Fix Joomla Error

Fix Joomla Error
Site: (click on login and then on create new account)
Joomla 1.5.15

When users try to register they get this error: Invalid token.
With or without captcha. I need a programmer who can fix this. I know it’s easy, if you have experience. I just can’t do it. Only bid if you can fix it immediately.

Osc Website Clone

Osc Website Clone
Dear Programmers,

I want to clone

Developer or company should b deliver complete exact clone of included all features of current website.

Developer or company should b use new version of oscommerce.

Design already completed, you only need to integrate design with osc.

Please check reference site carefully and bid on it. Low bid and high quality to b preferred.


Eat2go Justeat Clone

Eat2go Justeat Clone
The objective is locating your favorite restaurant, finding restaurant coupons, finding restaurants offering Online Ordering Service, and ordering and paying the food by the site

First i will evaluate who has a similar site, they have priority, if you has some similar site send me the link with the restaurant, admin and customer password, if not, wait i evaluate who sent.

Look the specification below and answer the questions.

1 Client Module
1.1 Manage client data
1.1.1 Personal data Full customer name CPF date of birth Gender
1.1.2 User and password Email (username) Password Retype password Reminder
1.1.3 address Allow register more than one address. It should define what is the default address. Link to seek state, city, neighborhood and street by postal webservice CEP state City District Street / Avenue number Complement Reference point Phone number 2nd phone number
1.1.4 Options Type of cuisine preferred Joined the administration module Receive newsletter credit Register more than one credit card. Mastercard, Visa, Amex
1.1.5 Confirmation by email and encrypts using single web link
1.1.6 Reminder forgotten password via e-mail
1.1.7 Edit customer data
1.1.8 Delete customer data
1.1.9 Confirmation of reading the terms of use and privacy policy The customer only finalize the register is checked
1.2 Manage orders
1.2.1 Process orders A summary of selected items and total value should always be visible for customer
1.2.1 Restaurants list The query should be done by zip code or by district, filtered by state and city. Filters: Kitchen, online. Sort by restaurant name
1.2.2 show if the restaurants are online or offline For restaurants off-line system should allow the scheduling orders
1.2.3 Choose restaurant Joined the administration module
1.2.4 Choose Category Joined the administration module
1.2.5 Choose food Joined restaurant in module
1.2.6 Choose food options Can choose the same food more than once, but with different options. In the options that will be described the values of the food
1.2.7 Checkout The checkout will only be done if the minimum mount required by the restaurant is reached
1.2.8 Check data list all items with the possibility of changing the amount, and delete items Confirm address Choose if pick up the orders in the restaurant or if it delivered. The current address can be edited or changed by another address saved Confirm delivery date and time Can edit the date and time of delivery Choose pay options choose between the payment options saved in a restaurant. Choose a credit card saved in the system. Link with the option of registering a new card
1.2.9 Send orders to restaurant Send via the website, email, sms, printer, fax
1.2.10 Send confirmation to customer After restaurant accept the orders automatically send an confirmation email . If the request is not accepted in 5 minutes will be sent an non-confirmation email.
1.3 Manage favorites foods Can registered the food in your favorites
1.4 Restaurants evaluate customers evaluate the restaurant after receive the orders. Criteria for evaluation: temperature, quality, punctuality, courtesy of the deliverer.
1.5 Orders history list all the orders historys. Filters: Date range, kitchen or restaurant category. With this list we can evaluate the restaurant food or add to favorites. Order by restaurante name or food
2 Restaurant module
2.1 Manage restaurant data
2.1.1 Company data Restaurant name CNPJ Inscrição estadual Logo See site the best look for logos
2.1.2 Restaurant administrator Can save more than one restaurant administrator Restaurant administrator Name CPF date of birth Gender
2.1.3 User and password Email (username) Password Retype password Reminder
2.1.4 address CEP Link to seek state, city, neighborhood and street by postal webservice state City District Street / Avenue number Complement Phone number Phone SMS Fax number
2.1.5 choose the cuisines Joined the administration module
2.1.6 Delivery data Zip code / district Choose Listing saved in the administrative module, payment options Money checks credit Card Payment via the website. Can register one more than credit card Pagseguro Payment via the website. Brazilian gateway Paypal Payment via the website Mastercard Payment via the website Visa Payment via the website Amex Payment via the website Bussiness hours Register bussiness hours:. During the week, weekends and holidays Total time of delivery In minutes, hours or days Minimum value per orders Delivery options Choose from home delivery, pick up or both Data to receive payment from Mastercard, Visa, Amex and PayPal The payment will be billed directly to the restaurant Restaurant coupons
2.1.7 Confirm by email using single web link and encrypts data
2.1.8 Reminder forgotten password via e-mail
2.1.9 Edit restaurant
2.1.10 Delete restaurant
2.1.11 To confirm that the terms of use and privacy policy were read The registration will only be finalized if that field is marked
2.1.12 Send email to system administrator the restaurant saved with the inactive status by default.
2.2 Manage menu data
2.2.1 Manage food Select category Register in administrative module Food name Food description Food weight Food image
2.2.2 Register food options Each food will have several options Option name Option description option price
2.2.3 List all foods List all dishes of the restaurant with the option to add, modify or delete. Order by any of the fields
2.2.4 Enable / disable food
2.3 Restaurant administrators
2.3.1 Register restaurant administrator Can save more than one restaurant administrator Restaurant administrators name CPF date of birth Gender
2.3.2 User and password Email (username) Password Retype password Reminder
2.3.3 Confirmation by email and encrypts using single web link
2.3.4 Reminder forgotten password via e-mail
2.3.5 List all restaurant administrators List all restaurant administrators with the option to add, modify and delete
2.4 Orders
2.4.1 Show open orders List all open orders. The list should contain just the order number and the food name with a link for all other informations. The click automatically show all informations and changes the status from pending to confirmed
2.4.2 show all orders data After summary click described in section 2.4.1 automatically the status order change from pending to confirmed. Show all orders data, food, options, value, payment option, payment data, customer data, etc
2.4.3 order history Show all orders history. Filters: Date Range, category, customer, food, payment options
3 Module administrator
3.1 Managing administrators
3.1.1 Managing administrators List all system administratos. Sort by name. Filters: name, email Register system administrator Full name Email (username) Password Verify password Edit system administrator Delete system administrator Enable / disable system administrator
3.2 Manage customers
3.2.1 Customer list List all customers. Sort by client name. Filters: name, email and cpf Register customers Edit customers Delete customers Enable / disable customers2
3.3 Manage restaurants
3.3.1 Restaurant list List all restaurants. Sort by restaurant name. Filters: restaurant name, cuisine, restaurant administrator and CNPJ Register restaurants Edit restaurants Delete restaurants Enable / disable restaurants
3.3.2 Restaurant administrators list List all restaurant administrator. Sort by restaurant administrator. Filters: restaurant administrator, CNPJ, CPF Register restaurant administrator Edit restaurant administrator Delete restaurant administrator Enable / disable restaurant administrator
3.3.2 Food list List all foods of the restaurants with their options and values. Sort by the name of the dish. Filters: name of dish Registerfood Edit food Delete food Enable / disable food
3.4 Manage cuisines
3.4.1 Cuisines list List all cuisines. Sort by name kitchen Register cuisines Cuisines name Cuisine descripition Edit cuisine Delete cuisine enable / disable cuisine
3.5 Manage categories
3.5.1 categories list List all categories saved. Sort by category name Register categories Category Name category Description Edit category Delete category enable / disable category
3.6 Manage ZIP code
3.6.1 Zip code
3.7 Manage Newsletter Create and send newsletters. Filters: All customers, the customers agreed to receive newsletter and to all restaurants
3.8 Static pages
3.8.1 Restaurants list all restaurants with the brand logo. Filter: Type of cuisine, state, city
3.8.2 Take a tour Illustration of the process
3.8.3 Promotions
3.8.4 Who we are
3.8.5 F. A. Q.
3.8.6 Privacy Policy
3.8.7 Terms of Use
3.8.8 Contact Us Feedback, contacts, etc.
3.9 billing list List billing weekly, monthly and annual all restaurants. Filters: Name of the restaurant and / or billing period (between start date and end date)

  What i need
  Data Dictionary
  Complete access to the database
  Markup language: Java, Ajax, php, mysql or Postgree
  Source code
  At the bottom you should have the name of the development company
  SSl Security
  Integration with PayPal, Mastercard, Visa and Amex, PAGSEGURO
  Site looks and feels better, join the colors red, yellow and orange
  Translate to Portuguese
  Have you done this type of site ever? Is there any pattern?
  How much will it cost the site?
  What is the development time?
  Schedule development?
  What are the conditions?
  How long support after delivered?
  What is the value of future changes?

Ajax And WordPress

Ajax And WordPress
I have AJAXed WordPress ( installed and running relatively smoothly on my beta site. There are, however, a few glitches that I would like to have sorted out.

The beta site on which it has been installed is

I need an Ajax expect to tweak the plugin so as to fix the following problems (this is not an extensive list):
– The search box doesn’t work
– When a new post is clicked, the page slowly scrolls up to bring it into focus. I would like this to be instant.
– When a new post is clicked, the page doesn’t scroll up to the very top, which leaves the top banner ad slightly covered.
– All links contain #awp::, i.e. If possiblbe, I would prefer that this simply be the hash tag (#) without “awp::”.
– Ajaxed WordPress has trouble handling links that are created dynamically by javascript
– When the “shuffle” button is clicked (in the menu of the Ajaxed URL doesn’t work. It should redirect to a random post, but instead the URL stays “” and reloads the front page
– The plugin Facebook Connector has a conflict with Ajax

Long Term Writer Needed 2

Long Term Writer Needed 2
Writer required to produce articles for websites and blogs.

Must have PERFECT English and be able to respond to tight deadlines. Must be flexible and able to follow instructions.

I have plenty of writing work for the right programmer.

I would be happy to pay $2/500 words.

Please don’t apply if you are unable to reach deadlines.

Payment only through pay pal and after completing the task.

Download To Make Money

Download To Make Money
I am giving $20/400 downloads. File sizes are very low 1MB-5MB.
But you have to complete a survey each time before downloading the file.

You can easily download 500 downloads/day.

PM me to apply.

I need you to follow the details and download a sample before I will give you the job.
1. Your Country
2. Your Connection Speed

Then you have to download a sample file from the link given below, and mail me you IP address from which you have downloaded. You can check you IP address at or any other site as your preference. I just need the filename and the IP address which downloaded it to verify your downloads.

I will give you links for files once I can verify you successfully.

There no daily limit of download, you are free to download as many as you can.
I will pay weekly on weekends. Payment will be through Paypal.

I am paying 100$ weekly to a guy for downloading 2000 files weekly. He has a team.
It doesn’t matter to me, I just want those surveys to be completed.

And, most important you will have to download as free user, because surveys do not open for premium users.

This is easy and fast money.

Guys from US, UK, Europe are preferred.

Bonus to the teams/guys giving an average of 10K files per month(for at least 1 month).
This is lifelong job(as long as the site runs and pays genuinly).


Download the sample file from the link below, and send me your IP address and company name.

Affil System For Chevereto

Affil System For Chevereto
i looking for someone who can code for me symple affiliate program with three tiers for image hosting script Chevereto.

Chevereto have Admin-panel yet:
it means i need code:
1) possibility of create sub-admin accounts (affiliate acounts/user accounts) – everyone can register and start upload images and make money
2) 3 tiers affiliate system:
A) USA, UK, Canada
B) Other countries except tier C
C) China, India, Thailand, Vietnam, HongKong

3) I need set tarif for every 1000UIP for every tier
4) Anti-cheaters defence

Database & Forum On Website

Database & Forum On Website
Database and Forum Installation and Integration

Your Qualifications

*Must be comfortable working with Sites of an Adult/Mature nature.
*Must be fluent in HTML
*Should/can be familiar with CSS
*Experienced with SSH Protocol
* mysql Database programming
* Database .tpl templates
* Forum development (Front & Back-end)
*Should have all work completed in approx. 14 days (give or take a few days).
*Project is completed when site is launched.

I am looking for Mysql programming specialists only. The more previous experience the better.

Do not reply to this project if you do not meet these qualifications, be honest.
(No WebEditor services required or desired. So do not respond to this project please.)

Requirements Of Work

1. Site Front End Plan: I have done 85% of the work already as HTML pages.
2. Site Back End Plan: Mysql Database Installation & Integration. Database should include a change Admin password from within the Admin. Interface.
3. Forum Installation: I want a forum just like:
4. Forum Integration: I need front and back end help setting it up
5. Work should be constructed and housed upon my server space which I will provide FTP access to.

1. Front End Plan:

– Show number of comment(s) for all picture gallery images
– Integrate the current site into the php system
– Show all comments below all picture images
– Leave a comment form below all picture images

2. Back End Plan:

– Database installation and integration
– Database should be fully editable (ie Headers, body, footers)
– Add/Del and Edit
– Add/Del and Edit Gallery Images
– Manage Comments
– Manage Articles or link and integrate existing .html articles/pages into the php system/site.
– Add/Edit/Delete Template Header, Footer and body templates
– Ability to Add Further Templates/Pages As Needed.
– Manage Picture Gallery
– Add a Simple Contact Form which forwards to my e-mail?
– Integrate existing pages and galleries as needed: refer to…
– Leave a comment form below all picture images and have it editable/manageable
– Add a simple .htaccess file to prevent sites from hot-linking to site images.
– The reason I want everything editable, is that I can be self reliant as a Graphic Designer. I also write my own HTML code is all site designs, and do not use a any Web Editors. It’s all from scratch. I also desire to do all possible data entry. Site needs to be editable so it may be expandable, and change accordingly over time.

3. Forum Installation and Integration ( I want a user-friendly forum very similar to:

– Forum Installation
– Forum Features: Topic Categories, Rules lists, Account Users Can attach or Add or attach images to their posts, Account users can create their own Galleries. I’d like to know what other types of popular Addons are available to select from.
– As I have little experience with Forum construction, I need helping setting it up, and co-ordinating site colors and logos into the Forum.

4. Support: In the event I didn’t mention something, you should be flexible with time table, and ensuring site is ready to launch. So problem solving, good communication with me, and implementing changes as required including script fine tuning and corrections of errors.

5. Payment
All payments by escrow account. $100 into your escrow account to begin, another $100 halfway through job, and balance upon site launch (completion).

6. More details available via PMB

How to display an incrementing number next to each published post

How to display an incrementing number next to each published post

The first thing to do is to paste the function into your functions.php file:

function updateNumbers() {
  global $wpdb;
  $querystr = "SELECT $wpdb->posts.* FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE $wpdb->posts.post_status = 'publish' AND $wpdb->posts.post_type = 'post' ";
$pageposts = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT);
  $counts = 0 ;
  if ($pageposts):
    foreach ($pageposts as $post):
      add_post_meta($post->ID, 'incr_number', $counts, true);
      update_post_meta($post->ID, 'incr_number', $counts);

add_action ( 'publish_post', 'updateNumbers' );
add_action ( 'deleted_post', 'updateNumbers' );
add_action ( 'edit_post', 'updateNumbers' );

Once done, you can display the post nimber by pasting the following on your theme file, within the loop:

<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID,'incr_number',true); ?> 

Credits goes to WordPress forums for this very cool piece of code!

Looking for WordPress hosting? Try WP Web Host. Prices starts at $5/month and you can try it for free!

How to display an incrementing number next to each published post

One Page Webpage Coming Soon

One Page Webpage Coming Soon
I am needing a one page webpage the has my pictures and music player playing my music , with a email signup/ comments on the same page , saying the website is coming soon .

I need avery stylized page ,as It is the first time people come to the the site and I want them to come back when it is finally up and encourage them to leave there email.

WordPress Transfer Bilingual

WordPress Transfer Bilingual
This work is urgent, please bid only if you can attend to this urgently, Thank you.

Current website here

Home of the new site will be here

Required for review ASAP

Site objectives:

1. Update information on their work and their organization
2. Recruit volunteers through show casing their work
3. Accept donation via PayPal

Functional requirements:

1. Word Press based
2. Integrate bbPress for forum
3. BILINGUAL (English and Vietnamese) plug in is required, will assist with Vietnamese language where needed
4. Link to PayPal account for donation

Designs and interface requirements:

1. Design similar like but a lot simpler include
1. Across page menu with sub items
2. Banner header, rotating graphics or slide show, no flash. Graphics will be supplied
3. Left top is logo, right top is the language switch
2. Top main menu include
1. Home (features articles and updates, user registration, counter)
* Please add a counter to bottom of page somewhere as per sample
* Subscribe to site updates
2. About us (page)
3. You can help! (page and button to click on for direct to Contact page, with drop down menu to select “Volunteer”)
4. Events & News (this is where the posts take place, this page needs to show archives, tags, categories etc. which is to be position on the left hand side)
5. Members
1. Show case current and past members
2. Add button TAKE ACTION- Ways you can help! and direct to “You can help” page
6. Forums (bbpress)
7. Donation (page, and buttons, return to thank you page once donation is completed)
8. Contact us (form spam detection, preferred ajax instead of captcha)


1. We will supply all graphics
2. All meta data tags
3. Install Google Analytics (will supply google code)
4. Install tracker statistic (will supply tracker code)