full page refresh, so AJAX is required. This is on a php page and the final code will be placed into another active php page.

2) In table ‘one’ there is a field ‘listing_set_complete’. I need a php script that will query the table ‘documents’ for a specific set of document names in ‘doc_name’ for all home_exit_id values in table ‘one’ where one.listing_set_complete!=1. If all of the specified documents.doc_name values are found for a given home_exit_id, then one.listing_set_complete should be set to ‘1’.

The specific doc_names are:
– listing_agreement
– authorization
– taxes_last_year
– taxes_prior_year
– financial_stmt
– info_sheet
– service_agreement
– hardship_letter
– interview