Payment Integrate In Php

Payment Integrate In Php
Have a php video site and need to add payment system for it.
I atached the script.and its the demo:
when click on video thubmnail for watch, you will se a download link under any video that let visitor to download videos with flv format.
this you need chnage download.php file
I wanna make download just for user that pay.
this paypament system need to be integrate:

site admin shoulde have control on price,and also how many video every visitor can download after every payment.
for example 3 or 5 video for 2$ or some thing like this..

Php Insert & Select Query

Php Insert & Select Query
Hello and thanks for reviewing my project.

I need this completed within the next 3-5 hours please. No Multi Tasking. I require your complete attention please. Message me via yahoo messanger to get started once I select your bid.

I have already prepped the logic and all SQL tables and fields and all the html so it will save time.

The project is to make this html demo admin section work. Please click around there are 5 pages total.

I only made it 5 pages because it is HTML.

You will make 1 PHP file that does the same thing. Depending on the url string is what page you show.

I do not want more than 1 php file for this. we call it admin_products.php. If you don’t already understand how todo this please don’t bid.

EXPERTS ONLY – I have a lot of experience with begginer and expert and if you are expert this should only take a few hours.

also ..notice the left navigation menu …you need to make this work calling tables category and subcategory and place (?) how many products are in that subcategory. It needs to be a dynamic sql navigation bar so that I can just place a tag to call it {$left_nav_bar} probably need to make a script that makes it ..then smarty assign the tag…

WordPress tip: Insert custom content after each post

WordPress tip: Insert custom content after each post

You just have to paste the following code into your functions.php and save the file. Once done, custom content will be inserted below each of your posts.

function add_post_content($content) {
	if(!is_feed() && !is_home()) {
		$content .= '<p>This article is copyright &copy; '.date('Y').'&nbsp;'.bloginfo('name').'</p>';
	return $content;
add_filter('the_content', 'add_post_content');

Thanks to Jeff Starr for the great snippet!

By the way, if you need any kind of WordPress help I’m happy to inform you that I’m starting to work freelance. Don’t hesitate to contact me to get a quote for your new project!

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WordPress tip: Insert custom content after each post

Php Insert & Select Querry

Php Insert & Select Querry
Hello and thanks for reviewing my project.

I need this completed within the next 3-5 hours please. No Multi Tasking. I require your complete attention please. Message me via yahoo messanger to get started once I select your bid.

I have already prepped the logic and all SQL tables and fields and all the html so it will save time.

The project is to make this html demo admin section work. Please click around there are 5 pages total.

I only made it 5 pages because it is HTML.

You will make 1 PHP file that does the same thing. Depending on the url string is what page you show.

I do not want more than 1 php file for this. we call it admin_products.php. If you don’t already understand how todo this please don’t bid.

EXPERTS ONLY – I have a lot of experience with begginer and expert and if you are expert this should only take a few hours.

also ..notice the left navigation menu …you need to make this work calling tables category and subcategory and place (?) how many products are in that subcategory. It needs to be a dynamic sql navigation bar so that I can just place a tag to call it {$left_nav_bar} probably need to make a script that makes it ..then smarty assign the tag…

Joomla Website-module2

Joomla Website-module2

Create a custom extension for Joomla website built in Module 1. This is a “for landlords only” section:

Create a system for landlords (owners) to log in to their own private folder on the site to access reports on their own rental properties. Owners can see info only their own properties, not anyone else’s.

The owners folders should be on a SSL if that is possible. I will provide SSL certificate and IP for this section. If we can’t put just the owners section in SSL, then we will have to put the whole site in https.

Create a “home” page for each owner’s folder. Home page should contain links to reports pages: “rental log”, “tenant information page”, “financial recap page”, “feedback form”, and “rental calendar”. Integrate data from reports from separate property management software program into “financial recap”,”tenant information” and “rental log” pages. (Information on integration to be supplied once project is in progress.)

Set up an admin page for extension so that site admin can add additional owners folders via the Joomla admin panel. Admin should be able to assign a login and password to each private folder. Landlords’ names and email addresses should be in a separate table so that newsletter extension added in Module 1 can be used to send monthly updates to landlords only.

Admin should be able to add more pages to the owners’ folders in the future–i.e., article pages, monthly updates, etc.

See attached proposed site design layout for how landlord section integrates into full website.

Please bid on Module 1 and Module 2 –I would prefer to work with the same person on both. Project is broken into two parts so you can get paid incrementally.

Need 200 Articles

Need 200 Articles

I need 200 articles with the following specifications:
Low keyword density
300 words each
100% original
Various topics

The articles must be delivered at a rate of 5 a day or the project will be cancelled after the first weekly payment.
Payment is made once a week only, so no bidders who need faster payment.
Payment is made through paypal.
Serious writers only please, who can start immmediately.


Joomla Website-module 1

Joomla Website-module 1

1. Install Joomla v1.5 on my server for a property rentals company website. (Latest stable version)

2. Install new template on Joomla site (to be obtained by me and provided to you, modify with images I supply to you.

3. Set up the following pages on the site through the admin panel:
“Rental Policies”, “Tenants Page”, “About Us”, “For Realtors”, “Neigbhborhood Info”, “Maintenance Requests”, “Rental Application”. Rental application and Maintenance request pages should also have a printer-friendly version.

4. Install the following extensions and integrate with site — extensions will be purchased or obtained by me and provided to you:

Property listings module: “Intellectual Property” by

Testimonials module:

Newsletter mailing module:

5. Set up WordPress blog on my server for the same company — I will provide you with a different IP for this. Link to joomla website.

Attached proposed site layout shows structure of site. The section on the wire frame called “Rental Index” is the property listing extension noted above. The section titled “Landlords” is subject of Module 2, to be done after Module 1 is completed.

Please bid on Module 1 and Module 2 –I would prefer to work with the same person on both. Project is broken into two parts so you can get paid incrementally.

Php Insert & Select Querries

Php Insert & Select Querries
Hello and thanks for reviewing my project.

I need this completed within the next 3-5 hours please. No Multi Tasking. I require your complete attention please. Message me via yahoo messanger to get started once I select your bid.

I have already prepped the logic and all SQL tables and fields and all the html so it will save time.

The project is to make this html demo admin section work. Please click around there are 5 pages total.

I only made it 5 pages because it is HTML.

You will make 1 PHP file that does the same thing. Depending on the url string is what page you show.

I do not want more than 1 php file for this. we call it admin_products.php. If you don’t already understand how todo this please don’t bid.

EXPERTS ONLY – I have a lot of experience with begginer and expert and if you are expert this should only take a few hours.

also ..notice the left navigation menu …you need to make this work calling tables category and subcategory and place (?) how many products are in that subcategory. It needs to be a dynamic sql navigation bar so that I can just place a tag to call it {$left_nav_bar} probably need to make a script that makes it ..then smarty assign the tag…

Thematic WordPress Theme

Thematic WordPress Theme
Convert a Photoshop file into a wordpress theme using the Thematic theme framework fork called “Buddymatic”. Do design required, but firm CSS skills needed.

Your theme must pass yslow with good marks (we will help with server optimization).
You’ll need to use the funcitons.php as much as possible and work to reduce the number of files and file size.

If you work great in CSS-driven layouts, have an eye for typography, and work quickly with theme frameworks and child themes, this project can turn into a long-term arrangement.

Posts – 50 X 100 Linkvana

Posts – 50 X 100 Linkvana
Im looking for someone to login into my Linkvana account –
and write 50 original articles which include specific keywords.
These must be completed within 24 hours, each one be 100 words long and you must be able to write well in English.

Please PM me, include the word ‘chocolate’ in your message and email me a sample of your work, or link to your work.