WordPress Site Updates 3

WordPress Site Updates 3
I need few quick edits done on another personal website of mine, www.webcopyconversionexpert.com – I can pay you $20 just to update a few things
– Need to add 2 main tabs; Bio and Method –> i’ll provide text for these pages
– Edit text on several pages –> I’ll provide updated text
– Put a “star” image in the right corner of every page, link it to the contact form on home page -> I’ll provide the image
– Add 1 field to the contact form
– Create a pop-under for bottom of the screen, like this one: http://www.undergroundtraininglab.com/

This is very easy for WordPress expert. Budget is $20 and turn-around time is ONE Day. If you like to work slow, please don’t bid.

Thank you for taking the time to read my project. I really appreciate it.

Website Design Ea Forex

Website Design Ea Forex
I have an idea to organize a competition among EAs but on a small scale so i would like to have a website that enable me to manage this competition and show all results to viewers.

Similar to these websites:


All bids should include everything to finish this website and become a functional stand-alone website.

All bids must be within budget. No over bidding will be accepted.

All bidders must have relevant reviews.

Good Luck All

Happy bidding

Simplified Blogging

Simplified Blogging
We need something like wordpress but much more simplified and able to handle a mass number of users.
We want less features not more… Something very, very basic that will load very fast even with an enormous user base.

Here are our requirements,

User Front end,

The top portion of the page is a bio.

Underneath should be comments where people can post comments (capcha important).

That is all for the front end and a typical user account is this single page with comments.

User Backend,

User should be able to login to their account and control comments and their bio.

Admin Backend,

We should be able to add accounts, by mass would be great. But, this process should be quick. We will also need to tie in a paypal subscription feature.

These are the base requirements. Thank you for bidding.

Modify Featured.php For Oscomm

Modify Featured.php For Oscomm

i need oscomm featured.php modified. see attached image and featured.php file.

1. i need an empty cell generated btw each product (see blue parts on image).

2. also need a table that stetches 100% of width added below each row of proucts.

i will use these tables/cells for bg divider images – e.g style=”padding:0 6px 0 6px; background-image: url(contents/functions/featured/imgs2/div2.png);background-repeat: repeat-x;background-position:center;”


Virtuemart – Send Serialnumb 2

Virtuemart – Send Serialnumb 2
I would like to be able to send serial numbers when a downloadble product is purchased.

The serial numbers Would ask Stored in a table, Together with the product ID and I Would populator this data manually through the admin area.

If customer has payed, and his order’s state will be “confirmed” (from “pending”), then an email is sent to him with the product serial. Note: We just want to sell just 1 product/license per order!

Customer can see his serials also visiting his orders (depends on state), and vendor is always able to see them.

System: Joomla 1.5.15 (new installation) & Virtuemart 1.1.4 stable

Mysql Expert Needed Database

Mysql Expert Needed Database
I have a database that gathers checked out orders from a website that needs to be completed it is 90% done , it does recognize checked out order compared to previewed orders , it has multi admin levels , its for a essay writing company, basically how it works it the writers log in and get their own log in and password , then they simply grab the checked out orders that come in once done writing the essays then they simply pload it to the database where the proofers can come in and proof the essays out. Also there is a writing manager admin and a regional manager , and just Admin , and a proofing manager admin , all have dif access , all this is all ready done in the database . Right now i have a guy working on it but he needs little more help. All this is all ready done in the database but we are just basically making the database more user friendly. I paid a guy asll ready to get it to this point but now i need another to wrap it up and help this guy whos working on finish it up. Ill pay you min 200.00 to wrap up the database . Larry the guy who is working on it now is basically cleaning up the code to make it easier for the next person to do the database and try to get my user frinedly fixes done to it but is taking to long. I have 4 sites that need to be connected to the database. The database need to be in each site so the sites dont link out to another site for SEO purposes i dont want any of my 4 sites linking out to any sites.

Membership Payment & Directory

Membership Payment & Directory
I am looking for some programming to create / implement a way for users to pay for a membership, register, then have 3 levels of access to the directory.

Memberships are one year (editable) and normally paid at the time of registration or renewed annually. 

Upon successful payment (paypal), users get emailed login info, they login, and can add edit or delete account contact details.

Administrator (see / do everything)
Managers can access all data but not edit.
User level, can view/edit their own details, not others.

Need to be able to export user database as XLS or CSV

Bid reasonably. I am looking for a low cost developer to handle the work

Please give me examples of existing websites You have built a “membership directory” for, (I don’t need to see an entire portfolio) and also a brief explanation of your solution (showing you understand what I require)

Examples of control panel / directory appreciated.

Web Design Page Css

Web Design Page Css
I am looking for someone to design a nice template. Please have a look at the attachment, it will give u a better idea of what i’m looking for… basically the attachment you see is an old design, however, I am not very happy with it, i like the design to be complete like www.toptenz.net, alot of CSS, easy loading and navigation, not too much on graphics…. don’t use tables for the layout of the page or its sections, don’t use inline styles (all styles should be in the stylesheet) tables can be uesd in apporpriate places..just not to layout the page.

please show me some samples of your work or porfolio, then i’ll pick the one who I think can deliver.

Navigation Fix New

Navigation Fix New
Okay, since a lot of “coders” with no feedback were complaining I decided to cancel my other project and write a new one..

I have a website located at: lawyerbooster.com/maxie

You will notice the top of the navigation if you click on like “login” or the stuff on the right nothing happens however if you go to
lawyerbooster.com/maxsite click on login you get that filed, and all that, i need that navigation cut out, and put on the maxie site, if you scoll over opportunity, u get a drop down i need that drop down put on products with different links. I need this done today.

THIS is for ONE page not a million.

I need the top part the buttons, and search and all to be in an includes like


Then I need the navigation to be an a includes to like:

that way if I make a change to the navigation it will be displayed on ALL the websites I won’t have to go to page to page adding that one page..

Is this something you can do? I also need to make all the buttons but “video” and “shop” and “enroll” to have a drop down menu like opportunity.

If you go to www.lawyerbooster.com/maxsite you will see the buttons drop down, and the login drops down, and english and all that stuff. I don’t need search working but I wanna be able to “write into it” it will be used into s earch later.