Php / Curl Guru

Php / Curl Guru
This project is tend for a php/cURL guru to analyze a written code

basically it sends a request to URL and takes the output to manipulate it and redirect the user to the manipulated output

when i do the steps manually it works, when wanting to automate the process using curl for some reason it doesn’t

place a holder bid for 2 hours worth of time and depending on the complexity of the work i’ll add bonuses on the go

you will be selected depending on your past reviews of PHP advanced development

I Need 100 Short Paragarphs

I Need 100 Short Paragarphs
I need 100 short paragraphs/passages written. Each paragraph must be a minimum of at least 100 words in length. It can be as long as long as you want beyond the 100 words minimum. I will provide the topics that each of the paragraphs should be roughly about. The paragrpahs can be very generic.

I will provide 5 topics. Each of the 5 topics will need 20 different paragraphs written for it. So for each of the topics, I will need 20 paragraphs written. You can go off topic in the paragraph but you must include the topic keyword within the paragraph.

The paragraphs can be generic but need to be roughly about the topic, and MUST include the topic keyword provided and must make sense. I am not looking for experts on the topics here, just someone with good English and who can write acceptable english paragraphs.

The paragraphs must be unique. I will not pay for nor accept paragraphs copied from somewhere else. I will confirm this using, and my own software. So if you feel that you can not write paragraphs in English that are original, please do not bid. i do not mind if the paragraphs have been rewritten from another source

Writing 50 Paragraphs 100 Word

Writing 50 Paragraphs 100 Word
I need 50 short paragraphs written. Each paragraph must be a minimum of at least 100 words in length. It can be as long as long as you want beyond the 100 words minimum. I will provide the 2 topics with 6 keywords that each of the paragraphs should be roughly about. Each topic will have one main keyword and 5 secondary keywords.

The main keyword for the topic will need 20 different paragraphs written for it and each of the 5 secondary keywords will each need 5 paragraphs written for it.

The paragraphs can be generic but need to be roughly about the topic, and MUST include the topic keyword provided and must make sense. I am not looking for experts on the topics here, just someone with good English and who can write acceptable English language paragraphs.

The paragraphs must be unique. I will not pay for nor accept paragraphs copied from somewhere else. I will confirm this using, and my own software. So if you feel that you can not write paragraphs in English that are original, please do not bid. I do not mind if the paragraphs have been rewritten from another source.


Php Edit For Look And Feel

Php Edit For Look And Feel
Max budget is $20

Are you a web designer with php skills

There is a quick fix required on our website

We reckon it is a 2 hrs fix

Read the attached document

Got to the site

Check what u need to fix and if you can do it within 2 hrs and send us screen shot of it working, money will be escrowed and paid

No escrow before we see bug rectified

Web2.0 Template And Php-coding

Web2.0 Template And Php-coding
I have buy a PHP Script that can Encrypt PHP Files…

I need now a Designer:
Website Template (Web2.0 with Ajax / Jquery) with 2 – Sites
Sites are: Home, News, Products (8 Products), Demo, Register/Login, Contact, About
Site Admin: Web2.0 Style, with User Management and Credits, Link Management. Please provide me not more then 10 Example Templates via PMB
ToDo: Logo Design, Frontend Design, Backend Design,

I need now a Developer for PHP:
Create with the Designer a Payment Gateway for PayPal Business. This should be completly Automatic.
Admin Needs == Add/Rem User, disable User, Add/Rem Group, Add/Rem Credits per User, Newsletter System, edit some small things in the already existing encryption Code (only small changes). Don’t Bid if you havent more then 5 Reviews

Target is:
User Can Try the Demo, if he likes it, he can register and buy Credits, Credits will expire every 30 Days (i would chose how long they are aviable). If he is registred and filled up the Account with Credits, he have Access to the Site for the selected Amount (1-1000 Times).

I would 2 Persons,
1 Person for Design == Please leave in the Commentfield DESIGN- And you’r Comment

1 Person for Coding == Please leave in the Commentfield CODE- And you’r Comment

Butterfly Marketing Homepage 2

Butterfly Marketing Homepage 2

We have the graphics, the original Photoshop document (PSD) file and all of the initial HTML work that was done by our web developer.

We also have the code for the homepage currently in use and access to the hosting of this website so that we can add updates to the css file if this becomes a required action at some point.


The php script that powers the Butterfly Marketing software and the Traffic Python software on the back end of this website must remain in tact, but at the same time the main homepage needs to be changed so that it looks identical to the new page we’ve designed.

The new header, footer and background are already in working order. Although we do need the header image to be edited a small amount due to some spelling errors by our web developer.

If you are REALLY GOOD with HTML and you have a basic understanding of how the Butterfly Marketing script works you should be able to get this job done in a very short amount of time.

Small Php And Sql Project 2

Small Php And Sql Project 2
i have a single file that creates a list of emails – to be send later – based on the user personal information.

the email ads are stored at the table emails.
the user information are stored at table user.

right now this file just checks if the ad is for all countries or for any specific. and i want to change it to check also for the user personal interests.

users interests are saved at 5 tables: user.user_interest1 to 5 and ads interests are saved at emails.ads_interests as a list sepparate by commas and always with a comma at the end.

Php Programming And Other

Php Programming And Other

We have several sites on different servers on which we use several programs in php (Mediawiki, Joomla)along with a big program in php we created along the years. We want somebody passionate and expert in php that could help us in mantaining and increasing the functionalities of these programs. Additional qualities are the capability to use cpanel and understand server issues at a basic level, as we have all these sites to mantain. Basic graphic capabilities (as for exemple correcting the template of a site, or doing some slight changes in the html of existing pages)are also required. We need good communication: fast answers when we write emails. We want also you being able of doing precise time estimates when executing each different work. We want fast, creative and dedicate working as well someone that is mentally flexible and understand what is needed following the necessities of the moment as we want to make our sites more user friendly as well as more search engines friendly. This is a long time project. We will pay you at a weekly basis, and if we will continue our collaboration, at a monthly basis. Mention in your letter also additional abilities you have and the languages you understand or speak.

Feature Required For Mall 2

Feature Required For Mall 2
I am in the process of setting up mall store where different retailers could become sellers on my mall and sell products on our mall store.They have their own admin,payment system web address etc but they all sell under mall main domain.

i want to add a feature in this mall where customers buying product when add to cart then they also see extra button there which says Add to price beater.
This action should only be performed by login customers and registered sellers of mall only.

When customer clicks on this button”Add to price beater” then he is directed to new page where he is given choice to choose days it could be 1, 3,6 or 9 days for which product remains on right column box and we can call it “Can you beat it” box.

Now any one clicking on that box could see all products with actual price and prices which were beaten by different sellers or last price offered could be shown like Lowest price offered so far infront of each product and if clicked then it shows full details of that product .
In details of this page it should also show Beat it button in case some one still wants to offer better price and if you click as logged in seller and press beat it then you should see following Message.

Customer———————wants you to beat price shown.
Customer Location——————— pull customer’s post code from database.
Customer’s country ——————————-pull from database.
Price you offer as final delivered price inclusive all taxes and delivery will be BOX FOR PRICE and a send button.

On sending this message /beating price ,following message is sent to buyer registered email address.

Mall seller —————- has offered to supply you this item at the cost of £——–
Please contact seller at telephone number—————-or email address ————-
or his web address ————–pull from database his ministore’s address.
To discuss it further.
We strongly recommend not to indulge in any cash or direct dealing with this seller and always ask supplier to show this product on this website which is with price offered from where you checkout and pay by scheduled online paying method like paypal etc.

If any one other than logged in mall seller tries to click that button then he should be forced to login and register as seller and show message “Sorry only authorised sellers are allowed to perform this action so please become seller to participate in different activities of this website”

Prices beaten more than last quote or actual price should be rejected.

All price beaters items even put in mini store or main mall items will only show on main index page but they could belong to any shop and this system must be available to all stores which are yet to be created obviously system copies catalog and other folders for each new store and it then becomes a fully working merchant website.

System may check once in a day and update days left for each price beat product and remove which are expired and message sent to buyer to proceed with existing price or latest quote as the situation may be.
Customers desiring to remove their own products from price beat could do so any time even if they allocated 9 days for it but are interested to remove and checkout with existing price or first quote they received even after one hour ,so after this action of removing by buyer product should be reomoved from price beat page.

Any one who is enthusiastic and has command over php should only bid for this project please.

Imagevenue Clone Script

Imagevenue Clone Script
Looking for a clone of

Should have all the same features/options/behaviors.
I imagine there are many folks out there with premade scripts so that is fine. It does not have to be an exclusive script. If you are not familiar with imagevenue, please check it out before responding with scripts that do not cover all the bases.

Some features required:
-Allow guest single upload field on home page.
-Allow users to register an account.
-Multiple upload for register users.
-ZIP file support maybe? Not required.
-Users can create/manage galleries.
-Should be able to check multiple images and click to get BBCodes.
-Seperate folders for thumbs and full size (to manage hotlinking)
-Admin only delete button on image view page.
-Remove images after “x” days of no views.
-Don’t really need a complete admin panel as long as I can admin delete a reported image.
-Must work with PHP5/MySQL5/Apache2
-Super simple design with at least minor templating for ad insertion. No need for fancy images, just a top left header image that I already have. Simple speedy design.

Open to escrow or 50/50, bidder’s preference depending on your feedback.

Thank you.

Fast Joomla Page

Fast Joomla Page



Here is what I need:

I have a page that needs correction.

This is the current version:

And this is what I need it to look like:

The page is an article in Joomla. The form is through aweber and needs ZERO changes. I can supply the Javascript Snippet or the HTML.

Really should be a quick one for someone who knows what they are doing.
