Crawl Database And Delete

Crawl Database And Delete
I need something that crawls a MySQL database full of torrent files and deletes ones that have certain keywords in the title. Also, I need this to run everyday.

Take for example if I wanted to delete any torrent that had the keyword(s) “[Full Version]” or “Drama”. Everyday, it would check the database for torrents that had these keywords in the title and delete them automatically.

Can it be done?

Thanks, and don’t hesitate to ask any questions.

Hostel Php Site Work

Hostel Php Site Work
I’m willing to pay $100-200 for this work.

1. You will take the original screen layout (screen 1.1) and move the menu to the upper left so below the dotted line become a free area to only display the reservations calendar. (screen 1.2)

2. You will then use the exisitng reservations screen layout (screen 2.1) and adapt it so that it looks like (screen 2.2), you will use the colour coded status already in the software to show the guests name and duration of stay in 1 of 4 different colours that will reflect their status, (free bed, due to arrive, checked in, overstayed)

3. There is a manager password that controls several features, you must be logged into the manager account within your software account to access them. You will disable the manager password feature on these features so it is not used. It will remain to be used on only one feature which controls a field where users can enter a PayPal email address.

4. There is a screen to show revenue details. Within the software click payments, then hostel revenue. (screen 3.1) You will adapt this screen to implement a drop down menu for each day to allow the property to enter details of expenditure and the amounts entered will be recognised, calculated and added to the totals. (screen 3.2) You can also print out the details.

5. You will create a new screen using the template of the hostel revenue screen that will manage staff. The screen will have a drop down section in the same way as the revenue screen with fields that can be used to enter details and amounts about staff tasks, duties and payments and their totals will be made to self calculate into totals. (screen 4.1) You can also print out the details.

6. When a guest is checked out currently they dissapear into the database and you have to re-check them in manually by adding a new reservation. You will work to accomplish the following: The guests will go into the check outs list (located by clicking “guests” then “check outs”. You will create a screen like (screen 5.1) From here they do not dissapear until they are deleted from this screen. The screen shows information about the guest. The guests in this screen can be selected, and using the drop down boxes placed into a desired bed and for a desired length of stay. If the bed is availabe for the number of nights requested and not occupied on any of the requested nights by someone else then a green tick appears, If it is not available for any of the nights a red cross appears. This feature to check availability of beds is already implemented with the availabilty search feature so elements of this can be adapted to make this new feature. The guest is then re-checked in. They are then shown in the exisiting payments section as with a normal reservation with the correct amount of money owed for their reservation and payment can be taken as normal

7. When a new account is created I can enable or disable the user account in the admin backend, however this option always reverts to disabled whenever an account is created so I have to manually enable every account before the users can use it. I’d like this to be altered so accounts are automatically in the “enabled” mode when they are created and not the “disabled” mode so users can use it straight away.

More detailed explanations will be made available when the job is awarded.

Also if you have the skills to integrate credit card payment systems (PayPal already functional), and integrating 3rd party API’s with this software I’d like to hear about your skills in this area also for a forthcoming updates with the software.

Jooma Site Fixes 2

Jooma Site Fixes 2
I need a fax site that has been made to have a control panel that is like my(remove_this) The site it made and 85% of the control panel is made, but I need to change the look of the control panel to look like my(remove_this) and have the progess bars that site has.

The site is www.fax(remove_this) login using admin and password 123456 after you login go to the bottom of the page and click on the control panel.

So this job will require programming and design. I’m willing to pay $150 more because I need it done in 2 days or less. So I’m willing to pay $250 ($100 more for the short time frame).

Mini Twitter In Joomla +track

Mini Twitter In Joomla +track
I have a website that is working off the JoomSocial extension. I would like to add the functionality for the user to be able to interact with their actual twitter in on their profile page from our site and a an automatic link shortner +tracking script. I don’t want a twitter clone script or anything like that, I want them to INTERACT WITH twitter from our site.This includes:

*Seeing last 8 messages
*Being able to post messages
*Being able to make AT posts
*Creating a url shortner that works with the message field
*Storing certain aspects of this information in a database

If you want to read the full details, please see the attached pdf.

Selling Info Site

Selling Info Site
Does anyone know a running website selling info>

My needs are:

1. Selling writing paper, novel, pictures and videos all in one.
I want to hire teachers to help students in their term papers or college personal statements. If business grow, I want to add other products like selling music, video files…etc.

2. It is service site with a evaluation processing. For example, If any student wants to know if any teacher is qualified or not. The teacher must provide a free 30 minutes work to show if he or she could match what the students need.

3.Paypal is a must and plus “add or delete” function for other ecommerce.

So, can anyone can tell such a site for reference?

thanks all guys reading this post

Autoblogs 2

Autoblogs 2
I need 5 autoblogs created per week.

Each blog will need up to 10 plugins installed

Custom header built around niche
Theme customzized around niche
Installation of premium autoblogging software
Installation of all affiliate code I will provide.
Keywords implemented from research I provide.
Installation of downloadable product.
Initial basic bookmarking and links to site.

Example Sites:

Special considertation for someone that can provide UAW or SENUKE services for for the blogs

If you can prove the theme and any plugins related to this product please state in your bid

This will be a long term deal and I will pay for 1 month up front.

Website Redesign & Publishing

Website Redesign & Publishing
We need a corporate site to be redesigned using Drupal (current site built another tool).

Simple requirements, functionality should allow content to be updated, edited and deleted.

All files and folders should be orgainised appropriately with any relevant code behind commented to show the purpose of the code. Proper publishing of new design and SEO tweaking when design is completed IS REQUIRED!

Must be completed within 3 days of project assignment.

Sexy Logo

Sexy Logo
Straight deal: I want a logo with the text “Sex pics”. No review, no selection, no trials, direct payment (paypal or scriptlance) to the winner.
What you have to do is to show me the logo with the text “sex pics”. U can watermark it if u want. I’ll select the best logo, thereafter you will be installing the logo (replacing with the current one) on my site.
Max budget = USD 100
Who will be ignored?
*one who bids more than the budget
*one who doesnt post the required logo
*one who gives me long trail of feedback and previous reviews

All I want is a logo and its replacement. Start bidding and showing.
Deadline=9 April….I may chose even before that If I get a competitive logo.