English Vocabulary Writer

I am looking for English vocabulary writer in a matter of one day……you should be a native English ….otherwise do not bid …..I am looking for 300 words of vocabularies in : politics, entertainment, and business.

check sample attached…..You will complete starting from number 13…
Time frame is 2 days……this should be a quick easy money for the right person.

all work will be check for plagiarism before payment ….you should write your own nice unique words…..sense of humor is a bonus though.

Ruby Project

I believe these 3 fixes are for an ROR site. I’m not 100% sure. I’m wiling to pay $125-175 for this work. Since it’s only 3 fixes I’d need it done in 7 days or less. I’ll pick someone fast, so please be around today to accept the project.

Test account has been created on the system (svn.sunta(remove_this)gma.com) so that you can take a look at the existing work:

Loging 2kcompsol

Password Guest$#pwd

The code you will want to look at is under ‘demo’

Please let me know if everything looks OK so that we can finalize the details and get started. Thanks.

Background: the website/company is being built around a patent-pending secure communications technology that works with minimal user setup. So, for example, I could send you a secure email, and neither of us has to create an account (or use a key or remember a password, etc.) to do it. Also, messages can be managed even after they’re sent, so you’ll be able to set expiration times, recall messages, modify content, audit message histories, etc.

There are really three elements to the project at the current stage:
1. Clean up the message composition interface: it’s pretty rudimentary right now (done with basic form-entry boxes and TinyMCE for the message content), and I’d like it to look a bit more polished.
2. Message inbox: Again, the current interface for viewing sent/received messages is pretty basic. I think a tabbed view of the inbox would be great (for example tabs across the top of the screen for All messages, Message type 1, Message type 2) with a simple search function.
3. Basic management interface: just something that we can use to see who is registered/using the site and that allows us to email those users with updates about the service.

More Details

1. Message Composition/Editing interface:
I would like a simple interface that lets the user compose or edit a message of either type (regular message or a document upload). I think the text formatting features of the current site are fine, but the page design makes it look like a form rather than an interface for a webmail client. I generally like the look/layout of Gmail, so perhaps that can be a rough guide. One thing to note is that the user should be able to select whether they are composing a regular message or uploading a file/document. If they are uploading a document, the text input area should change to reflect that they are entering document tagging information not email text (and should probably have an adjacent text label that says “Labels” or “Tags” so that the user knows what to type in that area). The user should be able to attach a file (or several) to a regular text/email message as well.

2. Inbox:
Again, using Gmail as a rough guide should be fine here. The main thing to remember is that there are a few different views possible: entire Inbox, just text/email messages, just documents. So, tabs on either the top of the page or on the side of the page that allow the user to quickly choose the main view they are looking for would be ideal. Also, a search box that allows the user to search the text of messages/document tags should be positioned in an area that is accessible and intuitive. Additional links to the user’s sent messages and deleted messages should be provided at the left side of the screen (or elsewhere if that makes sense once you have put together a layout). Message controls (edit message, reply, delete, etc.) should be provided as well. The inbox should list the sender, subject, provide an icon or short descriptor associated with the type, and timestamp (when sent or when last modified). The inbox should lead to a message view screen that lets the user view the message and view all the message details (sender, recipient, full subject, any text, any attachments, audit information–time sent by the sender, time received/accessed, time modified).

3. Management interface:
I would like to be able to quickly review/manage the registered user accounts in the system. So, for example, I would like to be able to view things like the number of messages a user has sent. Also, I would like to be able to quickly email users about updates to the site, etc. I think it should be pretty standard management info, and a tabbed view based on the type of action would be great. For example, one tab for viewing user information, one for contacting users.

Reskin Of .net Site

I’m willing to pay $100-160 for this work. It must be done in 15 days or less. I’ll pick someone for this in a day or two, so make sure to be on this site tonight and tomorrow.

This is a website reskin project. The site that needs to be reskinned has been developed with ASP.NET C# and SQL Server. We would like to use this as the basis for the new website, with one small layout alteration.

Basically what you are doing is taking my client site here:

The site to be reskinned is http://industry.man(remove_this)goes.net.au/
And putting a new design for it which will be for a new company. So it will have the same structure as their old site but a new design. They will provide 95% of the designs.

The existing site, has simple CMS functionality, and we require the site to be skinned with our new design.

The site must display both English and Spanish languages. The CMS must be able to update both versions, and the user can select either English or Spanish as the website language. You’ll need to have a part in the back where you can enter in English text and Spanish text for page.

The existing menu of the site also needs to be changed from Flash to Javascript and function in the same way.

All website files will be provided, such as .NET source code and .SQL file for the database.

Illustrator CS4 files will be provided as the design. Site must use DIV/CSS and not table layouts.

The final site must be cross browser compliant for the following browsers: Internet Explorer 7 and 8/Firefox 3/Safari 4+/Google Chrome 3.0.195, on both PC and Mac operating systems.