Univeristy Of Phoenix(vb.neti)

Change Request #16

Requestor: Dwain Hammer – Billings, MT

Write the program in VB.Net (not Web based) using a loan amount of $200,000 with an interest rate of 5.75% and a 30 year term. Display the mortgage payment amount. Insert comments to document the program.

Change Request #17

Requestor: Dwain Hammer – Billings, MT

Write the program in VB.Net (not Web based) and have it accept user input of the amount, term and interest rate. Display the mortgage payment amount. Then, list the loan balance and interest paid for each payment over the term of the loan. The list will be longer than the screen, so use loops to display a partial list, hesitate, and then display more of the list. Insert comments to document the program.

Change Request #18

Requestor: Dwain Hammer – Billings, MT

Write the program in VB.Net (not Web based). Use a loan of $200,000 and have it calculate the payment amount for three mortgage loans:

– 7 years at 5.35%
– 15 years at 5.5%
– 30 years at 5.75%

Use an array for the different loans. Display the mortgage payment amount for each loan. Insert comments to document the program.

Change Request #19

Requestor: Dwain Hammer – Billings, MT

Write the program in VB.Net (not Web based). Use a loan of $200,000 and have it calculate the payment amount for three mortgage loans:

– 7 years at 5.35%
– 15 years at 5.5%
– 30 years at 5.75%

Use an array for the different loans. Display the mortgage payment amount for each loan. Then, list the loan balance and interest paid for each payment over the term of the loan. Insert comments to document the program.

WordPress Theme Updates 2

I need some updates to the wordpress theme
display from kriesi.

1. I need a new Blog-Page-Template that displays the posts like a real-estate theme (you only have to implement the template and the styles, i will integrate the fields bymyself) (see http://www.ipc-immobilien.de/index.php4?cmd=searchResults&ImmoniaSession=70f2cbdd40f5d32a49f66a5c0bfebb5d&kategorieids=&zimmerMin=&zimmerMax=&flaecheKatAbhaengigMin=&flaecheKatAbhaengigMax=&grundflaecheMin=&grundflaecheMax=&baujahrMin=&baujahrMax=&kaufartids=&preisMin=&preisMax=&plzMin=&plzMax=&ortname=).

2. Remove the own menu-code and implement the new wordpress menu-functions from wp 3.0.

3. The possibility to define the height of the homepage slider, so it’s possible to make the slider more smaller.

4. Support for the new wordpress thumbnail functions. If no thumbnail is defined an image from a custom-field must be resized with timthumb. If no image is defined the first image from attachment will be taken.

5. An automated image-gallery at single.php and page.php that will take the images from attachments. (like http://neu.kln-muenchen.de/verkauf/gewerbeobjekte-verkauf/ladenverkaufsflachen-verkauf/buroeinheit-im-tal-bestlage-altstadt/ or some more nicer)

6. A new Colorset that fits to our logo.

7. Theme must be fully localized. (with __ and _e)

8. A printable (with a nice layout) CSS (for all styles).

For a wordpress expert this are only some hours. So please make realistic bids.
I’m also a wordpress developer.

WordPress Theme Expert 2

I need a wordpress theme expert and high quality designer to create a new wordpress theme.

My Theme is :

Footage ‘shows hostages in Niger’

But i need a menu like the one from

Oxygen (Electronic)

I also need a news-ticker widget like the one from

PPC Expert Needed. Profit Sharing 50/50 !@ by cadeicon

I also need the tabbed-page-template (display sub-pages as tabbed-pages) from

PPC Expert Needed. Profit Sharing 50/50 !@ by cadeicon

Should be done in 2 days.

The programmer/designer who worked good will get some other doing for this theme in the next week.

Payment and Terms:
I only pay with escrow payment. 50% upload in front. 50% upload after the first milestone is done. Payment will only be released after work is finished.
If you can’t do the required work in time or not full as required, the project will be canceled without any payment.
You have to upload daily the ongoing work to my demo-server.
With your bid you agree to this terms.

Drupal Theme Designer – Design to PSD to Drupal Theme by yinyang042

I am looking for a very high level graphic designer that can develop custom web 2 layouts from the design information provided by me. From there once we have made 1 round of revisions you will convert the design into a DRUPAL theme… (Budget: $250-750, Jobs: Drupal, Website Design)

10 More Awesome Web Development Screencasts and Presentations

Last year, around this time, we posted an enlightening list of twenty web development video screencasts from around the web. Today, the same tradition continues, a bit expanded with some presentations from the web world.

1. Infinite Carousel

Remy Sharp from jQuery for Designers teaches you how to make an infinite sliding carousel, much like the one that used to be featured on Apple’s website.

The tutorial itself is forty minutes long, but is also available in article form on the website.

2. Choosing the Right CSS Framework

SitePoint CTO, Kevin Yank, presented this talk at Web Directions South 2009 in Sydney, Australia. In this session, the landscape of CSS frameworks was surveyed.

There are a number of different approaches, and some are better than others. Choose the right framework and youíll save yourself a lot of work. Choose the wrong one, and youíll find your projects weighed down by restrictive assumptions and masses of code that you don’t understand. When it comes to CSS frameworks, making the right choice is everything. By the end of this session, you might just decide that the right framework for you is no framework at all.

3. Styling an Individual article in WordPress

As many of you might know, the “individual article style” movement is becoming more and more popular these days in the blogosphere. Starting with an excellent designer and primarily influenced by print design, this is one of the most exciting features to be widely deployed in blogs.

In the screencast, Chris Coyier from CSS Tricks, discusses how to replicate a similar art style in WordPress and takes you through the process of making one of his styled blog posts.

4. Six Things Every jQuery Developer Must Know

Elijah Manor, a developer for Sommet Group, shares some great tips for jQuery developers in this hour-long video presentation you should definitely check out.

Note: Although all the facts from the presentation are well explained, you should still have at least a basic understanding of jQuery and JavaScript before watching. We recommend learning from ThemeForest’s jQuery basics screencast series.

5. Why ExpressionEngine is Great for Designers

As said before, Jason Santa Maria is one of the original movers of implementing some elements from print design to the web. What many don’t know is that his own site is actually developed around ExpressionEngine, an excellent CMS.

Jonathan’s presentation provides great examples of some sites and design companies that are using ExpressionEngine. He then provides an excellent walkthrough of all the features and power that the CMS has.

6. ASP.NET from Scratch

In case you missed it, Jeremy McPeak started an ASP.NET series here on Nettuts+ several months ago, teaching you how to code from an absolute zero.

So far we’ve covered the installation, making a simple contact form, some C# basics, SQL server and master pages, but you can expect more tutorials coming in the future; so stay tuned!

7. 18-part WordPress Series

The former Themeforest blog still has some great stuff on it. One of them is this eighteen-part tutorial series on how to build a complete WordPress site.

This is a must-watch for every beginning WordPress developer, since everything from installation to slicing and coding a website is covered. (And even you, experienced developers, could use a reminder – right? :) )

8. WordPress Security Tips

Along with a great article, Brad Williams provides a video presentation of some of the best WordPress tricks you can do to aid your on line security. Be sure to read thoroughly, because this might just be the best thing to happen to your WordPress installation in years!

9. The Future of HTML 5

Bruce Lawson gave this talk at FOWA London 2009 about the HTML 5 (originally called “Web Applications 1.0″) specification and its implementation in modern browsers.

He claims that it is “a pimped-up version of HTML 4,” and also shows you a couple of cool demos which embrace its power to the fullest.

10. How to Design a Portfolio Site

In this two-part series, designer Elliot Jay Stocks discusses the process involved around building his own portfolio, and also shares some useful tips on designing portfolios in general.

The first part is mostly oriented around design, while Elliot reviews the HTML, CSS and PHP (for WordPress) in the second part.

I hope you found this list helpful, since I tried to encorporate a bit of everything. Do you think any other videos deserve to be here? I’d love to talk with you in the comments.

For experienced programmer on JSP/Javascript/STRUTS/Ajax by jrlprt

Hi, I need a helper to help me with a small feature that we want to add to our current application. You’ll be working with me (I will code with you). Must be an expert on Javascript/JAVA/JSP/STRUTS/MySQL We are in US timezone so working together at least a few hour in our day time is needed… (Budget: $30-250, Jobs: AJAX, Java, Javascript, JSP)