Php Script Intergration

Php Script Intergration
I need a script integrated that uses a md5 hash for a payment system.
It will be used with a linux x3 platform using cpanel.You may need to write a script for a new file to be added.
The payment system script provided will not work without .htaccess files, i have a webcam site and this does not have a htaccess file. There is a pdf explainibg this but dont understand and need an expert.

I will need pages 9,14,15,22.

Install Fatfree Crm On Server

Install Fatfree Crm On Server

We are looking for someone to install FatFree CRM on our web server. FatFree is open-source CRM developed using Ruby On Rails.

More information on FatFree CRM can be found here:

We are looking for a company to simply install this web application on our server as we are not familiar with Rails. We would also like you to import our current CRM database (will be supplied as CSV) into FatFree.

No customization to FatFree will be necessary at this stage. We are simply looking for you to get us up and running.


Setup Disqus Commenting System

Setup Disqus Commenting System
Setup the Disqus commenting system on our website. Just use the default Disqus formatting with some minor css formatting work for fonts and button images. This is a custom built CMS so it doesn’t use a plug-in. You will use the standard javascript code available at to install comments.

The website is set up like a standard blog with abstract versions of articles on the homepage allowing you to click to see the full article. On the home page there will be a comments link with the count of how many comments have been posted for each abstract article (see attached image). On the full article view of each article, there will be a comments box and a list of comments that have been posted by users (see attached image)

We need to only show Disqus on new articles that don’t have any comments yet. For old articles with existing comments, just hide Disqus and show the old commenting system. We also need to disable the old commenting system so that no one can comment anymore with the old code. This will ensure that the old comments are preserved for older articles but that the new commenting system will be used on new articles.

Initial Setup Tasks:
1. Setup Disqus with standard graphical formatting
2. Show/hide comments tools based on previous comments existing

In addition to setting up the commenting system. The project will include research on some of the capabilities and possibilities for future usage of the Disqus commenting system. These features are not required right now, but you can use this opportunity to get familiar with their API and better understand the program’s capabilities. Your research will be used for developing a future project with you to set up more advanced features.

Currently with the existing commenting system, in order to post a comment you have to be an email newsletter subscriber (subscriber in our mysql database). The code checks if you are a subscriber and if you are not, then you must subscribe to post a comment. We’d like to continue using that requirement to increase subscriptions to the newsletter. However, this is not a requirement for the current project.

Please research if there is a way to use the newsletter subscriber email as a requirement to post using Disqus commenting system. Also, see if there’s a way to capture the email and subscribe the user to the newsletter in the process. In addition, find out if there’s a way to import comments from our old commenting system into Disqus for the older articles. Currently, their FAQ lists different CMS platforms (e.g. WordPress) it can migrate data from so we need to find out if it’s possible to do this with this custom CMS.

Research Questions to Answer:
1. Is there a way to use the subscriber emails as a requirement to post?
2. Is there a way to grab the user email from the Disqus commenting form and subscribe them to the email list?
3. Is there a way to import old comments into the discuss system from a custom built CMS?

Please include any relevant experience with installing and configuring Disqus. You should also have a basic knowledge of MySQL and PHP.

Freelance Writer-monthly Basis

Freelance Writer-monthly Basis
We need freelance writers who are fluent in American English. Need to write 12 articles each week/48 articles a month. Each article needs a little research based on provided keywords for close to an hour. Need people with good American English writing skills. We prefer people from India,Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore,Hong Kong as we need to have phone conversations on a weekly basis. Mention ART2010 in your bid to let us know you have gone through the description. Articles will have to be Search Engine Optimized. If you hold a degree in English Literature, all the better qualified you’ll be.

Please bid with your monthly rate for this freelance job opportunity.

Video/photo Upload Script

Video/photo Upload Script
I need a secure PHP script that will allow site visitors to upload photos and videos to a web server.

The submission page will need to have numerous boxes for the file information such as Title of File, Caption, Email Address of Submitter, etc.

This information will need to be sent via email to the site admin for every file that is uploaded.

These files will not be viewable to the public. The upload folder must be secure.

Help With Virtuemart

Help With Virtuemart
We need some help with our virtuemart shop and Joomla installation.

Its currently running OK but we need to have it configured to handle international orders, meaning installing JoomFish or similar multi-language tool, Currency tool/module and VAT module.

In addition we have some changes to the Virtuemart design, which should be implemented.

Please see the attached specification.

Lead Generation Project

Lead Generation Project
I am looking for someone who can build and submit a Cragslist campaign for a Real Estate Agent. The campaign would be a long term project to generate leads for my customer.

Here is what I need:
* 10+ Ads created (Similar to attached file)
– 2 Ads for 1st time buyers
– 2 Ads for short sell properties
– 2 Ads for foreclosure listings
– 2 Ads for Dream Home Buyers
– 2 Ads for Investor/Investment Properties

* 50 Daily Submissions to Craigslist (Seattle Market)

* A professional Real Estate designed Lead Capture Web Page Like This ( The lead capture page will need to be synced with the Creative Ad Message IE: Short Sell Ad on craigslist, goes to a short sell lead capture Landing Page, 1st Time buyer Craigslist creative ad goes to 1st time buyer landing page.

Personal Family Website

Personal Family Website
I have a client who is looking to have a personal website built for his family. He would basically like to make an interactive family tree with photos and a bio about each person. Like a photo of his father and a story about how he came to this country, then you’d be able to click on the photo and have it take you to a link of his children, and so on. He may even be interested in a flash website also…

I’m looking for a designer who can do this on WordPress or Joomla.

Php Site With Mysql Cms

Php Site With Mysql Cms
We need to have a website built in PHP with a custom built MySQL CMS.

The design of the site has been created. See attachments to get an idea. (see note from designer at the bottom of the spec)

Some of the coding has already been done as well although I am not sure how useful this would be.

The site needs to be uploaded to our host.

The pages to be created are:

Front Page

Front Page Random Display of content from other pages in 3 fields on the bottom.

Random video displayed in main window from the video materials in the tool box section.

Search field – needs to work against text all over the site.

About us

Text with 2 windows to the right introducing 2 people. Links from these two opens in new windows. (we need to be able to change these pics and text from cms)

Testimonials – this opens to a testimonials page. This can have text testimonials, or videos. We need to be able to upload these as well from cms.

Media Page. This opens to a separate page. Again we need to be able to change text and images from cms.

Contact Us forms. Entries from this goes into database. E-mail to go out to notify us.

Tool Box

This page will have a lot of video materials. They need to be organized in categories and we need to be able to upload them, add text and place them in a category. (the categories are in the red lower field.

Videos should open on a separate page.

This page also has a subscription form. Data from this needs to go into the database and e-mails sent out to notify us. s


This page has a text field and three boxes with text and images on the right hand side. Links from these opens on separate pages.

We need to be able to upload photos and edit text.

The Game

This page has 6 main sectionis very similar to the tool box page except the right hand side will have

Live feed of golf events worldwide. We will provide the source for this.

History of golf. This opens to separate page listing history of golf events. Each listing opens to separate page. Text and 2 images. Editable in cms

Great golf courses. Same as history of golf

Golf quotes. This should randomly display golf quotes. We should be able to upload them in cms.

Golf holidays on right hand side. Changeable from CMS.

Video section. This is a separate video section from the toolbox, but done in the same way. This intro should lead to a separate page listing them – then each should open in a separate page.


WordPress blog integrated. Should be editable from CMS


Listings of products and sorted under categories (dropdown menu on the right hand side). We need to be able to upload and describe the products through CMS. Shop linked up to paypal.


Attach google analytics code.

Social media links on all pages (tab on lower right hand side)
All text editable from cms should have rich text editing.

CMS (custom made)

Store names from all forms etc.
Ability to edit text on all pages (rich text)
Ability to upload and change images and videos. The videos will also have a text field on the side.
Ability to upload shop products and set prices

Note from designer a suggestion for coders regarding the background.  this kind of multiple background is doing using a pattern (aprox 200x200px) for both noise backgrounds, instead a repeated big images (how is it now, with 1258px on wide on one). At bigger resolutions the background isnt match correct (see that repeating model), also on footer doesnt look ok. the bottom edge should be clear like on sides (see home page original screenshot). If they want to use that circle  / light effect from psd over bottom background, then should be used like png over the dark grey on. background.

Simple Form Made

Simple Form Made
I need a simple form made with the following options:

Name ___________________

Email __________________ (should check if valid)

Location ________________

What are you interested in having a conversation about:
( ) Philosophy
( ) Spirituality
( ) Future of technology
Other _______________

Your Experience in this field ______________________



The form should post to a table with 5 columns:

– Name
– Email
– Location
– Interest
– Expertise