Joomla Virtue Upload Fix Req

Hi i have a site please go to link

click on the Step 3 checkout option order it will take you to upload section where you can upload your image

here i have virtueupload 1.4 older version now i bought new version and i want that version on that place

please ping me if you have done that type of job before.


Facebook Fans/likes – 1000

New Fan page needs 1000 Facebook Fans fast!

You must have experience of creating Facebook fans without getting banned from FB.

1. Fan’s must be from Los Angeles network

2. We are looking for Fans not friends, you will not have access to log into the page.

3. Fans must be real accounts

4. Fans must not be SPAM accounts, or those at risk of being quickly suspended

5. If fans are added in a way that results in our accounts being suspended, you will not be paid.

6. Only 5% of deflection will be tolerated. Other than that, fans outside the network desired or that cancel during the project will not be paid.

7. Must be done in 7 days.

8. Escrow will be paid every 250 fans.

Please type “happy to help” in your bid or in your PM to show me you’ve read this description.

If this project is done successfully, there will be additional pages to follow.

Simple Tech Stuff… 2

Looking for a tech guy (or girl) who can do VERY SIMPLE TECH STUFF!

This task should be very, VERY, easy to do if you know how to do it.

Budget is $60(USD)

I need the following done:

**Install Easy Member Pro (membership software) to my site and
configure it to my liking. There is some specifics that I will

**Add “meta tags” to all membership ship pages. These are the
same pages that you will most likely use with the EMP. The
meta tags should prevent them from being indexed.

**Configure my Affiliate Page. I will be providing the text
version of my page to you. The page should almost resemble
this one: It also needs
to have the scrolls for the email slots, as well

**Configure my CSS table on my backend page. The table should
have a double border around it, and the border should be black
and blue. THE BORDER WILL RESEMBLE THIS: Make sure you take
note of the border. The table itself should be that size that’s
in the example above.

**Turn my headlines and sub headlines into graphics, just like this
If you look at the headline and sub headline, they’re graphics.


These are task that I do not have time for, but these ARE NOT HARD
AND NOT TIME CONSUMING TASKs. All of these things can get done in a
couple of hours TOPS!

My budget, as you already have seen, is $60 USD. If you bid lower
then that and can prove that you can do those SIMPLE tasks above
I will hire you and you will most likely be my new “tech guy”

I have 4-5 small tasks that need to be done this week as well, so
if you bid lower then $60 and you have experience with the tasks above
I will hire you. I will provide you with all of your tools, you just
have to put it together. I have uploaded a couple of pages, so you can
understand a little better

Happy Bidding

Html Coding For A Simple Web 3

Need someone that knows how to make a website template. I have all of the graphics already made, autoresponder code, and wireframe for you.

This should be VERY easy for someone that knows how to make a site.

I will need a squeeze page and sales page, as well as a thank you page.

I will also ask that you notate within the code area’s that I can edit…such as pictures, headlines, etc. I do not know much html and the notes you leave will help me edit it if I need to.

Please give me your bid and time estimate when replying. I need this done sooner rather than later, so please do not bid if you are very busy and this will take you too much time.

Also, when replying to this post, please include the word “PHOTO” in the title so I know you are not a bot.

My consultant says it should take 8 to 12 houre to complete.

An example site that I like is: http:/ and this page: http:/

Add Pics That Link To Menu

I have blank content pages in my shopping cart script. I need you to take images from the sub-categories and add links that point to the sub-categories, and put them on the ‘Parent’ categories pages as seen on this page:|&cat=76&shop=1

I will pay .50/page and there are about 40 pages that need linked pics.

I also have some work adding images to product descriptions that have no images yet. the images will need to be taken from the web.

I would you to start the work right away.

Five 100 One Way Linkbuilding

I’m willing to pay $100-150 for this work.

I need 500 five one way links to my site. That’s 500 PR3-4+ permanent, one-way, relevant back links needed for a site. Link pages must be related to the site (it’s a dating site). Specific keywords and corresponding page urls will be provided. Based on results, this could turn into a long term monthly contract.

This project is for expert link builders only! If you are new to link building, please save us both the time, money and hassle. ***

Please submit a couple of sample links with your bid and provide details on how you intend to achieve these 1000 one way links. Bids without explanations will be ignored. ***

REMEMBER THIS SITE AND ME ARE ARE A SIDE PROJECT OF MY IT COMPANY. So we are going to check each line. If any black hat or grey hat tactics are used then you will be off this project!!

– Absolutely no black hat or grey hat tactics. We require white hat techniques only.
– Links must be strictly from Google PR3-4+ pages (home page page rank, iframes, other page ranks does NOT count)
– Backlink pages must relate to our site topic
– Free one-way manual links.
– Maximum 1 link per page, 2 links per domain.
– No more than 20 links must be submitted per day.
– Links must be from English UK, language websites only.
– Links must be from Uk Sites.(gambling prefered)
– Maximum of 15 external links on the link pages.
– Links must be permanent and static html. You agree to replace any links which are removed within 6 months after placement.
– Text links only, no graphics.
– Link pages and our text links must be visible, readable, indexable and do-follow.
– Linked sites must be search engine friendly, established and fully active.
– Pages must be indexed and cached by, Yahoo and Bing within last 30-60 days
– Domains must be from different IP addresses and different Class-C IP addresses.
– Prefer authoritative domains (.com/.net/.biz/.org/.us/.gov/.edu/)
– Prefer high ranking Alexa sites.
– No article directories, link farms, forums, spam sites, web rings, adult sites, or link directories.
– We reserve the right to cancel any link if not found suitable.
– Links that are not approved will have to be replaced by service provider.
– Reports must be submitted to us daily.

(write “i am the real deal” in the end of your bid so i know you read all the details)

*** YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE THE FOLLOWING METhODS TO ADD LINKS. IF you use these methods it’s only allowed if you want to do 2500 links
So it’s up to you. 500 real links or 2500 whitehat links that use these methods ***
– No directory submissions, forum posts, article submissions, links from guest books, within newsgroups, yahoo groups, CL sites.
– No black hat and other unethical SEO. spam techniques. Only ethical work will be accepted.
– No links from rel=”nofollow” or “noindex” tag for pages themselves and for anchor text
– No robots.txt blocking, fake PR, banned by Google, Yahoo, Bing sites
– No use of automated software or bots.
– No java links, jump scripts, framed pages, redirects, cloaking, CSS redirects, 301 redirects, dynamic links, flash sites/pages, hidden links, no string parameters, session ID’s, etc.
– No link farms and link exchange programs or web rings such as,,, etc., no rented links, FFA sites, gambling, adult & porn sites, pharmacy sites, illegal websites, hate-based websites, violent websites, cracking or hacking websites, no blacklisted or spam sites, links from “bad neighborhood” sites (e.g. link farms, porn and so on), ping sites, etc.
– No scraped content, mirror sites, orphaned link pages, link schemes and sites overrun with contextual ads, popups, ads, sponsored links, intrusive advertising, classified sites, labeled links, etc.

Oscommerce Google Base And Xml

We have an OSCommerce website and we would like the following done:

1.) Upgrade OSCommerce version.
2.) Install Google Base module so we can upload products to Google.
3.) Ability to upload supplier csv to upload products/feed from supplier.
4.) Image feed from supplier
5.) XML Ordering from supplier i.e. when customer orders on our site, order goes to supplier in xml format via ftp.

Programm on IPhone and Android with Facebook API by erychkov

The Programm should enable to input the place and time when and in where the user will be. And to search similar users by city and time. It should work through facebook. After download the user synchronize with facebook connect, and adds data about new trip The user can search people there… (Budget: $250-750, Jobs: Android, Facebook, iPhone)