You Tube Search Scraper – Php

You Tube Search Scraper – Php
Greetings Scriptlance Webmasters — Thank you for your interest in my project. This should be a very very easy project for a PHP expert because you’re basically using the site’s search features. Most of the work will be in the data scraping and it’s quite straightforward.

Turnaround time: I need this done in 3-4 days.

Payment: I will escrow the money. As you can see with my past history, I always escrow and pay fast once the project is completed.

Script Specs: Please see the attached PDF file for the exact specs.

Again, please contact me via the Message Board, so that I can make sure we are on the same page. I ignore templated messages, so please respond with a message related to the above so I know you read it.

Thank you and I look forward to talking with you! 🙂

Sql – Lookup – Insert

Sql – Lookup – Insert
I have a SQL database for products.

In one of the coloumns there are product names and another there are product descriptions in english language.

And in another coloumn there is a dictionary with one word or word pair per row with a bolded word or word pair for English and nonbolded words with a , seperator for the other language.

So what I need is a result in the same source cell for the english product name or product description with the following logic to add under the English text:

1. word by word (with a regular heading text which is always the same – word by word translation in that language) first only in the other language under the original english text

like this one:

word translated – word translated – word translated etc.

and under that the following also in the same cell:

2. word by word (with a regular heading text which is always the same – word by word translation in that language with the english words) with the english words + translated words

like this one:

english word – translated word * english word – translated word * english word – translated word * englisch word – translated word *

The whole work should be made for online working – where I have a mask and type the starting row number and ending row number.

It should also tell me if there was any errors in the process and let me choose to try the cells again automatically with the error rows included.


this is a product only in english name and description
above the picture is the name
and below the description
both only in english

so the example result would be for product name:
RCA RP5605 Clock Radio – LED * RCA – RP5605 – sat – radio – LED

and for the description

RCA RP5605 CD Clock Radio with AM/FM

Prijevod na hrvatski riječ po riječ:

RCA – RP5605 – CD – sat – radio – s – AM/FM

Prijevod na hrvatski riječ po riječ s engleskim riječima:

RCA – RCA * RP5605 – RP 5605 * CD – CD * Clock – sat * Radio – radio
* with – s * AM /FM – AM/FM

Need Marketing Executive

Need Marketing Executive
Greetings ! Our company site www(dot)infysec(dot)com , InfySec is primarily a security services organization.Our focus is on three areas: Client Security, Research & Development and building up intellectual capital with customers across geographies.

Services we offer:

Technology Consulting
Security Training
infySCAN Services (Scanning Services)

infySEC requires proficient sales and marketing passionate sellers, who could sell our services such as

Website security scanning services
Vulnerability Assessment
Penetration Testing
Gap Analysis
Compliance Audit (ISO27001 Implementation,PCI) etc.,
Business Continuity Planning (BCP)
Security Code Review

and get business from clients, since there are many clients who need their websites to be security audited from potential risks and hackers/spying eyes,Also we will pay you on each and every project that you get us for. Passionate marketing persons feel free to reach us with their resume so that we can take things forward on this. Please do not reply if with a default template reply message, only reply if you understand the gravity of this project.

Modify/redesign S.m. Script

Modify/redesign S.m. Script
Modify and Redesign a Social Media Script

The script is written in PHP and AJAX. This is the skill set
needed to get this script done.


BUDGET: $300-$700


This site is going to be simple and attractive. The look will be understated but the functionality that we have in mind is huge! This should not be a problem for the experienced programmer at all!

This is a blog-based site. (Diagrams are available in a mock website to accompany this write-up)

This site is NOT a traditional video-based site. Read the following very carefully…


1.We need an experienced TEAM to do this project at a very reasonable cost. I specify TEAM because in the event, someone is “out”, the project will continue on schedule. If the product is functional and satisfactory, we have many other projects to post.
2.The project is the complete build of a functional website with a custom flash application or use of an existing script w/ modifications. Either way, the flash app has to be custom built.
3.This NOT a video site! Please do not send us links to 1) any video clone templates you’ve made for past clients 2) any sites that don’t involve live webstreaming 3) any sites that don’t have any relevance to our project. You should supply us with your top 5 sites relevant to our project. There are too many professionals to respond to, so anyone not meeting the requirements will not receive a response.
4.We need you to provide us with a POC (proof of concept) for the project before we can award it to you. The concept should include have a live web cam feed on the page that counts down from 5 seconds. Once the countdown is over, the application will automatically record my feed for 5 seconds, then display the recorded feed on the same page ready for playback in a different player. This is not optional.
5.We need everything done, all-inclusive. This means once we have agreed on price, there will be no adjustments. You are professional programmers and I expect since you have worked on many projects in the past, you know what problems will arise and will be able to fix them. Once I have given you the full specs, I will be fair in allowing you to adjust for small concessions. However, after this point, we need an on-time, completed, and fully-functioning website. If you need to adjust the time line, make sure you do so IN THE BEGINNING.
6.The programming language you choose is up to you but it must enable FAST loading for the site and seamless FUNCTIONALITY for cross-platform use.
7.Let me know the answers to the questions that follow…

How many programmers will you designate to my project?
Can you perform within my time line (30 days)?
Do you understand all aspects of English well?
How many American companies have you done work for?
How many times have you been over budget?
How many times have you been over the deadline?
Are you comfortable using the escrow service of


1.Our site should have all the BASICS of a major site online today: top-level security (protection of shell access), redundancy (if the site goes down, it’s back up within minutes), and scalable (able to handle 1,000 to 50,000,000 users and their live feeds and videos).
2.Custom Flash Application: This is a custom built program utilizing 40 live web cams per page from users who visit the site. The web cam feeds will work together in order for the functionality of the application to work properly. Some feeds will need to be recorded and saved for immediate playback within this application and saved in the users profile. The membership features and payments gateways must all be tied into this program.
3.Custom Flash Widget: This is a custom application within the 12T site that will allow users to build a widget for use on their own site. This widget will be a stripped down version of the original. If the user keeps the 12T logo on the widget, the widget code is free to generate. If the user wishes to put their own logo on the widget, the cost is $47.
4.***DONE***Linux Server with Red 5 installed: You may access our server via Plesk control panel or Shell Access upon approval of your bid. Which ever is most comfortable. If you don’t plan to use Red 5, you may uninstall it.
5.***NEEDS TO BE TIED INTO CUSTOM APP***Payment Gateway: PayPal is fine for our needs in the beginning, but we would like to get away from using this. Our proferred provider is If you would make yourself familiar with this site and interface, it would be most helpful in the future.
6.***DONE***Membership Functionality: Users cannot participate unless they are registered (at least for free). The users ability to use certain features in the flash application is based on their level of membership. The levels are explained in the write up for the site.
7.***NEED DATABASE BUILT***Email Notification/Marketing/Database Usage: This feature will be used for email marketing (mass emailing to users with their permission similar to Amazon’s “New Items” emails). This feature would also be for informational purposes regarding the site according the users’ preferneces.
8.Tell-a-Friend Program: We would like for users to be able to inform friends easily via the use of a tell-a-friend program built into our site. The users can just type in their username and password from Yahoo, Gmail, or MSN and imports contacts (similar) to Myspace. What would make this one different is every time a message is sent inviting a friend, the invitor’s picture would appear in the email with a talking bubbleasking them to join.
9.Ads/Rotating Ads: Our ad needs are 2-fold. There will be space to incorporate ads from the admin control panel (advertising banners and boxes) onto the user pages. The home page will be set-up to feature one (1) product for a specified amount of time. The second ad displays will be inside the flash application. These ads can only be shown every ten minutes, no more. The users are our focus, not the ad displays.
10.SEO Optimized: We’d like the site to be auto-optimizing for SEO keywords that are created within the blogs. Again, I will leave programming languages up to you.
11.Social Media Linked: Users should be able to link to their Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter accounts from our site. Whenever a user leaves a webcast, it is automatically posted to their various accounts.
12.***BUILT INTO THE SCRIPT***Mobile Compatibility: Users should be able to use our application via their mobile phones. This can be done later, but not a priority right now.
13.Affiliate Program: This is a program where other marketers drive traffic to our site in exchange for a share of the revenue. The program simply assigns “affiliate A” a special link from our site, so that we know where the traffic is coming from. If a user sent by “affiliate A” signs up for a paid account on our site, “affiliate A” get’s paid $3.97 for that paying customer. The program keeps track of the auto-generated link of each affiliate and how many users signed up using that affiliates link.
14.***NEEDS SYNCING WITH APP***Admin/Subadmin Functionality: This is the “backroom” that controls everything. From here, the admin will be able to insert ads, insert featured products, designate subadmin level of control, and expel users who don’t follow our rules.
15.Asthetics: The buttons should look like buttons. The images should be high definition (smooth edges). The site should be simple and sleek in design. No big overwhelming header graphics. White will be the main color of the pages with splashes of red and orange to accentuate. (SEE THE TEST SITE). The tone of the site is “Quick and Fun”.
16.***DONE***Page Setup: Pages should be truncated so that no “dead space” is between content and the bottom of the page. Most or all “ticker” pages will have blogs on them, thus, pages should auto-elongate to accommodate space for displaying comments. If possible, I would like the entire flash application to fit into one full screen without having to scroll up or down to see the entire app.
17.Homepage: Our homepage will possess the most popular ticker of the day. The homepage will also include a video shout out module where users can use their webcams to tell us what they think of the site. These “shouts” must be approved by the admin or subadmin though.

All of the features of the script can be found at:

All of the server requirements and uploads can be found at:

Thank you,


Music Chart Module

Music Chart Module

Hi, I run a music website and I am looking for a modules or anything really that I can display anywhere I want it too. It’ll most likely be used on an article page.

I am looking for a module which can show a ranking system of the most viewed songs. I have included an attachment which shows basically what I need it to look like or similar. It must match the theme of my site which I can provide if you want. This feature should show how many positions the song has moved.

The very last thing I want is too make it so, when you have your cursor on an song title, that area of block highlights… please check attachment for clear explanation, you will see it highlighted

Also this feature must include a novelty hit count option, for example, it will only show songs that had the most hits over the last 24 hrs and the time I want it must be adjustable.

The categories and song titles must be linkable.

Also I would like this module to include options so that it is easy for me in the future to adjust the settings. Options should include… how many songs I would like to show on the chart, what sections I would like it to show only, and the novelty date of the songs hit count.

I would like to be automatically fit into my page or maybe have an option where I can insert the size I would like it to be.

I would like to also have a feature which has a “view more top 100” list kind of thing, and that must also be linked to a page of my want. It must show those headings in the attachment i have included.

This is for a Joomla site.

Website Design For Ratings

Website Design For Ratings
I am looking for a website to be designed that will allow people to rate and write about their experience with something.

For example. Lawyers. People could log onto the website, write a review about a lawyer they dealt with and rate them 1 – 5 stars. This will allow people when wanting to deal with a lawyer to go to the website and see who is good.

I am not a computer guy so the ability to make changes and edit reviews must be easy so that I can do it any time without knowing HTML.

homestars dot com is a great example of what I am looking for. Although I don’t have as many categories, I would want countries to be a choice. As well I would want the ability to have good companies show up on a search based on rank as well as my ability to manipulate this rank should someone want to pay and have their information come up first. Again, similar to what homestars does.

Please have a look at the way homestars operates and in quoting please consider this website as something very similar to what I am looking for. Think instead of home renovation companies, Lawyers. A couple of possibilities (criminal, family, etc) and area’s where they practice.

Once hired I will disclose my full idea to the person, but again it is close to the idea of Lawyers.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or clarification you need.


Php Applicatoin Development

Php Applicatoin Development
We are looking to build a new application the features will include

1) member sign up

2) member communication feature, simliar to SL or other where users can email other members internally.

3) Order products, internal ability for members to order up to 5 unique products.

This will be built in php/mysql

Please send samples of your work , we will provide full RFP to those who we are interested in selecting.

Simple Php Insert & Login

Simple Php Insert & Login

I need someone to work with me right now via yahoo messanger and make this page work. 2-3 hours job I am certain.

No multi tasking!!!!!!! Please, I need full attention and let’s complete this project quick and no headache. It is very simple for an expert.

then once that page is working 100% …then they have to be able to login

and once they login …we only show them certain links ..depends on thier sql data what links we show them …

Clickable Msa Map

Clickable Msa Map

This project is for work done to an MSA map like this:

1) Divide the map up in individual state files. If an MSA goes over the state line, include the whole MSA with the state.

2) Make each Metro- and Micropolitan Statistical Area clickable with a hyperlink.

3) Make sure that the hyperlink name matches the database. I will provide all the data to connect to the link.

I am open to how you want to code this if you would prefer to use flash. This will be used on a Joomla site, but I can use a wrapper for it.

A Job Site With A Difference

A Job Site With A Difference

I am looking for someone to build an Advanced Job Site with powerful, yet dynamic search capabilities.

The most important factor here is, the site will have 3 Types of Users 1) Job Seekers 2) Employers 3)Universities. Information is exchanged/Matched dynamically between these 3 Types.

We will have to pre-load the database of all US Universities (To make their registration simple..Check experiencedotcom)

The site will also have a payment gateway like (Paypal is an option only)


I would also need the front end design..I do not have much time, if you have already built a job board; the changes that I ask for are pretty simple.


WordPress Manual Post Inserts

WordPress Manual Post Inserts
I have a java program which i want to use to automatically insert data into a wordpress database. I don’t know the wordpress structure that well and i’m having difficulty getting this done.

I need a series of sql statements to insert into the database and get the correct tags,category relationships etc right.
You don’t need to do any programming i just need to know the sql statements/examples to insert the data…

The data i want to insert is a post and it has a custom field called

i need this done fast so first come first serve….

Osc Website Clone 2

Osc Website Clone 2
Dear Programmers,

I want to clone

Developer or company should b deliver complete exact clone of included all features of current website.

Developer or company should b use new version of oscommerce.

Design already completed, you only need to integrate design with osc.

Please check reference site carefully and bid on it. Low bid and high quality to b preferred.


WordPress Paste Issue

WordPress Paste Issue
I have multiple users coming to my wordpress site and posting.

I need to set up the text editor in wordpress so that when text is copied from the text editor and pasted at another location, it won’t add extra spaces between the lines.

Also if text contains the “at” sign I would prefer that the editor doesn’t automatically format it as a link.

This needs to be default behavior.